Esteban Ocon - A Christmas Surprise

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A/N: Thank you to Wilshies for the request ! I really hope you all enjoyed this one and thank you to my girl RuinaSantori for helping me with this. Don't forget to comment & vote. Much love .xx

So Christmas is around the corner and this year Esteban had decided to invite my family, and I over to celebrate Christmas at his house. We've been together for the last 3 and a half years, I've invited Esteban to my house before so this time he decided to invite my family over for a change.

I was nervous inside as it's the first time I'll be celebrating Christmas with this family, you're probably wondering why am I so paranoid about this ? Well, if you have a rowdy family like mine that could probably embarrass you in front of your boyfriends family then I don't see the need to be excited.

Esteban had insisted that my family and I stayed with him which I'm surprised that they even decided to stay since my parents can be strict at times, is their something I'm missing here ? What do they know that I don't ?

It was a cold day out in Évreux, but luckily we won't be going out anywhere but rather staying in the whole day. I was disrupted from my sleep in the morning by Esteban's baby cousins and my siblings screaming early in the morning to open presents. All I did was roll over to the other side of the bed and buried my face into the pillow.

I heard a knock at my door and hummed in response, "Morning princess" said a familiar French voice. "Morning babe" I murmured into my pillow as I rolled over to look at him and opened my arms out for him to join me in bed to cuddle. He came in bed and threw the sheets over him as he held me under his arm. "Slept well ?" He asked as he looked down at me. "For most part I did, it was just until these kids screamed in the morning that made me a bit moody" I pouted. He ran his fingers through my hair, "Sorry mi amour" he said as he placed a kiss on my forehead.

Just then we could hear the kids running in the hallway, "They're calling you both for breakfast" my baby brother huffed. "We're coming bub" I smiled at him. "I'm going to get ready. I'll see you downstairs in a few" I said as I pulled him in for a hug. "How about I stay and get ready with you" he smirked. "Nice try, maybe next time" I grinned and then pushed him out the door.

I got ready and went to the kitchen, "Morning beautiful people !" I yelled. I've made myself at home after staying here...clearly. They all had greeted me back. We all ate breakfast or should I say brunch not so silently, to my surprise Esteban's family is actually just as loud as mine which I'm glad that they're getting on well.

After eating, we all went to the lounge to start watching a few Christmas movies that the kids had suggested and then we would open presents later in the evening.

I decided on watching 'The Princess Switch' on Netflix with the girls, I've been wanting to watch it for a while but never got the chance to do so since I've been busy with work and also not forgetting to buy presents for everyone in the family - that was quite a mission.

I hadn't realised I was crying until the girls started laughing at me, it was the scene when Edward realised he fell in love with Stacy and he professed his love for her, "What ?" I asked confused as I looked at them. "You're actually crying over their proposal ?" Esteban's cousin asked. "It's cute, I mean just look at them. Then again I cry for everything, I'm an emotional person okay" I pouted.

"What's going on here ?" Esteban asked as he came into the lounge then sat next to me and pulled me closer to his chest. "She's crying over their proposal, imagine what she'll be like when you propose to her" the girls laughed. He gave them a look which I didn't notice as I was too busy watching the movie. "She's emotional like that, leave her alone" he said as he pulled my head to his chest.

"Time to open presents !" My mum yelled as all our parents had gathered into the lounge with the rest of the kids. We decided to let the kids of course open their presents first because they just couldn't wait and then the elders would open theirs. I got a few of my favourite albums on vinyl, some makeup and a few other gifts as well. Their was one last gift which Esteban held out, "So we've saved the best for last" he said as everyone gave him a look. "This is for (Y/N) but I'd like her to open it outside" he smiled. "Outside ?" I asked confused. He nodded his head, so I thought I should just go with the flow and follow him.

Everyone followed us outside, their was a trail of roses that led to the outdoor gazebo which was decorated beautifully with fairy lights and flowers. Oh my. He held my hand and guided me to the gazebo where we stood in the middle. "Now you can open it" he smiled as he watched me intently. I ripped the packaging as quick as I could as I was curious as to what all of this was about but I think I knew.

It was a small velvet red box which he took from my hand. "Oh my god" I said lowly. This is actually happening. "So...I don't know where to start" he laughed as he ran his fingers through his hair. "Take your time, I'm not going anywhere" I laughed which he laughed with me. "Okay" he cleared his throat as I awaited for what he had to say.

"We've known each other for 3 and a half years and might I say these have been the best years of my life, especially since spending these years with you. You make me laugh, you make me smile, you know how to cheer me up after a bad race and you're always there for me whenever I needed you the most. I try my best to be there for you despite my busy weekends away and I appreciate that you understand my schedule so thank you for being patient with me" he said as I felt the tears begin to well up in my eyes.

"You're beautiful no matter what. My family loves you and not forgetting that I love you with all my heart. You mean so much to me and I thought it's about time I take this to the next level" he smiled as he then got down on one knee. I let the tears fall from my eyes, I couldn't hold them back and I took a quick glance at our families cheering us on.

"(Y/N) (Y/L/N), I love you so much and fall more in love with you everyday if possible. It would be my honour to have you as my wife. So (Y/N), will you marry me ?" He asked as he opened the velvet red box to reveal a beautiful engagement ring. I covered my mouth with my hands in shock as I cried. "Omg yes !" I yelled as I held my left hand out. He slipped the ring on my finger and pulled me in for a hug as he spun us around. "Je t'aime, princesse" he murmured into my hair. "I love you more baby" I said. Just then I felt petals being thrown at the both of us. He placed me back onto my feet to find the kids breaking petals from the roses to throw at us.

"And you guys were laughing about me crying over the movie... you all knew all this time" I said in shock as I placed my hands on my hips. "We couldn't ruin the surprise" my brother said. Just then I felt Esteban's arms wrap around my waist from behind and he spun me around in his arms to place his lips onto mine. A perfect end to Christmas.

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