Daniel Ricciardo - Jealousy

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A/N: Shoutout to anon on Tumblr for this request. Hope you all enjoy. Please don't forget to vote and comment .xx

Today was my last day of saying good bye to my books as exams are finally over. I couldn't have been more happier right now as I won't have to stress about this anymore but before I can even think about celebrating, might I mention how pissed off I am.

Why, you may ask, it's actually because Daniel Joseph Ricciardo decided to give me a 2 word reply after I sent him a lengthy paragraph after the Mexico GP. Like are you kidding me ? I'm sure he didn't even read it either because he replied 'I'm busy'. So since he's clearly uninterested in talking to me, I think it's best if I showed that I don't care either.

I received a spam of messages from my group chat with all my girl friends insisting that I go out with them to celebrate and I thought why the heck not because I deserved a night out for once.

Before deciding to get ready I checked my Instagram to see Michael had posted of them hiking and his friend Scotty had posted a video with the both of them as well. Busy hey.

I rolled my eyes and went to have a shower. I did my hair and makeup then after checked my phone, still no message from Dan. The girls said they were on their way to fetch me and not even 5 minutes they were already outside.

We decided to go out to eat first and then after hit a club. Little did I know that when we got to the club my friends had called over guys to hang out with us - no biggy because they were gay anyway.

We all decided to claim a corner in the club so we could all find each other easily, I wasn't drinking because I decided to be the responsible one and drive everyone home plus I wasn't in the mood. We all decided to take a few group photos as well as singular photos so we could post them later.

As I sat on a couch whilst watching my friends act crazy I decided to post the pictures on my Instagram of myself and as well as the group pictures which I tagged my girl friends and the guys as well.

@(Y/N)(Y/L/N): Night out with the girls and the guys ☺️🎉

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@(Y/N)(Y/L/N): Night out with the girls and the guys ☺️🎉

Daniel's P.O.V
"Your girl seems to be having fun" Michael said from next to me. I got curious and turned to look at what he was talking about. He swiped through her posts as the last one was of her friends and a few guys. "Wait, let me see that" I said as he handed me his phone. I swiped through her pictures, "Why didn't she tell me she's going out ?" I asked as I swiped through her posts once more. My blood began to boil as I saw her group picture which she stood in between 2 guys as they held her waist. "Mate maybe it was a last minute thing, you know how girls are" he said as he took his phone back.

I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and dialed her number which went straight to voicemail. I sent numerous messages to her and see that she's read all of them yet she wasn't replying. What the hell ? "Mate can I borrow your phone to call (Y/N) ?" I asked Michael. "Yeah sure" he said as he handed me his phone. I dialed her number yet again and was relieved to hear her voice on the other end "Hey Michael" she spoke sweetly.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V
"It's not Michael" the familiar Aussie accent spoke. "Okay then bye" I said as I cut the call. I began to giggle as I thought about what his facial expression was like. Michael's number popped up again on my screen, "What do you want ?" I yelled annoyed on the phone. "It's Michael, (Y/N)" Michael spoke. "Oh my bad I thought it was Dan, where is he ?" I asked. "Right here next to me, he wants to talk to you" he said. "Well I-" I was cut off as Michael said "Hold on."

"Where the hell are you ?" Dan spoke furiously on the other side of the line. "None of your business. The same way you were 'busy' earlier on, well, I'm very busy as well. So bye" I said as I ended the call. The phone continued to blow up with messages and calls so I thought I may as well switch it off until I get home.

When I was finally back in my bed I switched on my phone, it began to ring as he tried to FaceTime me. I answered the call and didn't bother to switch on the lights, "Finally after 3hrs of trying to reach you" he said as he ruffled his hair. "My phone was off" I said plainly. "I can't see your face" he said as he pursed his lips. "You don't need to, it's time for me to sleep anyway, you still have a whole day ahead of you" I said as I laid back on my pillow. "I want to see your beautiful face" he said as he showed off his pearly whites.

"I'm trying to be mad at you and you're being cute, can you stop ?" I said. "Why are you mad at me ? I'm the one who's mad at you" He said. "Right now I don't want to talk, you have enough time to think about it. Goodnight Dan" I said as I was just about to end the call. "Wait. Are we still meeting in LA after the Brazil GP ?" He asked as he bit his lip. Ughhh can he stop. "Unfortunately yes" I laughed which I couldn't hold in. "Unfortunately ? We need to have a serious talk in LA young lady" he said as he began to laugh. "Okay anyways goodnight" "Goodnight. Love you" He said lastly as I ended the call. "Love you too Dan" I whispered to myself.

The week after the Brazil GP
As I was on my flight to LA I had seen a few fans post pictures of Dan in the airport, he must've reached by now. If you're wondering how the rest of the week went, we're still not on great terms as he's annoyed about me not telling him I went out whilst he doesn't know that I've already forgiven him.

I took a taxi to the hotel and knew which room to go to as he sent me a message earlier when he checked in. As I knocked on his room door, I was greeted by Michael, "Hey Michael, how are you doing ?" I asked as we both shared a hug. I spotted Dan seated on the couch as he watched my moves intently. "I'm doing good. I'll see you around" he said lastly as he left the room and waved at Dan.

We still hadn't uttered a word to each other, I placed my bag down as well as my duffel. "Hi" I said awkwardly as I waved. He looked up at me and held our gaze for a few seconds before looking back at his phone. "Are you seriously ignoring me ?" I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest. He didn't say anything and I decided to sit next to him on the couch. "I missed you" I said as I played with his hair. Still no reaction.

I huffed as I took his phone away from his hands and slid it across the couch to the other end. I straddled his lap as now he had no choice but to look at me. "Stop acting like a child. You had a good race weekend which btw I'm so proud of you. You can't be telling me you called me this far to ignore me" I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

He began to smile and let out a laugh, "Damn it's so hard to be mad at you when you're so cute." I rolled my eyes, "Still lowkey mad at you though" he said. "Mad at me ? I was mad at you" I straightened up. He carried me as he said, "You took a picture with 2 guys holding your waist, didn't even tell me you're going out and you ignored my calls, and messages for 3 goddamn hours" he then tossed me onto the bed as he leaned on top of me.

"Well do you know how pissed you made me ? I sent you a long ass paragraph and you had the audacity to reply with 2 words ? You said you were busy yet from the looks of Michael's story you had all the damn time to read my message" I said annoyed as I turned my face. "Sorry about that babe, it was just that I was having a bad week and then seeing you with those guys made it even worse" he said as he nuzzled his face in my neck and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Dan, babe they're gay" I said. "Really ? Well, I got pissed for nothing" he said as his smile grew wider. "Now shut up and kiss me you fool" I said as I had my arms wrapped around his neck. "I missed you so much doll" he said before placing his lips on mine.

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