Lewis Hamilton - Christmas Visit

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A/N: Last Christmas request by @amjhurk . Hope you all enjoy this. Wishing everyone that's celebrating a merry Christmas, hope your day is filled with love and happiness with your loved ones. Much love to you all .xx

2018 had been an amazing year that I couldn't complain about. Like for starters, a round of applause for Lewis building up the courage to finally ask me to be his girlfriend after being his best friend for so many years. I know what you're thinking, why didn't I just make the first move ? Well, I didn't want to take the risk of losing a best friend but little did I know he felt the same way.

To my surprise he asked me to spend Christmas with him this year so he can finally introduce me to his family, this had to be serious if I'm meeting his family right ? I tried to seem calm and my usual self on the outside but I was nervous as heck on the inside.

I was at home at the time when he told me a week in advance to come over to England to meet his family. I was hesitant on going since Lewis and I haven't even dated for a year yet but we've been best friends since like the last 5 years - crazy long. I spoke to my mum about it in hopes she could give me some tips on what to do but of course I didn't learn anything new as I already thought of doing what she told me which was to keep calm and be myself.

When I arrived in England I landed on Christmas Eve which I'm glad it was a bit quiet out here but of course it was since I landed late in the evening, I reassured Lewis that I'd meet him tomorrow morning as it would be too late for him to meet me now and I can just take a taxi to my hotel.

The next morning I got up early since Lewis was going to fetch me so we can go over to his house where his family was already waiting for us.

When I walked down to the lobby, I spotted Lewis already outside waiting in a Porsche. I got inside and looked to him to see he already had a smile on his face. "Merry Christmas babe" I said as I kissed his cheek. "Same to you baby" he said as he then pulled my face to plant a kiss on my lips. He then put the car into drive and we were on our way. "So I'm meeting your whole family today ?" I asked as I played with my fingers and shook my leg. "You're nervous" he said as he took a quick glance at me then back at the road.

I stopped what I was doing then turned to look at him in shock, "How do you know ?" I asked. "We've been best friends for so many years, I'm not stupid. You asked me this about 10 times this whole week, I see you playing with your fingers and I notice your leg shaking" he said. "I hate how you know me so well" I rolled my eyes. He had one hand on the steering wheel whilst the other held my hand, "Look, theirs no need to get nervous, my family is going to love you and I can assure you of that so calm down" he said as he caressed my hands.

I let out a sigh, "Okay, if you say so" I said. "Play some music to help you get rid of your nerves, I mean that's what I do before races" he said as he gave me a small smile. I nodded my head as I pulled out my phone and played my music on shuffle and the first song that played was 'Drip' by Cardi B (feat. Migos). I burst out laughing since he had a post up a while ago with the caption 'Came thru dripping 💦💦' and got hated on by Nicki's fans.

"Are you kidding me ?" He asked as he hit the steering wheel. "I swear I didn't do it on purpose" I said as I tried to stop laughing. "Yeah sure" he rolled his eyes. "You know I love you" I smiled as I looked at him adoringly. "Yeah I know" he glanced at me. "But we gotta admit that was funny" I giggled. "(Y/N)...I hate you" he said. "You're lying" I smiled at our entwined hands. He smiled to himself and didn't say anything.

When we jumped out of the car, I stood by the door for a few seconds as the nerves built up again. "Hey, it's going to be okay" he snapped his fingers in front of me. I nodded my head and entwined our fingers as we walked to the front door.

As soon as we entered the house I was engulfed in hugs by his family, his mum, dad, step mum, sister, brother, his girlfriend, his niece and nephew.

My nerves had went away once I started talking to them, it felt like I was amongst my own family since they were all so friendly and bubbly. I would say I worried for absolutely nothing. It felt like I was at home.

We all ate lunch together and after that the kids had insisted on me watching a movie with them which I was more than happy to. After that they opened presents and moved the conversation over to the couch, they asked me about myself and my family which I didn't mind answering their questions as they were just being friendly.

After much conversation, sadly his dad, brother and girlfriend had to leave. "Thanks for today Lew, we had a great time. It was a pleasure to finally meet you (Y/N), he always gushes about you and now we know why" Nicolas said as he hugged Lewis then hugged me. "Ahh okay, I'm flattered. It was so lovely to meet you all" I smiled. "You should bring her over more often" his dad said. "Oh I definitely will" Lewis said from beside me. After we waved them off, I went to the kitchen to tidy up and to do the dishes since it was getting late anyway.

His mum, sister and the kids were staying over for the night since the kids wanted to spend the night with their uncle. As I was tidying up, I felt a presence enter the kitchen, "What are you doing ?" He asked confused. "Uhh I'm clearly out here cleaning" I said as I showed my soapy hands. "Don't worry about it, the maid will clean it up tomorrow morning" he said as he walked closer to me. "You know I can't stand things being untidy and it's getting late too" I said as I turned to look at him leaning against the counter next to me.

"Look at me, stop worrying about it, it will be cleaned tomorrow in the morning" he said, I looked at him for a brief second then rinsed the remainder of soap off my hands and dried them. He turned me around and pushed me up against the counter. "I told you that you had nothing to worry about. My family loves you, you stressed for nothing as always" he said as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pressed his forehead against mine. My arms moved to wrap around his neck, "Thank you for today, I really had fun. Your family is so sweet, they remind me of my family" I smiled.

"I'm glad they finally got to meet you, now they know what I mean when I talk about you" he said softly. "Do you really ?" I asked as I tilted my head to the side. "Before we started dating I used to... a lot and I won't lie that now I still do" he smiled. "I love how you're so open about this to me" I giggled. "That's because I'm in love with you baby" he said as he then slowly leaned in. "OMG !" Willow screamed as she entered the kitchen. "Sorry sweetheart" I yelled as I then began laughing. "We scared off the poor child" I giggled.

"Not like it's going to be the first time she catches us on the act" he said as he then leaned in and connected his lips with mine. A perfect end to Christmas.

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