Charles Leclerc - A Better Day

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A/N: Requested by @musicalem21 . Hope you all enjoy ! Be sure to vote and comment. Much love babes .xx

As fun as it was for me to be on break the same time Charles still is, my break was cut short once the first semester of school started. A had a mixture of emotions of going back to school, I taught English to high school students, as much as I may love my job I sometimes also hate it. Everything has its perks. A whole class of about 18 students is great except for the odd one or two that can be a total pain in the ass, you know...the know it all, back chatting and basically disrupting the overall lesson.

I of course can't raise my voice at them - that's where they're testing my patience - I just keep a smile on my face like how I always do. Smile through the pain. Then politely telling them to keep quiet. Story of my life.

Luckily I wasn't alone on waking up early as Charles had to train early morning as well. It was 6am, Charles seemed to have woken up earlier today as he wasn't seen laying next to me in bed. My eyes immediately shut closed when I was met with the sunlight shining through our bedroom window. "Morning, mon amour" he said as he walked out of the bathroom already dressed in his gym attire. I turned over in bed to look at him, "Well you're up early" I said as I scrunched my brows. "Oh right, you're a morning person" I said in an obvious tone as I tossed the duvet aside and got out of bed.

"I'm going for a run now and then I'll go to the gym" he said as he stood in front of me. "Want me to make you breakfast ?" I asked as I walked into the bathroom whilst he trailed behind me. "No I'm good, I'll make something for myself" he said as he leaned against the door frame. As I washed my face, I hadn't noticed him walk over to stop behind me until he wrapped his arms around my waist. I dabbed the towel on my face before looking at him in the mirror, "I'll see you later, enjoy your day" he said as he then pressed a kiss to my cheek. I nodded my head in response, "Thanks babe, love you" I yelled as he walked out the door. "Love you more" he yelled back before the door closed.

I did my morning routine and got dressed in a pair of black and white checkered formal pants, a plain white blouse and a pair of red heels. I put on a minimal amount of makeup, tied my hair back into a high ponytail, grabbed my handbag and walked downstairs. I made myself a bowl of granola, yoghurt and fruit. I took my time to eat, wash the dishes then grabbed my stuff as I walked outside to the car. I didn't have a lesson first thing in the morning so I didn't have to go as early as 7am to school.

It was 7:50am when I reached school, I proceeded to the office and was greeted by the sweetest receptionist, Candice. She's always smiling and making sure to greet everyone, the perfect person to start off everyone's day with some positivity. "Morning Candice. How are you doing ? How was the break ?" I smiled as I stopped at her office. "It was just lovely and I'm doing really well thanks, how about you ? Your life must be more exciting than mine, I mean you're dating an F1 driver for crying out loud !" she yelled towards the end. "My life is amazing, can't complain at all so yeah I'm doing really good" I smiled. "Well, that's good to hear. I'll see you around, looking forward to hearing more from you" she said as we had to end our conversation since a kid came into the office to see her. "Of course. Have a great day" I waved her off as I walked down the hall. "You too !" She yelled back.

I left my belongings at my office desk and just then the bell had rung for the next lesson. Oh my god time is just flying. I grabbed a stack of worksheets that were already printed out and my phone before going to class. "Morning class !" I greeted enthusiastically. "Morning" they all said back plainly. "Aww come on guys, it's only the first day and you all look like you'll are so done with school" I said as I placed my belongings on the desk in front. "That's because we are" Oliver, one of my students said after the room was filled with silence.

"Well we're about 5 minutes down of this lesson, all you guys have to do is listen" I saw a few students faces brighten. I grabbed the worksheets and handed them out to the class, "Today we're going to be discussing about the classic play 'Romeo and Juliet' by William Shakespeare" I said and earned groans from a few students. "I felt that, but bare with me and it won't be as bad as you think" I said as I leaned against the desk.

I had 4 classes today which I had to teach the exact same thing to since these students are all in the same grade. I'm exhausted, I need sleep or preferably some food, I would really love to be in the comfort of my own bed right now or even better, in Charles arms.

I drove home relieved that I didn't have to deal with peak hour traffic today. "I'm home" I said lowly as I dropped the car keys on the kitchen table. I trudged upstairs to our bedroom, I left my handbag and phone aside on the dresser table, kicked off my heels before falling back on the bed. "How was ?" He paused as he saw my figure laying lifelessly on the bed. "That bad ?" He asked as he then walked over to sit beside me. My eyes were closed as I nodded my head, "I'm hungry, I'm tired and ugh I just want to be a sloth" which he then narrowed his eyes at me in confusion.

"Okay you're clearly not going to cook tonight, how about we go out to eat ? My treat" he said as he rubbed his hands together. I didn't say anything as I could feel myself slowly falling off to sleep, "Aww come on. I know you don't want to go out but you need to eat" he began to caress my arm. "Okay" I opened my eyes to look at a smiling Charles. "Great ! Let's go" he said as he got up and held his hands out for me to help me back into my feet.

We drove out to a fancy restaurant not too far from home. I have to say it was worth it to leave my sleep to catch some food because it was delicious. He made me laugh through the night and was being his overall cute self so their wasn't a dull moment that made me regret coming.

Once we were done with dinner, we took a walk around the area, the stores were still opened and I couldn't help myself to drag Charles along with me inside. The street that we walked on had all the high end brands and each time I dragged Charles along with me, the first section I ran to was the kids section. "Oh my god ! Just look at these Gucci shoes" I cooed as I held one of small Gucci shoes in my hand. "Cute" he said as he shoved his hands in his pockets. "My god, just look at this romper and not forgetting the matching bib ! My heart is melting right now" I said as I held out the items to show him.

"Still not over that baby fever I see" he chuckled. One of the female employees were watching us, I caught her trying to hold in a laugh probably at my reaction. "I forgot to tell you ! So during my break the toddlers came out since it was their to go home. They're all so damn cute with their school bag and lunch bag, plus they have a little cap and the way they bounce when they walked. I could cry" I said as I placed my hand on my heart. He entwined our fingers as we walked out of the store with my head laid on his shoulder, "I want a baby" I said after a few minutes of silence. He stopped walking to look at me, "Are you being serious ?" He asked in shock.

"Well, I mean I would love to have a baby someday but of course right now we're both too young for that but then again with all this baby fever I really want one" I pouted. He pulled me in for a short and sweet kiss, "One day, mon amour" he then pulled our entwined fingers to place a kiss on the back of my hand.

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