Pierre Gasly - Stress Reliever

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A/N: For my babe DannyRicc17 . Hope it's as fluffy and romantic. I really loved this, I hope I get more Pear requests in future. Be sure to vote & comment. Much love .xx

Another day, another stressful day at work. My job came with its perks like all other jobs do, but anyone else would see more cons to my job than pros. I'm needed to be creative and hardworking, which I am and well this has been playing on my mind since I was young so I stuck with it. I became a wedding planner.

Of course it doesn't cross everyone's mind, but when I was a teenager at a time I would always spend my free time looking at weddings, the decor, food, location etc. I believe I had wedding fever and I wasn't planning on getting married at a young age so I thought that if I loved the idea, then I might as well make other couples dream wedding into a reality.

I live in London for the past 3 years after making it on my own, I'm proud to say that the adult life is going good - for now - since I can pay for my own bills and well I'm living under my own roof with no rules from my parents.

Pierre and I have been dating for a year now, since the livery reveal for Red Bull was around the corner for the 2019 season, he flew out to London to stay with me for a few days before going to the Red Bull Factory in Milton Keynes.

He spent most of his day training with Pyry whilst I would be dealing with clients all day, we're both quite busy so I'd only see him in the evening when I'm back. Recently one client in particular was stressing me out, probably my first Bridezilla encounter. Her wedding is 2 months away, she has high expectations of what she'd like her wedding to look and be like, also not forgetting that she mentioned it's going to be a week long wedding. When I heard that I was dead inside but nevertheless kept a smile on my face and told her I could do it since I don't like to disappoint a client.

This girl has bought nothing and I mean no wedding dress, she probably doesn't even know who's going to be her bridesmaids...She was quite indecisive and I guess that's because this was a last minute planned wedding. I actually take that back, this clearly wasn't planned otherwise she would've been a bit more organised. But it's okay, I'll make it work, hard work pays off in the end. It just warms my heart to see the lovely couple as well as their family all happy on their wedding day.

I woke up earlier than Pierre in the morning as I had quite a mission to get things sorted for this wedding, as much as I didn't want to leave the bed this morning I unfortunately had to.

It was getting darker out by the minute, it was about 8pm when I finally arrived home. I went straight to my room and switched on my computer as I got back to work, I know I'm overworking but when I have to plan for a wedding at such a short notice I have to work till late. 2 months may seem far away but the problem is to find people who are available for the big day.

I hadn't realised I fell off to sleep on my desk until I felt a tap on my shoulder. "What happened ?" I asked as I woke up with a shock. He let out a chuckle at my reaction, "Nothing happened, I was worried if you're okay since I haven't seen you all day and now you fell off to sleep whilst doing your work" he said as he then glanced at the computer screen. I last typed all my ideas and the contact details of those that I would need to phone tomorrow. I shook my head as I saved the document and shut down my computer. He rubbed my shoulders to release some tension.

"I'm so done with all of this" I pouted as I stood up to face him. He frowned as he engulfed me in a hug, his head placed on top of mine, he placed a kiss on my forehead. "I can tell by how tired you are" he said as he glanced down at me. I looked up at him, "This wedding stress is getting to me, I feel like as if I'm the one who's getting married" I giggled as he then laughed along with me. "You got this, I know you do. You're always able to work things out and you're amazing at what you do" he said as he ran his fingers through my hair. I smiled at him, "Thank you babe, that helped" I said as I closed my eyes when he cupped my cheeks, he pecked my forehead then my nose. I opened my eyes in curiosity as to why he didn't peck my lips yet, he smiled as he looked down at me.

"You know what you need ? You need to relax" I furrowed my brows at him to elaborate what way of relaxing does he have in mind. "How about I run us both a bath...go get yourself something to awaken you a bit and come back in about 10 minutes" he said as he had his hands on my shoulders, he turned me around and ushered me out the room. "Okay okay I'm going" I giggled as I walked to the kitchen. I just decided to have a glass of ice water instead since I was feeling dehydrated.

I walked back to the room as I was told after 10 minutes. I looked around at the dark room, the only dim light was coming through from the bathroom. I padded softly to the bathroom and was shocked to see what he had planned in such a short space of time. Their were candles lit all over the bathroom, the bath tub was already filled with bubbles and red rose petals on the top, I believe he also dropped in a few essential oils because the beautiful scent engulfed my nose.

"Oh my god Pear !" I screamed as I held my face in awe. He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, I could feel his bare chest pressed up against my back through the thin material of my blouse. "Join me, mon amour" he whispered softly into my ear. I nodded my head as I then turned around in his arms, he slowly began to unbutton my blouse as I looked at his eyes. His soft hands pushed it off my shoulders and let it fall to the floor. He then unbutton my jeans which I then shimmied out of it and kicked it off to the side.

He smiled as he finally looked up at me. As he removed his briefs, I removed my underwear and bra which piled on top of the rest of our clothes. We both sunk into the tub at the same time, both of us on opposite ends. I pulled my hair up into a top knot before finally meeting Pierre's eyes again. "Why are you so far away, come over here" he motioned his fingers toward him. I pressed my lips together as I got closer to him, I turned around and sat on his lap. His hands trailed down my arms, he then entwined our fingers and wrapped his arms around my waist. "What did I do to deserve you ?" I pouted as I looked over my shoulder at him.

"Nothing, this is how you deserve to be treated" he placed a kiss on my shoulder. I then turned around to straddle him, I wrapped my arms around his neck to pull him closer which he had on a cheeky grin. His hands were placed on my lower back as he looked up at my eyes. "I love you" I said softly as my eyes glanced between his eyes and lips. "I love you more bébé" he grinned as he closed the space between us and placed his lips on mine. Its been a while since we've been intimate, I forgot what the sparks and butterflies felt like until our lips were connected. Gosh I love this man.

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