Nico Hülkenberg - Sexual Tension

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A/N: So my girl ricciardosangel and I thought of this oneshot bc damn that pic made us think things. Be sure to check out her new F1 Oneshots book, I can assure that it's going to be just as good as her first one. Be sure to vote & comment. Much love .xx

It was one of my best friends birthday, she had decided on throwing a big party since she was going to be 30. I was really stoked to go since I don't go to parties that often - as much as I'd like to - it's just that I don't have the time.

The party was in Austria and I was more than happy to fly over to another country for once to celebrate something other than the New Year.

After reaching my hotel in the afternoon, I thought it's best that I start getting ready from now. I curled my hair then loosened out the curls to fall free behind my back. I then did my makeup before slipping on my dress.


I put on my heels and sprayed on some perfume then after grabbing my purse

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I put on my heels and sprayed on some perfume then after grabbing my purse. I took the lift to the rooftop and as the doors of lift had opened I was engulfed by a mixture of scents. I glanced around the room to see a bunch of unfamiliar faces, everyone was dancing, some were drinking and some were outside chatting away.

I spotted someone waving at me from afar and immediately my face lit up to see (Y/F/N), I walked over to her and engulfed her in a hug. "Girl I missed you so much" she said. "Ugh I missed you more, its been too long" I said as I released from the hug to look at her face. "It has but I'm so glad you could make it" she said as she played with my hair. Luckily the music wasn't too loud so we didn't have to yell over each other's voices.

I stood next to her and glanced at the crowd before my eyes fell on a blonde headed 6ft. "Who's that guy ?" I whisper yelled into her ear. Her eyes followed mine to the blonde guy that was stood a few meters away. "The tall blonde guy ?" She asked to be sure. I nodded my head as I crossed my arms over my chest, "That's a friend, my boyfriends best friend to be exact" she said as she then glanced at me. "You interested ?" She asked excited. "Physically he's hot but I mean I don't know what his personality is like" I said as I shrugged my shoulders. "Uhh since when do you care ? Just hookup with him" she said as she hit my back.

"Are you crazy ? I don't even know him and what if he's taken" I said as I raised a brow at her. "First off that's the whole point of a hookup and second, he's single" she said as she began to smirk. I rolled my eyes at her, "Honey, I would know, I'm friends with him. He's really sweet and I'm sure he must be amazing in bed I mean my gosh look at his body" she said which made me turn my head to glance back at him. His back muscles could be seen through his fitted white shirt, his sleeves rolled up and I mean just look at his ass.

"You have a boyfriend missy" I said teasingly at her. "Doesn't mean I can't fangirl about him, I'm sure my boy has a celebrity crush of his own and he's mine" she said as she looked dreamily at him. "He's a celebrity ?" I asked in shock. "Well sort of, he races in F1, Nico Hulkenburg. You can have him though, I'd ship you guys together" she grinned as she looked at me. Ooh I know him now since my dad watches F1.

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