Sebastian Vettel - Champion

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A/N: Requested by @JoZann . Hope everyone enjoys this one. Be sure to vote and comment. Much love .xx

It was the final race of the season, a nerve wracking race as the winners of the drivers and constructors championship will finally be announced depending on Ferrari's finish. Seb was stressed out but at the same time he was hyped to give it his all and finally finish the season on a good note.

Everyone in the Ferrari garage had a mix of emotions, excited and sad including myself. Excited to have a good finish and saddened that the season has ended.

All I remember after the race was over is everyone screaming and cheering in the garage. We were all ecstatic to see Seb finishing in first place which him as well as the team had won both the drivers and constructors championship. I was pulled by Britta in midst of screaming to wish Seb on the radio.

"Well done baby ! I'm so so proud of you. You're a 5 time world champion. Love you champ, you earned it" I yelled in excitement on the team radio. "Love you, Liebe. Grazie ragazzi" he replied back on the radio.

I followed the team to watch him go up on the podium. I hadn't realised I began to tear until Britta started to rub my arm. I wiped away my tears and waited intently to see him on the podium. I screamed as loud as I could when they called out his name. He clearly heard me because he started to laugh as we walked up to the podium. He removed his cap and stood proud as the national anthem had began to play. The poor baby started to cry, he was probably feeling overwhelmed right now.

Everyone applauded and cheered after the national anthem, when they had finally handed his trophy he kissed it and waved at the crowd. My champ. Once the podium ceremony was over, I headed back to the garage to wait for Seb. Whilst I was scrolling through my social media, I spotted a few clips from the post-race interview. I burst out laughing at the clips, earning a few stares from others but I brushed it off since I couldn't hold it in.

I hadn't noticed Britta come up to me, "What or who, should I say, made you laugh like this ?" She asked. "I believe only one man, even when he's physically not around" I said as I then looked up at her. "What did he do this time ?" She smiled. I showed her the video which she then also burst out laughing and our laughter died when the man himself walked towards us. "What's so funny ?" He asked confused. "You"
I said as my laughter died down.

"What did I do ?" He asked confused yet again. "Your answers for your post race interviews...they were something else" I shook my head. "Ohhhh" he said as his face then lit up. "We should get going, we have to go to the Amber Lounge for the after party" he said as he shoved his hands into his pants. I nodded and then got up, I greeted Britta goodbye before following him back to our hotel.

"Fair enough you know how to make a baby but I'd like to know what would you tell Lewis and Max if they phoned you to ask about how to have one ?" I asked as we walked down the hall to our room. "Uh....I mean" he started to get nervous as he ran his fingers through his hair. "You know what, don't answer that" I laughed as we then got into our shared hotel room.

As I was getting dressed, I decided to pop the question, "So do you not want to be in free practice anymore ?" I asked as I slipped on my dress whilst he got changed.


He popped his head through the door still shirtless as he looked at me in the mirror

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He popped his head through the door still shirtless as he looked at me in the mirror. "I'm ready whenever you are" he smiled then left to continue changing. I pressed my lips together and didn't bother saying anything.

After getting dressed, he called after me which I gave myself one last look before walking out of the bathroom. "Wunderschönen (Beautiful)" he murmured as I walked out. "You always look handsome" I smiled as I then entwined our fingers as we headed to the Amber Lounge.

I had a feeling that tonight we're not going to be there for long, parties aren't his vibe and he just looked really tired but didn't want to seem like a spoilt sport. After standing at the bar for about 30 minutes, he was taking forever to finish his bottle of beer and well tonight I wasn't in the mood to drink. "You're bored aren't you ?" I asked as I leaned beside him against the bar counter.

"What makes you think that" he faked a laugh. "Do you think I'm blind ?" I asked as I narrowed my eyes at him. "Do you mind if we go ?" He sulked. "I knew we would leave soon, if you aren't having any fun then how will I ? I asked as I entwined our fingers again and headed back to our room.

"Sorry" he says as I pushed open the door. "What for ?" I asked confused. "For ruining the celebration for you. I'm just tired and you know I don't do well with parties" he said as he laid flat on the bed. "You're being ridiculous now, I don't care about the party, I care about you. If you're not happy then I'm also unhappy okay. Parties come and go so it's nothing. I could tell how tired you are" I said as I went to the bathroom to strip off my clothes and into my pj's.

When I got back to the bed, he already stripped off his clothes and was only in his boxers. When I joined him under the covers, his arms immediately wrapped around my torso and he pulled me closer to him. "I thought you would be asleep" I said. "How can I have a good sleep without you by my side, Liebe" he murmured in my hair. "So about the whole free practice thing earlier" he started. "Before you try to finish, I'll do the honours. So we can both move to qualifying but right now...we sleep" I said as I placed my hand on top of his. "Oh my really ?" He asked in shock and happiness. "Mhm you got it" I smiled half awake. "Now at least I know I have something to do that will occupy me during this break" he said as a smile grew on my face.

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