Lance Stroll - #2

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A/N: Requested by @xkimisliefx . My apologies for being MIA as I feel I've lost my touch for writing. Hope my writing is still as good. Much love & enjoy ! xx

2. "You're too damn overprotective!"

It was a chilled Sunday afternoon, luckily theirs no race this weekend so my heart gets some rest from all the drama. No doubt it's fun and nerve wracking at the same time to fly out to different countries to support Lance but it can be hectic with cameras on me since everyone assumes I'm his girlfriend.

Truth is I'm not. Whenever Lance was asked about us, he never denied nor agreed that we're dating. I haven't bothered to say anything about the situation because we're just friends anyway. I mean I have caught feelings for him but it's not like I'm going to tell him, if we've been best friends for more than 5 years now and he hasn't tried to shoot his shot then he ain't going to do it in future.

I remember when I moved out to Canada when I was small, Lance and I went to the same school, I was the new girl at the time so everyone was talking about me. Out of all the people I met, Lance was the only one that I had good banter with and somewhat of a connection. No idea if he felt the same.

I laid back on the sofa and switched on the TV, memories from my childhood came flooding in as 'Justin Bieber Believe' was playing. Probably my all time celebrity crush when I was smaller. I giggled at the thought of how I was such a major fan girl in my younger teenage days.

I recorded a small clip of the intro and uploaded it to my Instagram story, I captioned it 'My favourite Canadian' which is probably going to cause some controversy but I couldn't care. I started to laugh at the flood of comments and DM's I received, one that really made me laugh said "Don't you mean, Lance ?"

I shook my head at how quick people are to react and just then I heard my front door slam. I peaked over to couch to see Lance come in. He has a key to my apartment so I have nothing to panic about. "What a pleasant surprise, I was just talking about my favourite Canadian" I said enthusiastically. "Who ? Is it me ?" He asked as he wiggled his eyebrows, he lifted my legs up and sat at the end before settling my legs back down on his lap.

"Only my first love" I said as I motioned to the TV. "Oh god, why are you watching this trash ?" He asked as he rolled his eyes. "Excuse you, Justin Drew Bieber was and always will be my lover. I know he's married but theirs still a chance you know" I said as I turned to look at him. "You haven't even met the guy, what does he have that I don't ?" He asked. I don't think he meant to say the last part...

"I'm sorry, could you repeat yourself ?" I asked as I sat upright to look at him. "You know what...nevermind. Can you pass the TV remote ?" He changed the subject and pointed to the remote at the side of me. "Not until you repeat what you just said...something about what does he have that you don't ?" I asked playfully. "Just drop it okay, now pass the remote" he said as he moved closer. "You know, you're too damn overprotective" I said as I placed the remote behind my back and crossed my arms over my chest. "That's only because I care about you" he huffed. "And you care because ?" I trailed. I'm getting on his last nerve.

He scoffed and rolled his eyes at me, he grabbed me by my elbow and pulled me to straddle his lap. It took a while to progress what's going on, then again I didn't have the time as his next move caught me off guard. He placed his hand on my lower back and closed the space between us as he connected his lips with mine. I reacted quick and kissed back, so he did want this...yet here I was all this time doubting my feelings for him and if it was even worth the wait.

My hands moved up his chest slowly before wrapping my arms around his neck. He broke the kiss and placed his forehead against mine, "It's because I like you" he said lowly as he licked his lips. "Well you know you're an idiot right ?" I teased. "And why's that ?" He asked confused. "Because you could've told me a long time ago and we could've been spending our weekends together differently by now" I hinted. "Why did I have to make the first move ?" He raised his brow. "It would've made me felt a lot worse if I got rejected" I pursed my lips. "Well now that we're both on the same page, may I continue ?" He asked as he grinned cheekily. "Who said I wanted you to stop ?" I smiled before placing my lips on his again.

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