Lando Norris - Jealousy

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A/N: Requested by @CHAR126 . Hope you babes enjoy as always. I love writing for mah boi .xx

"I wanna go home"

It was one of those rare opportunities where my parents were out of town, in fact they were off on business to China, which means I have the house all to myself for one week.

I knew that my friends were having a party over 2 weeks in advance, I was hesitant to go since my parents are very strict when it comes to me going out till late but this is my one and only chance.

I had a shower and slipped into a short black dress that was off shoulder. My hair was already curled from earlier so all I had to do was let it loose from my high ponytail. I slipped into a pair of black heels, as I did so my phone went off. My heart stopped for a second when I thought it was my parents but to my luck it was just Lando trying to FaceTime me.

"Hellooo" I answered as I sat my phone up on the table. "Hey- oh hello... where are you going ?" He asked as he did a double take, surprised I could get his attention whilst he was playing online.

"Oops I forgot to mention yesterday that I'm going to a party" I said as I slipped into my other heel before standing up straight. "How can you forget to tell your best friend that you're going out to a party ? That too without me" he shook his head.

"My bad, don't be glum about it. Since you don't have much to do...why don't you come with me" I suggested as I raised my brows. "I'd rather stay at home, you know I don't do parties" he sighed as he continued to play. "Oh come on, we can be each other's company and I'm not going to wait until tomorrow to see you" I pouted as I fluttered my eyelashes. He looked back at me and couldn't help but break into a smile.

"I'll be there in 10" he said as he got up from the simulator. "Yay ! See you in a bit. Byeee" I said before ending the call. I sprayed on some perfume and gave myself a final look in the mirror. If I'm looking this good then the least I can do is take some selfies so I'm sorted for the next 3 months on social media.

I swear it felt like 5 minutes when I was in midst of taking what felt like the 15th picture and Lando was already here as he hooted, and revved the car. What speed was he even doing, this ain't the track.

I speed walked my way outside which he was already waiting at the passengers side to open my door. He whistled when I met his eyes. I engulfed him in a hug which he then wrapped his arms around my lower back. "I missed you" I said into his shoulder. "Me too" he said into my hair. Damn he smelt so good.

I broke away from our hug to look at him head to toe, he wore black on black and he was looking fine. "You got dressed and you got here very fast. What speed were you doing ?" I asked as I sat in the passengers side. He shut my door before going around to the drivers side. "I think around 180 kph" he said as he shrugged his shoulders and reversed out of the drive way before speeding off.

"180 ? You ain't driving your F1 car" I said as I turned to look at him. "It's not even that fast" he argued. "You know what...I rest my case" I said as I dusted my hands. "I thought you'd miss arguing with me" he said as he glanced away from the road. "I did for sure but I think it's time I gave you a break" I pursed my lips. "A break ? Who are you and what have you done to my best friend ?" He asked in disbelief. "She's still the same, just enjoying the moment since I don't see you as much as before" I pouted as I turned to look at him.

"Then why don't you take my offer to come to my races ? It's still on the table and it sucks not having you around" he whined. Boy, my heart. "I'll talk to my parents about it" I said as I played with my fingers. "I'll convince them if I have to" he said in a serious tone just as we pulled up at my friends house.

We surely made an entrance because of his car and of course people wanting to know who are the people exiting from the car. We walked side by side into the house and it was packed. Laser and disco lights all going off, music is blasted and strangers pressed up against each other due to the large crowd.

Whilst Lando got mobbed by a group of his old mates, I walked towards my friends on the opposite side of the room. I greeted them all and couldn't hear much due to how loud it is. In mid conversation, a girl whom I'm not fond of pointed towards Lando. I didn't catch a word she said since I wasn't that close but I think she suggested that they all talk to him. He became a big deal ever since he became a now popular F1 driver, talk about gold digger...

Lando looked at me first when he saw the group of girls walking towards him. He raised his brows to ask if I'm okay which I simply nodded my head assuringly. The girls were all fangirling over him, I was cringing and fuming internally. I was broken away from my train of thought by a guy approaching me, apart of the same circle which I'm assuming is one of Lando's friends.

"Hey, I haven't seen you around before...what's your name gorgeous ?" The stranger yelled over the music. "(Y/N). You ?" I asked aloud. "Nick" he smiled. I nodded my head as I pressed my lips together, "Wanna head out ?" He asked as my attention drew over to Lando being pulled away by that girl towards the door. What the hell ?

"So sorry but I gotta go" I said to Nick uninterested as I walked towards the door. I stood at the door as I watched them laughing and joking together. Sorry but the fun is about to end. "Lando !" I called for him with a fake smile. He turned his head towards me and nodded for me to go on. "Let's go" I said as I tilted my head. "But you literally just got here" she spoke. "Well something came up and now I wanna go home" I said as I crossed my arms over my chest.

I rolled my eyes as I watched her pull him in for a hug and even gave her number. Ugh, disgusting. I stood at the passengers side which he unlocked the car. I sat inside, my blood was boiling. I've known him longer than her and I've liked him longer than she has, what makes her think she can come over and shoot her shot ?

I crossed my legs over, looking out the window as he entered the car. "What or should I ask, who got you in a mood ?" He asked when he shut the door and looked at me. "Can we not talk about it right now... just please take me home" I said lowly. He sighed as he did as I asked.

When he came to a stop at my house, I jumped out of the car and was already walking to my main door. I heard a car door shut, shit he's going to come in. He followed closely behind me as I walked to bedroom. "Can you talk to me now" he said as he entered my room. I kicked off my heels to the side, he grabbed my wrist to make me turn around and look at him. "You were so happy to go, you even convinced me to come, what happened ?" He asked concerned.

"I didn't want to talk to that Nick guy" I lied. "You sure about that, because I think it was something else" he said as his lips slowly curled into a smile. "It wasn't something else" I said as tried to keep a straight face. "You're lying and I know it (Y/N/N). You think after all these years I've known you that I wouldn't know when you're lying" he half laughed.

"Okay since you're trying to get to me, why did you choose to come to the party with me ?" I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest. "This isn't about me, it's about you. Theirs more to this and I think I know why" he grinned. "I doubt it" I rolled my eyes. "You're jealous of Sienna" he cracked it. "Am not" I said with a straight face. "So if I went back to the party now, you wouldn't mind ?" He raised a brow. "No" I shook my head. "Okay, see yah" he waved as he walked out the door.

My mouth hung open in shock. "That damn fool" I said lowly. "I heard that !" He yelled as he walked back into the room. "I just knew it" he shook his head as he walked towards me. Catching me by surprise he cupped my cheeks as he connected his lips with mine. "I feel the same" he said in between kisses.

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