Max Verstappen - Quit playing your games

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A/N: Requested by @Littlemissunnoticed

Warning: Language & NSFW

"just let me finish this and I swear I will go down on you and make you cum three times."

Another day, another experience of being shut out by Max... nothing has changed, yet. I may not see Max as much, but on occasions that I do he's still busy. He's either training, has another event to attend to during the day or is playing FIFA.

For the past few days I've been trying my to grab his attention, I don't know what it is with me but if I'm being honest my hormones are raging.

It's 10:35pm here in Monaco, both of us clearly wide awake, this once he was busy playing FIFA online with Lando whilst I killed some time catching up with my series on Netflix.

An hour into watching an episode, I shut the laptop closed, I can't do this anymore I need something exciting. Maybe I could distract Max in some way, I wouldn't know if I don't try right ?

I got dressed, letting my natural curls cascade down my back and spraying on his favourite perfume on me. After giving myself a final look in the mirror - pretty content with the way I look - I padded my way to the lounge.


His back facing towards me, I quietly made my way behind him and ran my hands from his shoulders down his chest, getting dangerously close to his crotch but not touching him there just yet

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His back facing towards me, I quietly made my way behind him and ran my hands from his shoulders down his chest, getting dangerously close to his crotch but not touching him there just yet.

"What are you doing babe ?" He asked, still very focused on the game. "Nothing..." I dragged. I walked from behind the couch to stand in front of him, I shrugged the gown off my shoulders to fall at my elbows. He glanced my way for a split second then back at the TV before him, he did a double take and looked my way again. His mouth hung open in shock, "Wow" he muttered. "I thought we could play a game of our own" I suggested as I wiggled my brows.

He muted the mic of his headphones before saying, "Just let me finish this and I swear I will go down on you and make you cum three times." "I don't have the patience to wait for you to finish" I said as I crossed my arms over my chest. He then patted his thigh. "Are- you're serious ?" I stammered. "You said you don't have the patience" he wiggled his brows at me. I stood speechless. He's letting me get off on his thigh.

I removed the gown and let it pool at my feet. The exciting idea of riding his thigh made me wet, dampening the thin material of my thong. I hiked his shorts higher up his thigh before shimmying out of my thong.

I straddled his thigh before lowering myself to sit on his thigh. He bit his lip as he turned his attention to me, looking at how wet his thigh already was and I hadn't made a move.

I slowly rocked my hips against his thigh, he hissed at the motion as he began to grow hard. I started off at a slow pace with rocking my hips, he placed a hand on my hip to guide me. I whimpered at the friction, eager and wanting more I picked up my pace. I held onto his shoulders for support as I rocked my hips faster against his thigh. "Oh fuck me" I murmured.

"You look so hot getting off my thigh baby" he huskily said into my ear. I bit my lower lip to hold back my moans as I felt myself getting close to my high. My pace slowed down as I came onto his thigh, "2 more times babe" he grinned. I noticed his shorts became much tighter from the bulge that formed.

He switched the mic back on, "Sorry to say Lando I have to go, something very important came up. I'll call you up when I'm free again to play" he said as he stared up at my eyes. He switched the console off before pulling my thigh over so I could straddle his lap. "Oh trust me, you aren't going to have your play time of FIFA for a while" I smirked as I held his chin and pulled him closer to place my lips on his.

His hands were on my bum, he had a firm grip as he pulled me closer to me, squeezing the soft skin occasionally to make me moan out so he could steal his opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth to deepen our kiss. My hands were placed on the side of his neck, still in need of more friction I began to rock my hips against his hard on.

Dampening the material of his shorts from my wet clit, he moved a hand to my clit to start rubbing me in circular motions. I broke away from the kiss, my forehead pressed against his as I let out a gasp from the work of his fingers.

He started by running his fingers along my folds before going back to rubbing my clit in circular motions. "Don't stop" I moaned out. "You stopped me from playing FIFA so trust me, I'm not" he said into my ear.

He gave me more pleasure by moving his other hand to massage my breast over the thin material of my bra. He pulled the strap off my bra over my shoulder to expose my breasts. The cool air making my nipples instantly hard. He grabbed a hold of my breast in his hand, squeezing it firmly before taking my nipple into his mouth.

My moans grew louder as he worked with his tongue on my nipple and rubbing my clit. I could feel myself getting close to my high again. I couldn't help it when I came all over his fingers.

"Don't think I'm done to you, 1 more time babe" he said with a proud smirk on his face. "Fucking hell" I said under my breath. "I don't think I can make it for a third time" I said in between breaths. "You sure as hell can. You stopped me from playing and now you have my undivided attention, I'm all yours now baby" he said as he pulled at the drawstrings of his shorts.

He pulled his hard length out, springing free he then looked up at me. "Ride me" he instructed. "Gladly" I bit my bottom lip as I turned around in his lap, my back now facing him. He pulled me from the sides of my waist flush against his chest, his hands moving to the my back to unclasp my bra.

I began rocking my hips against his hard length before he grabbed a hold of his tip and thrusted himself in me. "Shit" I moaned out.

He grabbed my breasts in his hands once again and gave them a squeeze as I started to slowly bounce up and down on his length. "Oh my god" I cried out as my head fell back on his shoulder as his length got deeper with every thrust.

Since being so weak from cumming twice consecutively, he took over by grabbing a hold of my hips and increased the pace of his thrusts. I rolled my eyes as I was in a mixture of pain and pleasure, pain from my clit being so sensitive and pleasure from his thrusts getting deeper each time hitting my g-spot.

"Fuck Max, right there !" I screamed out. "I want to hear you say my name again" he said in between breaths. "Faster Max !" I moaned out. I could myself clench around his length. "I'm going to cum again" I whimpered. "Cum for me babe" he groaned into my ear. He pulled out of me just before I came as he also reached his high.

"I don't think I'm going to be able to walk tomorrow" I said after a calming silence. "Forget about tomorrow, you're not going to able to walk for the rest of the week" he chuckled. I turn around to face him, straddling his lap once again. "Why is that funny ?" I asked as I furrowed my brows. "Because instead of me playing FIFA I'll be doing you instead and I don't mind since this is much better than working out" he laughed. "You little shit" I said as I hit his chest. "Don't act like you don't like the thought of it" he wiggled his brows. "Well you aren't wrong, if you aren't going to give me some loving then I need to step up my game" I said as I pulled him closer by his neck to connect my lips with his for a sweet kiss.

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