Sebastian Vettel - Penalty's between the sheets

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A/N: Requested by @JoZann . Saddened after that race and so I had some inspo to write this. Hope you babes enjoy .xx

Warning: Language & NSFW

"No, I'm the one that's supposed to be making you feel good,"

"I want to kiss every inch of your body before I fuck you,"

It warmed my heart to hear him this happy on the radio after a long time. Pole position was his. All that's left is to just push for a P1 finish.

What started off as a boring race soon had my heart racing after Lewis had pitted and was getting closer to Sebastian. The gap was decreasing too fast for my liking. That's until Sebastian had went onto the grass, causing everyone to gasp in the garage.

The race was over when Lewis had reported the incident and the FIA stewards had decided to give Sebastian a very harsh 5 second penalty. He tried pushing to the end to increase the gap so that he could possibly still finish first but I guess today just isn't his day for even though he very much deserved that win.

It broke my heart to see him this mad, he hadn't parked his car in parc fermé and instead jumped off before the pit lane to report straight to the stewards. I could help but laugh when I saw him switch the P1 and P2 signs, a savage husband I must say.

After him having to do interviews, attend the post-race press conference and team debrief, by the way he walked into the garage with heavy footsteps said a lot. Britta and I shared a look, not only had I felt sorry for her having to deal with a rare angry Sebastian but it was now my turn to deal with him.

I trailed behind him as we made our way to his Ferrari, seated in the passenger seat whilst he got seated in the drivers seat I could sense the tension. The drive from the track to the hotel was absolutely silent, not a word uttered to each other just music from the radio playing softly in the background.

Once we arrived at the hotel, still being the gentleman that he is he opened my door for me and held my hand as we walked together to our room.

I walked in before him and laid on the bed, he dropped the car keys on the counter and went over to his bag to grab his clothes. "Seb" I called as I sat against the headboard and played with me hair. "Hmm" he hummed in response. "Babe" I whined this time since he wasn't giving me his full attention. "What ?" He asked annoyed as he then turned around to face me. I huffed and swung my legs over the edge of the bed as I walked towards him.

He watched as I walked towards him, the only space between us were our lips that were centimetres apart. I ran my index finger along the side of his face to calm him down, "I know you're mad. I don't see this side of you a lot and it hurts not to see you as happy as you were yesterday" I pouted as I glanced between his eyes and his lips. "It will take a while for me to get over that, Liebe. Unless I can get my mind off it somehow then we can pretend it never happen" he said as his eyes darted to my lips.

"I think I can do that" I said as my lips curled into a smile. "Is that so ?" He questioned as he raised a brow. "Mhm, a little bit of this -" I said as I then kissed him softly. "- and a little bit of this" I said as I then trailed kisses down his neck. He arched his neck as a sign for me to continue, I then held his chin to make him look down at me for a split second before getting a taste of his lips.

It started off slow and sensual but slowly building up to being more sloppy, both of us wanting more from each other. As we kissed, I guided him backwards to the edge of the bed and made him sit down. I unbuttoned my blouse and shrugged it off my shoulders to then straddle his lap.

I placed my hands at the back of his neck, slowly pulling him closer to connect our lips once again. He wasn't patient this time to keep the kiss slow and sensual, he was hungry. His hands trailed down my sides to my bum, grabbing it firmly he carried me and laid me flat on the bed before hovering over me.

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