Daniel Ricciardo - Baby Daddy

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A/N: Ideal for my baby fever so thank you brauni2001 for requesting this. Hope you all enjoy ! Xx

I remember getting oddly sick earlier this year. I knew it was serious because I rarely got sick in a year - I usually had the flu due to the change in seasons or from travelling - this time I decided to see a doctor because it seemed to get worse by the day. I was feeling fatigue, nauseous and the most obvious being I missed my period. That was when I found out that I was pregnant.

I was worried to tell Daniel at first about the news since I didn't know how he would react, we're married but hadn't thought of having kids just yet. It warmed my heart to see his reaction that day I told him the big news, he was over the moon, he was so thrilled and couldn't wait for the baby to be born.

Our families couldn't wait either as its been a while since a baby has been around in both of our families - everyone clearly had baby fever and I knew exactly how they felt because it became a trend to have kids in 2018.

We were expecting the baby just before Christmas and that too it's a baby girl which I was so excited to see her. My little bundle of joy.

It was 5 days before Christmas and I was scheduled to be admitted into hospital today as I could be expecting the baby. Daniel was so helpful throughout these 9 months and always made sure that I wasn't over working myself.

As I laid in the hospital bed, I felt the contractions begin. Daniel was quick to hold onto my hand and nurses had rushed by my side with the doctor when they heard me in pain.

I was feeling hot and sweaty, the pain was getting worse by the second in my lower abdomen. "This is all your fault Dan ! Ughhhh" I yelled in frustration. "How is this all my fault ? It takes 2 to make a baby doll" he said. "Don't bother trying to argue with her right now, they all say that" a nurse reassured him. "Just breathe in and push as hard as you can babe" he said as he dabbed a cold towel on my forehead and on my neck.

"That's what I'm doing !" I yelled back at him. I focused on breathing in and trying my hardest to push this baby out. I let my head rest back against the bed when I heard the cries of our baby. "Oh my gosh" I murmured as I closed my eyes for a split second before opening them again to see our beautiful baby girl. "Congratulations on a baby girl" the nurse said as she held our baby in her arms.

I let my tears fall freely, Daniel squeezed my hand which I turned my attention to him. "You did it, doll" he smiled wide. "We did it babe" I smiled back. He then placed a kiss on my lips which was short and sweet before the nurse brought back our baby bathed and dressed. She gently placed her in my arms. "Hello my angel" I smiled as I looked down at her.

"You're so beautiful baby girl" I said softly as I admired her tiny features. I placed a kiss on her forehead before looking back at Daniel, "Looks like daddy is eager to hold you pumpkin" I said as I then handed her over to Daniel.

I watched how he slowly sat back on the couch with her tiny figure in his arms. He didn't utter a word as he took in her features, his face instantaneously brightened when she gripped onto his finger as she was still asleep. "She has my hair, your nose, maybe my lips as well but I don't know about her eyes" he said as he looked down at her before looking up at me. "Well, I guess we're just going to have to wait until she's awake" I smiled at the two of them. I knew he was going to be an amazing dad.

I hadn't realised I fell off to sleep until I heard noises from familiar voices which woke me up. It was Daniel's parents that came to visit. "Hey hun, how are you feeling ?" Mama Grace asked. "Really tired but relieved at the same time" I let out a sigh. She then pulled me in for a hug and kissed my cheek as Papa Joe kissed my forehead.

"Where is she ?" Mama Grace asked excitedly. "They were here before I went to bed I-" I was cut off "Here they are" Papa Joe finished as just then Daniel walked in with the baby in his arms. "Glad you guys could make it" he smiled wide as he kissed his mum's cheek before she already had open arms to take the baby. I smiled as I watched their reactions before me.

Daniel and his dad shook hands before pulling each other in for a hug. "You're finally a dad" Papa Joe said as he pat him on his back. "Feels surreal" he said as he then released from the hug and turned to look at his mum holding our baby.

"She has your hair for sure" his mum said as her hand gently soothed down her curly hair. "I said the same" Daniel said as he then turned to look at me already grinning. He let his parents have a moment with the baby as he sat next to me on the bed. "Are you okay ?" He asked as he took my hand in his and placed a kiss at the back of it. I nodded my head in reply, "I'm fine, I just need to sleep that's all" I said as I gave him a small smile. "You need the sleep since you didn't get any all night. I'm so proud of you for pushing so hard. I couldn't be happier right now, not only to have you as my wife but as the mother of our gorgeous baby girl" he said as he caressed the back of my hand.

"Stop it Dan, you're going to make me cry" I pouted as I could already feel the tears well up in my eyes. "Thank you for being there and helping me through this. I couldn't have asked for a better husband - knowing how busy you are during race weekends, you still worried if I was okay. I really appreciate it babe, I love you so much" I said as I placed my hand under his chin and pulled him in for a sweet kiss.

"It's my pleasure doll. I'll always be here for you no matter what" he smiled. I ran my fingers through his hair before caressing his cheek. "When are we having another baby ?" He asked to my surprise. "Daniel !" I scolded. "What ? I want to continue making more beautiful babies with you" he said happily. "We just had a baby and you're already thinking of having another ? We're going to have to wait for quite a while before we even thinking of going down that route again" I said as I shook my head. "Understood" he said before bursting into laughter which I joined in. Not only do I have one kid to look after, I actually have 2 as I forget that Dan himself acts like a child as well.

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