Alex Albon - Level Up

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A/N: Requested by Formulalbon . I really liked this idea and hope you guys do too. Enjoy .xx

Warning: Language & NSFW

"I was wondering how long you two were going to make out like that before you realize you weren't alone."

It was great knowing that Alex is around now that the summer break is here. I see him almost everyday now compared to seeing him like twice after every race weekend. Then again we are both busy with our lives so it gets hard to see each other.

I was busy working on an assignment ahead of the due date so I would free after. I kept my phone quite a distance away so I wouldn't be distracted, but what grabbed my attention is my notifications going off for the F1 app.

Before Alex could get himself a seat in F1 I was a fan of the sport so I'm always making sure to keep track of what's going on whenever I get busy. I grabbed my phone and read the breaking news on my lock screen 'Albon to replace Gasly at Red Bull from Belgium'. My mouth hung open in shock, am I seeing things or is this actually happening ?

I felt bad for Pierre but boy am I really happy and proud for Alex. I was expecting to meet Alex later once I was done with my work but you know what, that can wait.

I have a mix of emotions running through me, first of course I'm over the moon for him and on the other hand I'm fuming that he didn't tell me before. I drove over to his house being a 15 minute drive away.

After parking bout front, I stormed into the house - as I always do - yelling for him. "Alexander !" I very rarely call him by his full name, he knows it's serious when I do so.

"Surprised to see you here" he said when I entered the kitchen. He must have just finished training since he was sweaty, looking out of breath and well he was getting himself a bottle of water from the fridge. "You little shit" I said, catching him off guard.

"Excuse me ?" He asked confused. I then walked over to stand in front of him. "When were you planning on telling me about this ?" I said as I pulled out my phone from my back pocket to show the breaking news on my lock screen. "Surprise !" He chuckled. "Why didn't you tell me sooner ?" I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest. "I wanted to keep it a secret until the news was out" he said as he then took a sip of his water.

"Ugh you got me so annoyed, keeping something this big away from me...but never mind that" I sighed. I then engulfed him in a hug, "I'm so so happy and proud of you" I said as he wrapped his arms around me.

I broke away from his embrace, "I'm literally over the moon right now. I could kiss you" I lightly laughed. I don't know why came over me in that moment as I cupped his cheeks and pulled him in for a kiss. To my surprise he kissed back, after all these years of being best friends I honestly never thought this time would come so soon. This is what happens when you bottle up your feelings.

I wrapped my arms around his neck to pull him closer. The kiss was sweet and slow at first but eventually built up to us being eager for more. His hands moved from my lower back to the back of my thighs as he lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he carried me and sat me on the counter top. His hands were placed on my thighs, tracing circles with his thumb which drove me insane.

We then heard a cough followed by someone clearing their throat, "I was wondering how long you two were going to make out like that before you realize you weren't alone" his trainer, Patrick said. We broke away quickly to look back at him. "Oh damn sorry I didn't know you were both still training" I said as I felt my cheeks flush up and got off the counter top. "Don't apologise" he smiled. "See you guys...Have fun !" He yelled on his way out. I pressed my lips together, damn.

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