Billy Monger - Attentive

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A/N: Requested by @littlemissunnoticed . Hope you enjoy it. Be sure to comment and vote. Much love .xx

As an early birthday present, Billy had surprised me the other day saying that we're going for the F1 GP in Brazil. I won't forget how I started screaming, I was over the moon since I've been a big fan of the sport for many years through my dad and my brother.

He got invited by the team to be a guest of theirs for the weekend, he remembered to ask if he could bring a plus one since he knows what a fan girl I am.

As we strolled through the paddock, Billy was offered to get pushed on his wheelchair but he insisted that he was fine and he could do it himself.

It was a surreal feeling to watch them from the garage, never in my life did I think I would be standing in the Mercedes garage to support the team and Billy just so happened to make my dream into a reality.

It didn't feel like I asked him the same question almost every 5 seconds, but he took notice of it and brought it to my attention. "Are you okay ? Do you need anything ? Do you want me to help you ?" I asked probably for the 50th time. "Love, you've asked me the same question almost every second. The real question is, are you okay ?" He asked as he raised a brow.

"Psht yeah. I'm fine" I said casually. I wasn't fine, my inner fangirl is dying and wants to expose herself to the world. "No you're not" he said as he shook his head. "Uhh yeah I am" I said as I rolled my eyes. "You don't have to lie to me" he said as he glanced up at me. "What makes you think I'm lying ?" I laughed nervously. "That laugh right there just made it 10 times more obvious but other than that you've been playing with your fingers from the time we've left the hotel. Plus you just said 'I'm fine' and when women say that, they really aren't" he caught me by surprise.

"You actually pay attention to all that detail ?" I asked in shock. "Of course, I'm always hearing you out, watching the little things that you do. As creepy as it may sound, I'm your boyfriend for a year now so it's okay" he chuckled. "It's not really creepy, it's just that I'm stunned. I didn't expect you to know me that well" I pursed my lips as I glanced back at him. "Its been a year since we're official, a lot has happened in a year and I believe I know you better than you think" he grinned. I nodded my head, "So are you saying that you know what's going on mind right now ?" I asked as I raised a brow. "I'd like to think so, but I'll keep it to myself" he smiled. "Okay then" I grinned.

It was a nerve wracking race as today was the day that the constructors champion will be revealed, Lewis had already won the drivers championship in Mexico so it will be amazing to celebrate the teams success if Lewis and Valterri get a podium today.

I was amazed to see them to a pitstop in 2.3 seconds, I mean I see it on TV all the time but seeing it from the garage is something else, you just take in them pulling into the pits and before you can probably whip out your phone for a picture they're gone.

It was quite a battle as Max took first place but everything went downhill for him when Esteban tried to unlap himself, both cars ending up touching and spun around which cost them their places as Lewis managed to steal first place. I was the first one to start screaming in the garage, I didn't earn much stares as everyone began screaming just after I did. Billy just looked up at me and started laughing at my reaction, a fangirl just can't hold it in sometimes.

After the race was over, the team ran over to parc fermé whilst we stayed in the garage until the podium ceremony was over. As the ceremony was over, Billy was busy talking to a few members of the team whilst I just observed the garage. The noise in the garage began to get louder which I was so lost as to why until the guy Billy was talking to spoke up, "Oh looks like Lewis is here" he said as he looked over to where all the commotion was going on.

I froze in my spot at the mention of his name, he's actually here oh my. Billy turned around to look back at where Lewis was whilst I stayed still. "Come on, let's go meet Lewis" he said as he held my hand. I shook my head, "Nah I'm fine, I'll just admire the garage, it's really lovely here" I said as I looked around me. "Don't be silly, aren't you a big fan of him and- oh look he's coming here" He smiled. "Okay bye" I said as I was about to start walking out of the garage. He caught hold of my hand to stop me in time, "You're not going anywhere hun" he chuckled. I kept a straight face as I was facing the opposite direction.

"Hey Billy, how are you doing ?" I noticed Lewis ask from behind me. "I'm doing great thanks and yourself ? I must say, amazing driving out there today as per usual. Congrats on winning the championship and constructors" he said cheerfully. "I couldn't be better and thanks I really appreciate it, the team have worked hard and it paid off" Lewis said. "It did indeed...I'd like to introduce you to one of your biggest fans, my girlfriend" he said as he pulled my hand in signal to turn around. I froze at the introduction, I then turned to look at him and gave him a look before turning around to finally look at Lewis.

"Hi" I nervously said. "Pleasure to meet a big fan of mine, what's your name love ?" He asked. I just melted. "I'm (Y/N)" I smiled. "Can I hug you ?" I asked. I could really hit myself right now. "Of course, come here" he motioned for me to step closer and I was more than happy to wrap my arms around his torso whilst he wrapped his around my neck. Damn he smelt good. I think I just died inside.

After having a small conversation with him, he sadly had to leave for a team meeting. "It was great meeting you, see you guys around" he said as he pulled me in for a hug and shook hands with Billy. As he left, I felt like I was dreaming, "Wow I'm dying" I said as I fanned myself, totally forgetting that Billy was around. "Should I be concerned ? Is he my competition ?" He asked from beside me, snapping me back into reality. "Huh oh nothing to be concerned about, we all have our celeb crushes and he just so happened to be mine" I smiled. "Yeah that made it so much better" he rolled his eyes as he turned around to make his way through the paddock. "Aww don't be jelly hun" I said as I walked beside him. "I'm not" he scoffed. "It's okay, you don't have to lie to me" I said as I winked. "Don't use my words against me" he said sternly. I grabbed a hold of his hand and entwined our fingers, which he didn't budge and instead kissed the back of my hand.

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