Lando Norris - #7

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A/N: Requested by @Bellatrix_blue_star . I hope you all enjoy as much as I did ! Love my boy Lando, this was so much of fun to write. Be sure to vote & comment. Much love.

7. "I'll kill the bitch."

It was the Silverstone GP weekend, an exciting one for not only me but for Lando as well as it's his home GP, more especially because it's his first season in F1. It's also only the 2nd race weekend I'm attending as I'm always busy studying and whenever I'm on break he doesn't have a race that weekend so I end up missing out.

I was a fan of F1 before I met Lando, him being an amazing boyfriend gave me an opportunity to fly out with him to his races but of course I sadly can't make it to all of them, as much as I'd love to.

It was Saturday, the second most important day of the whole weekend as qualifying is later on in the day.

I'm up from quite an early part of the morning, 6am which isn't my usual time to wake up on a Saturday but I did anyway as Lando had to train and I thought I might as well join him.

After having a shower, changing and then having breakfast we were on our way to the track.


I believe I was dressed quite comfortable and warm for the unpredictable gloomy English weather

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I believe I was dressed quite comfortable and warm for the unpredictable gloomy English weather. Also not forgetting that Lando and I complimented each other. A girl whose life is a meme with a boy who is a meme, cannot get any better than that. Some others just like to say that we're two clowns dating each other and I couldn't agree more because we are.

I may not look like the type of person who's always cracking jokes but gosh once you meet me, they don't stop.

We held hands as we walked through the paddock, getting clicked by the many photographers who surrounded us as we continued walking and just smiled. "What a relief" he said as he removed his sunglasses and walked into the garage. "Aren't you used to it by now ?" I asked as I raised a brow.

"I am but I mean it can be a pain sometimes y'know...y'know" he playfully said as he nudged my rib with his elbow and wiggled his brows. "No I don't know hey" I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes. "You too will get used to it when you come to more of my races" he said as he threw his arm over my shoulder. "If I didn't have a busy schedule and a job to search for then I would be you all the time" I pouted. "You know I tell you this all the time, just drop everything and travel the world with me. Life is so short, at least you can say you didn't have a boring one" he said casually.

"Yeah like its that easy to just drop everything and go with you. Also, why would my life be boring when you're there to entertain me, a clown" I said as I stifled a giggle. "Am I joke to you ?" He asked in shock. "Actually never mind" he shook his head as he began to chuckle. I was about to answer him back but he placed a finger on my lip, "Dont bother answering that" he said as he gave me a look. "Lando !" A high pitched voice called. He released his grip off my shoulder to turn around and see who the voice belonged to.

"G ! Omg it's so great to see you" he said as he walked towards the brunette girl to engulf her in a hug. What the hell is going on and who even is she ? "It's so good to see you too ! Thank you so much for inviting me over this weekend, I can't wait to see you kill it out there" she chirped. So let me get this straight...he invites a short, brunette girl who seems to be his friend over this weekend but he never mentioned her once before ?

"I'm glad you could finally make it, by the way Gemma I'd like you to meet my girlfriend, (Y/N)" he smiled as he motioned with his hands towards me. She had on a straight face when she turned to look at me as if I'm lower then her, shove your attitude where the sun don't shine hun. Never mind her shitty first impression, I smiled any way as I waved at her in which she just gave me a disgusted look as she looked at me from head to toe. Rude. "(Y/N), this is -" he began but I cut him off, "I know who she is" I said as I faked a smile and turned on my heel to Carlos' side of the garage.

He was quick to notice my presence, at least someone does, as he walked towards me worriedly. "Que pasó ? (What happened ?)" he said as he ran his fingers through his hair. "Theirs a reason why my face is like this" I said annoyed as I crossed my arms over my chest. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, I dropped my arms and held his forearm as I pulled him close enough to view Lando and Gemma talking.

"Ahh so you're jealous ?" He grinned at me. "Am not ! She was so rude to me and-" I said as I turned my attention away from him to look back at them. "-just look at the way she's touching him and flirting with him, that little-" he cut me off this time as he placed a hand over my mouth so I couldn't curse. "Cálmese (Calm down), I'm sure it's nothing" he said as he soothes my back. "You boys are clearly blind" I said as I shook my head and looked down.

"Okay she's gone now" he said as he turned to look at me. "She might as well stay in our hotel room" I said sarcastically as I rolled my eyes. Carlos turned to look at me confused again, I guess I sounded serious - hell no. Lando was walking towards us as we continued talking away like we weren't just watching them. "Hey" Lando smiled as he went to shake Carlos' hand. "Conversation ended so soon ?"I asked sarcastically again. "Yeah...why ?" Lando asked confused. "Were you blind the whole time she tried flirting and touching you ?" I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest.

Carlos pressed his lips together as he glanced between the both of us. "Excuse me, what ?" He asked in disbelief. "You heard me" I answered sassily. "Theirs nothing going on between her and I, we're just friends. You know how much I love you" he said as he grabbed a hold of me hands. "Did you not see the way she looked at me ? She's so damn rude, who the bloody hell does she think she is ? The Queen of England ?" I said annoyed. They both stifled a laugh at what I said. "Well I don't think I'll be seeing her again if that makes you happy, how can she be so disrespectful to not only my girlfriend but my best friend ?" He said as he shook his head.

"Exactly ! So if I see her one more time trying anything on you or gives me attitude, then I swear I'll kill the bitch" I smiled. "Oi !" "Language !" Carlos and Lando yelled. "Wouldn't want to get on (Y/N)'s bad side" Carlos said as he raised his brows. "Damn straight" I nodded my head. "I guess I have no choice but to marry you someday" Lando laughed as he pulled me in for a hug.

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