Max Verstappen - Surprises

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A/N: Thank you for the request and happy belated bday @Littlemissunnoticed ! Hope you all enjoy.Vote and comment .xx

Warning: Language and Slight smut

Unbelievable how far this year has went by, my birthday is already around the corner and not forgetting the final GP of the season. I'm also saddened that because of being busy with studying and assignments throughout the year, I couldn't even attend 1 GP which Max had asked me to come on numerous occasions.

I haven't seen him for the last 3 weeks as I was studying for finals but luckily the horror of exams is finally coming to an end.

Back at our apartment in Amsterdam, I was currently studying for my last exam, as I jotted down notes whilst listening to music play softly in the background I was disrupted by a knock at the door. I dropped the pen in my hand and couldn't care how I was presented to the person behind the door because its not like I'm going out.

I opened the door to be face-to-face with Max. "You little shit" was the first thing I said as he frowned at my greeting. "Well, that's a nice way to greet your boyfriend" he said. I laughed and engulfed him into a hug, his hands went to the back of my thighs indicating for me to jump. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he carried me towards the couch. I had my arms wrapped around his neck as I missed his familiar scent. "I missed you" I said into his neck. "I missed you more" he said back as he sat on the couch.

I straddled his lap as I released from our embrace to look at him. "How could you not tell me you're coming ? I could've planned myself out and at least looked presentable" I said as I looked down at my sweatpants and tank top. "It would've ruined the surprise and I couldn't care because you look beautiful anyway" he ran his fingers through my hair. "Now what brings you here Verstappen ? I thought I won't be seeing you until after the Abu Dhabi GP" I raised my brow.

"I had a Tag Heuer event today in Amsterdam, thought I'd come back here to change my clothes" he said sarcastically."Ha-ha very funny" I faked a smile and got off his lap. He stood up and caught me off guard as he carried me to our bedroom. He laid me down as he hovered over me, his eyes darted between my lips and eyes before I pulled him by his neck to join our lips.

It felt amazing to feel the sparks after so long, his hand moved to my neck then to my hair as he grabbed hold of it. I took off his cap and tossed it across the room. My hands moved along his chest and then to the hem of his shirt as I tugged on it to take it off. His lips left mine only for a split second as he removed his shirt and tossed it to the floor. My hands then travelled along his abs and to his belt buckle, whilst his hands roamed under my shirt giving me goose bumps.

Just then to ruin the perfect steamy moment, his phone rings in his shorts pocket. "Are you fucking kidding me ?" He murmured against my lips, his forehead was against mine as we both breathed heavily trying to catch our breaths. My head fell back against the bed in frustration. "Hello ?" he yelled into the phone. I got up from the bed and re adjusted my shirt, as well as my hair as I looked like a mess.

He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration as he shook his head then ended the call. "I have to go" he said as he got up from the bed. "Already ? But you just got here" I whined as I followed him to our walk in closet. He grabbed a shirt and slipped it over his head. "Have to go to another event, I don't know why the fuck they didn't tell me sooner otherwise I would've came later to surprise you and we could have had the whole night to ourselves" he smirked. "Are you coming back later ?" I asked.

"Nope sorry princess but I do have another surprise for you" he grinned. "Another surprise ?" I asked in confusion. "So I know your birthday is coming up and I know that you sadly couldn't make it to any of my races this year, but since you're done with your exams tomorrow. Would you please come to the final GP this weekend ?" He asked with hope in his eyes.

"Did you even have to ask ? Of course I'll come" I said as I pulled him in for a hug. Their was then another knock at the door, I rolled my eyes as I went to answer whilst he trailed behind me. James stood before us, "Hey (Y/N), sorry to disturb you guys but we have to go" he said as he glanced from me to Max. "I'll be down in 5 minutes" Max said from behind me as he wrapped his arm around my waist. James nodded which Max closed the door.

He pushed me against the door, "Gonna love you and miss you" I said as I pecked his lips. "Sadly gotta leave you" He said before kissing my lips hungrily again. His phone began to ring again which he declined the call. "We're not done here, next weekend you're all mine, no one is going to stop us" he said before giving my lips one last peck then leaving. I waved him off as he walked down the hallway. Now how am I going to study sexually frustrated. Well, their goes my studying for the day down the drain.

Abu Dhabi GP
I couldn't believe I was finally here, I was so used to watching him on TV and now I get to watch him live. I wished him good luck before the race as I stood with Victoria and his mum in the garage.

The race went by so quickly and he had yet another amazing finish. Everyone in the garage began to cheer and applaud as I joined in as well. I watched him proudly on the screen and waited in the garage until I'd see him later.

Cheers and applauds had began again in the garage as he came in. He looked around the garage as if searching for someone until his eyes landed on mine. He had a wide smile on his face as he walked towards us, he hugged his mum as well as Victoria before grabbing me by my waist and spinning me around.

As he set me down, his arms were wrapped around my waist as mine were wrapped around his neck. I couldn't care how sweaty he was at this moment as I was so proud of him and plus this year being my first to see him race live is incredible. He then whispered in my ear, "You're all mine tonight." To think this boy forgot.

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