Sebastian Vettel - #3 #90

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A/N: Requested by @JoZann . Hope you guys enjoy. Sorry for being MIA but I'm on a break now. Be sure to vote & comment. Much love.

Warning: Language & NSFW

3. "Stop being so jealous will you?"

90. "Why so much noise? Have you never been fingered before?" "N-no." "Good let me continue to enlighten you."

It was the second week of testing in Barcelona, since I was free during this week I thought I might as well go. Since I started studying online its been so much more easier for me to travel along with Sebastian whenever he wanted me to. Much easier for the both of us. Whilst Sebastian was still running out on the track, Charles was in early to watch since he'd have to go after the lunch break.

He's one of the sweetest guys I've ever met - other than my Sebastian of course - he's such a sweetheart, his girlfriend is a lucky girl. I may have been only a few years older than him but we still got on really well, I learnt a lot more about him as he learnt a lot more about me. He's the type of guy that will actually listen to every word you say even when you're rambling, guys like this need to be protected at all costs. Even though Sebastian and I have been together for 4 years, he sometimes just looks like he's so done with me but I know he can't get rid of me that easily.

After Sebastian's car was pulled into the garage, which I hadn't noticed, I was still in a deep conversation with Charles that I hadn't felt Sebastian's stare down at Charles and I. "Hey" he said blandly as he joined us. "Hey babe, how did it go ?" I chirped. "If you had watched then maybe you'd know" he said coldly. Ouch. I brushed off his remark, I'm not going to let his words affect me. I rolled my eyes at him, "Eclair, over here was telling me his life story so we got carried away" I said which Charles had giggled at the nickname I kept for him.

" even call him" he said in an uninterested tone. Okay he needs to chill out now. I guess Eclair could sense the tension because he excused himself to go for lunch. "What is your problem ?" I asked as soon as Charles left. "Nothing" he said plainly as he shrugged his shoulders. I rolled my eyes at him, "Stop being so jealous will you?" I said. "I'm not jealous...pft" he lied. "Okay then, I'll just go back to Eclair" I said as I crossed my arms over my chest and turned to start walking in the opposite direction. "Charles wait -" I called but was cut off when Sebastian pulled me back against his chest. "The only place you should be thinking of going right now is in my drivers room" he whispered into my ear, I gulped at his words as he loosened his grip on me.

I turned around to look at him to see if he's being serious, by the look of his eyes he's clearly not playing games right now. "Go, I'll be there in 5" he said as his eyes motioned to down the hall. I nodded my head and just as I turned around he slapped my ass. If the garage wasn't this quiet then he would've never done that. Thank god everyone is on a lunch break.

I took my time to walk down the hallway since I figured he might take a while to come, to my surprise he was speed walking behind me as I was nearing his drivers room. "Why are you walking so slow ?" He asked as he jogged to walk beside me. He grabbed a hold of my hand and pulled me along with him in his room, "I thought you might be a while" I said as I licked my bottom lip. "Well I'm hungry" he said as he teeth grazed over his bottom lip. "Oh, well we could go have lunch first" I suggested as I took a step closer to wrap my arms around his neck. "Why would I go for lunch when I could just have you ?" He said casually. "This doesn't sound like my Sebastian but I'm digging it" I grinned. "Don't think I'm going easy on you, I'm still mad" he said seriously as he crossed his arms over his chest.

I gulped at his words, "Turn around and face the door" he said as he removed his race suit to let it hang at his hips. I stood in front of the door as I waited for his next move. I could feel how close he was as he stood behind me, "What made you think it's okay to wear this today ?" he said as his fingers traced down the side of my hip and stopped at my mid thigh where the hem of my black skirt ended. I didn't bother to answer as he placed both his hands on my hips and pulled me back against him. His nose nuzzled my neck as his hands moved down my bum to the hem of the skirt as he tugged it up. My breath hitched in my throat as I felt his hands grab a hold of my cheeks as I was wearing a thong. "Surprised to see you wearing this... my favourite colour too" he said as his finger slipped under the band of the thong and traced over my hip.

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