Daniel Ricciardo - #63

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A/N: Requested by danricciardo3 . Hope you all enjoy this one. Be sure to vote & comment. Much love .xx

63. "Daddy won't be too happy if you do that!"

It was the Monday after the first race weekend of the 2019 season. Since the first race took place in Australia, we were able to go show our support for Daniel. His parents, Jaxon (our son) and I were the only ones who could make it, unfortunately Michelle and Isaac couldn't make it but they were sure to show their support back home.

It was a hectic race weekend filled with a mix of emotions, we were all so excited building up to Sunday, Daniel received a lot of love and support from the Aussie fans but the race day was quick to turn our mood sour. We all know how good Daniel is at late breaking so I figured it would go well for him on Sunday even if he didn't have the best qualifying result.

That was all until the five red lights went off, Daniel went too much off the track which he hit a curb and had no front wing. Gasps and looks of disappointment came from everyone on Daniel's side of the garage. Even after pitting, he eventually had a mechanical issue which he had to retire the car. Not the greatest start for the season but I'm glad he's not too saddened by it as it's only the first race, still 20 more to go.

Jaxon has been all over him this weekend, usually he's a mama's boy but surprisingly he wanted to be with his daddy all weekend. I think he likes the attention. Quite a relief for me that he's a very interactive and happy-go-lucky child, clearly a mini version of both Daniel and I. We did a good job.

Whilst Daniel was out with Michael to train, I had to deal with Jaxon's tantrums because he wants his daddy. What happened to this child over this weekend ? I tried to calm him down which I sadly failed, mama Grace offered to cheer him up too but that didn't work either, the only person left was papa Joe and he couldn't succeed at making him happy either.

I eventually took him back from papa Joe and carried him in my arms. I sat down on the couch in the lounge and turned him to face forward at the TV. I switched to Mickey Mouse and luckily that did the trick.

When Daniel hooted, Jaxon was quick to turn and look up at me, "Dada" he said as he pointed towards the kitchen. "I heard someone has been crying for me" Daniel yelled as he walked out from the kitchen. "Dada !" he screamed as he clapped his hands for Daniel. "Thank god you're back, he was driving me insane. Mum and Dad couldn't even do anything" I said as I stood up and handed him into Daniel's open arms. "Aww were you crying for me buddy ?" He asked Jaxon as he laid his head on his chest.

"I don't know what spell you casted on him, he ain't a mama's boy anymore...I want a daughter" I said as I walked into a kitchen. "That can be arranged" Daniel grinned as he followed me into the kitchen. "Not until we can control this ones tantrums" I huffed as I leaned against the counter top. "Poor (Y/N) couldn't get him to stop. You were just like that when you were small" mama Grace said. "Now we know where he gets it from" I giggled as I turned to look at the father and son. "That means he's also going to be as handsome as me. We have ourselves a ladies man" Daniel said which made us all laugh. "Starting them off young" papa Joe said. "Curls get the girls" I smiled as I wiggled my brows.

"That's how I got you" Daniel smiled. I walked over to Daniel to slip the sunglasses from his shirt and put them on. "I really like these, I'm gonna steal them if you don't mind" I said as I pulled a pose. "They do look good on you. What do you think, Jax ?" Daniel asked as he looked down at him. His hands were already out, now he wants them. I slipped them off and put them on for him, which we all were in awe at how cute he looked. "Look at him styling" Daniel said. "Too cute" I cooed as I cupped his face.

I then went around the counter to start making myself a peanut butter sandwich as my brunch snack as I haven't eaten yet and I don't have the patience to cook something right now. I started by buttering the bread, Daniel sat Jaxon on the counter whilst he got himself some water. Jaxon had taken off the sunglasses and started playing with it as if it's a toy, on the verge of breaking it. "Daddy won't be too happy if you do that!" I said sternly. He looked at me expressionless and continued to play with the sunglasses.

I took a spoonful of peanut butter ready to pop into my mouth but Daniel was quick enough to pull my hand and licked the peanut butter off. "Daniel !" I whined. "I just had to" he smiled as he leaned against the side of the counter. "I haven't eaten all day Dan" I pouted as I looked up at him. "My bad, sorry doll" he said as he cupped my cheeks and began peppering kisses all over my face. I giggled as his scruff tickled my cheeks, when he released his grip on my cheeks I died at the state before me. "Jax !" I shouted. He had peanut butter covered all over his face, hands, some on his legs and not forgetting the sunglasses.

"We didn't even turn our back for 5 minutes" Daniel said in disbelief. "Well since you need a shower and now so does he, you could do me a favour by giving him a bath. Call me when you guys are done" I said as I continued making my sandwich. "Yeah I think it's about time we have a girl" he said as he carried Jaxon. "I'm glad you agree" I smiled. "When he's asleep then you know what's going down" he winked and spanked my bum as he walked past me. I giggled as I shook my head. I'm around too many boys now, I think we do need ourselves a girl.

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