Sebastian Vettel - Baby Seb

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A/N: Requested by @JoZann . Hope you all enjoy. Be sure to vote & comment. Much love .xx

Who would've thought that an argument ended up with us having sex and later finding out that we're having a baby. Crazy, right ?

Well, it all started when we went out for dinner, we're trying to make the most of our time together before he has to leave to Spain for testing.

Sebastian insisted on us going somewhere a bit formal since it was the weekend and well I couldn't argue on that. It was all going well when we were greeted by a guy who looked like in his early 30's, it was up until he started to flirt with me which is what it looked like to Sebastian that got us in an argument after he left.

"Calm down, Seb" I said as I placed my hand on top of his. "How can I calm down ? Can he not see the ring on your finger ?" He asked. "Wait" he said lowly to me. "Excuse me" he called for the waiter. "Are you crazy ? Let it go babe" I said as I began to caress his hand.

"I want him to see that you're married and you're not just my best friend or something" he said annoyed. "So I'm not your best friend ?" I asked as I placed a hand on my heart. He gave me a look as he slightly tilted his head. I started laughing at his reaction, "Oh look who's coming back" I said as I watched the waiter coming back towards our table. "You know when this is over, we should really have angry sex" he grinned as he leaned back on the chair. The waiter didn't bother to utter a word other than 'enjoy' as he placed our food down and left. "Seb !" I scolded. "I didn't say it for nothing, I'm being serious" he said as he took a bite of his food.

Straight after dinner we did exactly what he suggested...A few days later I noticed I wasn't feeling my usual self, I rarely get ill so I thought I might as well see a doctor as it could be the flu.

After the appointment I couldn't wait to break the news to Sebastian, luckily he was back from his run and I couldn't wait any longer to do a cute surprise so I just dropped the news to him.

Him and I were over the moon at that moment, we couldn't wait to tell our family and especially our friends that we're finally welcoming a new member to the family.

It was a long 9 months and I was getting impatient by the day to see our baby. It was all a blur and so rushed when it came to me going into labour then having to rush to the hospital. I found myself at peace and overjoyed when I finally held our baby boy in my arms.

Since after having the baby, I of course couldn't travel to any of the races as the baby was so small but we were sure to go for the final race of the season as Sebastian really wanted us both there and well, the baby could finally travel.

Abu Dhabi GP

Everyone was a mix of emotions for the last race, I'm talking about literally everyone since some drivers were changing teams, Fernando leaving, fans being emo and I felt that too.

I was standing in the garage with the baby in my arms, from the time we got there he had on the headphones and it was the cutest thing I've ever seen.

The garage had gotten busy quickly - despite the hype for the race - everyone wanted to see mini Seb. I handed the baby over to Sebastian and he was more than happy to carry him around to show him off to the team and a few other drivers.

When he finally brought back the baby he handed him over to me, "You okay ?" He asked. I smiled and nodded my head, "If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask anyone okay" he said as he then pecked my lips and kissed (Y/S/N)'s forehead. "Don't worry about us, we'll be fine" I said as I caressed his cheek. He placed his hand on top of mine then kissed the back of it.

After he had to leave, I sat down with (Y/S/N) as their were a few minutes left until the race. As the 5 lights went out I was actually stressing inside for Sebastian, I was just praying to go that he gets a good finish for the final race. I started to laugh when (Y/S/N) would clap his hands and start to giggle, what a cutie.

I was glad that Sebastian finished 2nd in the race, a win would've been better but I think right now he could really use the break that he deserves. I hadn't seen him directly after the race since he had post-race interviews.

As (Y/S/N) was sat on my lap, I pulled out my phone to distract us both and I just so happened to find a clip of the press conference post-race on my Instagram timeline. The questions was what would they be doing over the winter break and boy was I eager to hear what Seb had to say.

He was put on the spot when he was asked to answer the question first, lol shame. "Another baby ?" Lewis asked which made me laugh. "I don't know know quickly done uhm" he said as he began to smile. Both Lewis and Max burst out laughing, I couldn't help but laugh either. "If you need advice I know how to do it" he said. This man. What could he possibly teach them, I would love to know. I'm dead. "Keep pushing" Max said. "Uhm yeah I don't know how long you two want to be in free practice but-" Max cut him off, "I like free practice" he said. "If you want to go to qualifying and take things to the next level then you have my number" he said. Unfortunately the clip ended their but I was hoping I'd see more clips possibly once we get back to the hotel.

When he finally came back to the garage, he had a smile on his face, "You're very happy" I said as I raised my brow. "Why wouldn't I be ?" He asked as he also raised his brow. "I don't know, you seem happier than usual which is good. Is it because you want another baby ?" I asked as I started to giggle. "You actually watched it ?" He asked as he covered his face with his hand. "Of course I did" I said in an obvious tone. "So what do you think about another baby ?" He asked as he wiggled his brows. "We just had this one but we'll see in the new year because I'm down for more babies" I smiled as I then looked down at (Y/S/N). "Other than winning the championship next year, baby number two is the next mission" he said as he then took (Y/S/N) from my arms. "Quickly done" I mocked him as I then burst out laughing. He shook his head as he grabbed a hold of my hand and we walked along the paddock, back to the hotel. A cute end to the season I'd say.

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