Daniel Ricciardo - Friendzone (Part 2)

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A/N: So I'm defo going to turn this imagine into a book because I really like the idea, i'll update you guys when that happens. Anyways enjoy part 2. Don't forget to vote and comment. Xx

"Make him jealous" he said.

"Like that's going to work" I said as I rolled my eyes. "All these years he wasn't interested in me, what could suddenly make him be interested in me now ?" I asked as I crossed my arms intently waiting to hear what he says. "Look, the offer is on the table and I'm willing to help you on this, it's up to you if you want to do this or not" he said. I pursued my lips as I took these few seconds of silence to think before making my final decision.

"I'm trusting you...I'll do it" I said as my frown turned into a smile. He smiled too and pulled me in for a hug. "So what's the first step of the plan ?" I asked enthusiastically. "Well, I was going to go out for lunch and then the gym, you can join me" He suggested. "Sounds good, I'll freshen up before we head out" I said which he gave me a nod.

I came out dressed in a grey hoodie, black shorts and a pair of Nike sneakers with my hair in a high ponytail. "It's so damn hot outside and you're wearing a hoodie in this weather ?" He asked as he looked at me. "Calm down, I'll take it off when we go to the gym" I shook my head as we headed out the door.

We went out for lunch which was surprisingly fun, probably the most fun I've had in a while to be honest. We took a few cute and funny pictures, perfect to post for people to think otherwise. I'm sure Michael was going to receive the most attention, more especially because Dan's fans follow him. He posted a picture of me looking at my food with the caption 'If only she'd look at me the way she looks at food '. I burst out laughing at the caption, Mikey is smart.

After eating out we headed to the gym, which I'm glad Dan hadn't joined us since I'd probably just want to walk out. I tied my hoodie around my waist, now revealing my torso as I only had on a black sports bra. Michael eyed me for a few seconds before saying, "I don't ever see you go to the gym yet you have abs" he then met my gaze. "I do go to the gym, just not with you guys" I said as we both started to do some cardio. "Well, you should join us more often, I'm sure you can motivate us both" he said as he starts laughing. "Shut up !" I laughed as I hit his chest.

After working out, Michael thought of posting another picture with both of us flexing and captioned 'Some would say this is photoshopped '. "At least I know who to come to whenever I need an idea for an Instagram caption" I said as I burst out laughing. "I'm funny, I know" he said as he smiled proudly as he scrolled through his phone. "Oh would you look at that, see who saw the posts" he said as he showed he got a notification from Dan.

"What did he say ?" I asked eagerly. He skimmed through the message before saying, "He's shocked that I'm out with you, asking why we hadn't called him along and asking how you're doing, some other stuff too but yeah that sums it up" he said as he locked his phone. "What other stuff ?" I asked confused. "He said you look fit" he said. "Omg really ? Damn Mikey, your plan is really working. By the way, can we head over to the super market ? I need to buy a few things for the house" I asked as we walked out the gym side by side. "Sure thing" he smiled.

As we got to the super market, I was so relieved that it was quiet and it was past sunset anyway so I guess everyone was heading home. I bought a few fruits and vegetables, bless Michael for coming with me as he pushed the trolley for me whilst I popped things into it.

Michael was on his phone for most of the time as I chose what I wanted to buy for the house. "Mikey can you please cash up for me whilst I get some ice cream ?" I asked as I handed him my purse. "The cashier is going to think 'what the hell is he doing with a purse'" he said as he gave me a look. "Just be like its for your girlfriend or something, you're good at lying" I said lastly before walking off to the freezers.

Daniel's P.O.V

It's been a while since I came to the supermarket and had I known I needed to come here before then I sure would've came with (Y/N).

Just as I entered I spotted Michael at the till. I walked over to him, "Hey ! What're you doing here ? More especially, why do you have a purse ?" I asked as I then burst out laughing. The cashier gave him a look. "It's (Y/N)'s, she asked to go shopping so I'm just paying for her" he said. "Ohh, where is she ?" I asked curiously. "Mate, give her some space" he said a bit more seriously. "Is their something going on between the 2 of you that I don't know about ?" I asked. "It's complicated" he said plainly. "Complicated ? Where is she ?" I asked as I began to grow angry. I feel so betrayed.

"Freezer aisle" he said plainly. I speed walked my way to the freezer aisle which was quiet, only one person was stood at an open freezer struggling to get a tub of ice cream on the top shelf. I walked up behind her as I watched her tall figure yet still struggling to get the tub of ice cream. "(Y/N)" I called out her name.

She turned around and looked at me for a brief second before continuing to try to get the ice cream. "Go away" she said. "I'm not going until I get an explanation ! You go out with Michael as if you both are a couple but you ignore me the whole day ?" I asked as I took a few steps closer to her. "Well, at least Michael cares for me and is a better friend than you are !" She shut the freezer door then turned to face me.

"I've done nothing but been a good friend to you and you know that !" I argued back, then took another step closer to her. "That's the damn problem, I don't want you to be my friend. Ugh you'll never understand, it's pointless talking to you right now" She rolled her eyes then started to walk away. "Don't walk away when I'm talking to you ! Tell me what's the damn problem and we can work this out" I said as I tried to reason with her. "This is the problem" she said as she walked up to me then placed her lips onto mine.

I didn't kiss back at first as I tried to take in what's going on, I guess she felt rejected as she broke the kiss and I could sense how hurt she was in her eyes. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that. I should go" she said hurriedly before walking away. I grabbed hold of her wrist then spun her into my chest. "I don't want you to go" I said before leaning in slowly and connecting my lips with hers again.

Its been a while since I felt sparks when I kiss someone, our lips moved in sync as our kiss got hot really fast. I had her pushed up against the door of the freezer, her hands were wrapped around my neck as mine travelled to her bum to feel her shorts already damp from the frost of the freezer. She wrapped her legs around my waist as her fingers tugged at a few strands of my hair which caused me to moan and our kiss had deepened. Just then her phone vibrated in her shorts pocket which caused us to break the kiss.

I placed her back on her feet as she saw Michael was calling her. "I have to go" she said then meeting my eyes. "Understood. Leave your front door open tonight" I said before pulling her in for a quick kiss. "Why would I do that ?" She asked confused. "Because we're clearly not done here" I said in an obvious tone. "Took you 3 damn years to make a move, Ricciardo" she said as she shook her head. "Well, I'm glad that it took me this long to make me realise who I really want to be with" I pecked her lips once more.


A/N: A surprise announcement...their is going to be a part 3 with smut, written by my bestie RuinaSantori ! Stay tuned for when that's going to be posted .xoxo

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