Max Verstappen - A Steamy Day

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A/N: Thank you to @Elineverstappen for the request ! PLEASE VOTE & COMMENT.

Warning: Slight smut & Language

Max had a strong start at the Monza GP as he went from P5 to P3. I felt bad for Daniel as he had another DNF, the poor thing just doesn't seem to get a break and I hope that it gets better for him in the next race.

The race was going well for Max until Valterri collided with him which resulted in a 5 second penalty. I could sense his anger as I could hear him through the headphones, he is fuming.


After the race, I stayed in the garage as I waited for him to come back

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After the race, I stayed in the garage as I waited for him to come back. He marched through the garage and into his drivers room without muttering a word to any of us. I could feel eyes on me and I turned to look back at Victoria as well as Max's mum, "I'll go talk to him" I said as I followed him to his room.

I knocked on his door as I waited for him to give me a signal to come in but I got no reply back. Just as I was about to knock again, the door opened wide and he walked pass me. "What the hell ?" I asked myself. He was already changed from his drivers suit to shorts and team shirt as well a cap. "Max !" I shouted as I jogged behind him. He didn't bother to answer back and continued walking.

His pace was too fast for me to catch up so I said I'd let him be and finish his interviews. I went back to where his family stood, "Any luck talking with him ?" Victoria asked. I shook my head in reply. "He has his moods, he should be fine later. We're going to head out now. We can maybe meet tonight for dinner if he's doing better ?" his mum said. "Yeah sure that's fine with me" I smiled. I hugged and waved them all off as they left the garage. I decided to wait in the garage as I don't expect the interviews to take that long.

I saw Daniel enter his side of the garage and decided to walk over to him. "Hey (Y/N), how you doing ? Its been a while since I last saw you" he smiled as he pulled me in for a hug. "I'm doing good but how about you ? I'm sure you must be disappointed in today's DNF because I know I am. Why can't you just get a break ?" I said as I left his embrace to look at him. "I'm pissed but it's okay, hopefully the next race will be better" he said. "I hope it gets better for you -" I was cut off by my name being called. "(Y/N), lets go" Max said in a stern voice.

"Well, looks like that's your call. It was great talking to you, we should hang out some time" Daniel said as he took a quick glance at Max behind me. I turned around to take a quick glance at Max as well and by the looks of his face he was clearly angry, "I guess it is and yeah I'd love to hang out, just message me whenever and we all could go out. Anyway bye" I said lastly as I gave him a hug and walked back to a very angry Max.

He grabbed my hand roughly and pulled me through the paddock to where his driver was waiting for him. "Are you okay ? I'm sorry about the race today I -" he cut me off yet again. "Can you just shut up ?" He said in anger. "What the actual fuck ? I've been trying to talk to you this whole day so we can talk this out but instead you just want to shut me out" I said as I raised my voice and pulled my hand away from his. "Don't make a scene" he said in a softer voice as he came up closer to my face.

"I don't give a damn if I'm causing a scene because I'm trying to be a good girlfriend and all you're doing is shutting me out...Go to the hotel on your own and I'll go on my own as well" I said as I crossed my arms over my chest. "You're coming with me whether you like it or not" he said in a serious tone and loud enough so only I could hear him. "Nah I'm good, I'll take a taxi and spend the rest of my day doing something worthwhile because even when your family thought I would be able to calm you down you still ain't calm" I said.

"Okay look I'm sorry. Now shut your pretty little mouth, get in the car and we can talk about this when we get back at the hotel okay ?" He said as he pointed towards the car ahead of us. I didn't say anything and just rolled my eyes. I walked sassily towards the car as he trailed behind me. Silence had filled the car as we both were seated in the back seat. He placed his hand on my thigh, I looked back at him but he pretended that the gesture wasn't intentional. I decided to leave it so I can vent my anger when we get back to the hotel.

The silence continued until we got back to the hotel room, the minute the door closed it was like hell broke loose. "Why the hell were you hugging Daniel ? That too you didn't even bother to look for me but you were stuck in conversation with him ?" He said as he raised his voice since it was now only the 2 of us away from the crowd.

"Excuse me, didn't we just get in an argument like 15 minutes back and I brushed it off. You have no reason to be mad right now other than the result from your race which I shall say again that I tried talking to you but you didn't want to listen" I said in an obvious tone.

"See ! You're avoiding the topic. You're into my fucking team mate aren't you ?" He said. "Hold the fuck up, Dan had a DNF, he may be your team mate but he's also my friend. I don't see why you're getting mad" I said and that's until it clicked. "Wait a second...are you jealous ?" I asked as a smirk grew on my face. "No I'm not jealous okay, I've had a shitty day and all I wanted was my girlfriend to be there for me but looks like she'd rather be their for someone else" he said as he took off his snapback and shirt. "Are you dumb or dumb ? You basically admitted to being jealous. Oh my gosh" I said as I burst out laughing.

He sat on the edge of the bed as he looked at me annoyed. "I don't see what's so funny" he said as he ran his fingers through his hair. "This is hella funny because you're jealous of me feeling sorry for Dan and when I was trying to calm you down earlier when I could've hugged, and kissed you, you simply walked away. You missed your chance because you chose to be mad all day...but the offer for me to calm you down is still on the table" I said as I bit my lip and took a few steps closer to him as I now stood in front of him.

He pulled me onto his lap and flipped our positions as I laid beneath him whilst he supported himself above me. "Can we skip to the part where we're making out and end up having make up sex ?" He asked as he looked down at me. I didn't reply as I had my hands around his neck and pulled him towards me to connect my lips with his . His hand massaged my thigh, slowly his hand made its way to my inner thigh which caused me to gasp. He took this opportunity to slip his tongue inside my mouth as we were now in a heated make-out session.

His hands moved to my chest as he massaged my breast through my dress. His hands moved to the zipper behind me and that's when I realised, "Omg Max I totally forgot your mum had invited us for dinner but she said that's if your mood is okay..." I trailed as I waited for an answer. "Well, I'm still pissed and I'm going to vent my anger out on you. That too who needs dinner when I can just eat you ?" He said as he got back to removing my dress.

A/N: THANK YOU FOR 1K & please bring out the holy water for me thanks 🙏🏽

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