Max Verstappen - #50

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A/N: Requested by @sharoonnx . Hope you all enjoy it ! Be sure to vote & comment. Much love .xx

50. "I skipped my period..." "What? No no no..." "Oh my god."

I'm sure I'm not the only girl that jumps to conclusions that she's pregnant when her period is late, am I right ladies ? Its only been a few days overdue and it's normal anyway. I grew concerned when it was 2 weeks, yet still no period. I started to think that the possibility of me being pregnant could just be true.

I didn't speak to anyone about it, yet. I thought I should have a consultation with my gynaecologist with regards to the issue, maybe I have PCOS that could be the reason behind this. Gosh I would never no until I see her. I made an appointment and luckily she was available for this afternoon.

The sweat started to build up in my palms as I sat on the couch of the doctors room waiting for my name to be called. "Miss. (Y/L/N)" called the receptionist. "Yes, that's me" I said as I stood up. "The doctor will now see you" she smiled as she held the door open for me. "Thanks" I said lowly to her as I entered the doctors room.

"(Y/N), good to see you again" the doctor smiled from her desk. Can't say the same, I thought to myself. I only say that because I get anxiety at the thought of going for tests and examinations then not knowing the outcome. I just simply hummed in a reply as I say on the chair in front of her desk. "What seems to be the problem today ?" She asked as she leaned closer on the desk. "Well, my period is late by almost 2 weeks which doesn't ever happen. My cycle has always been fine before so I don't know" I sighed as I leaned back against the chair. "Okay well have you had sexual intercourse recently ?" She asked.

I gulped at the thought of knowing where this is going. "Yes" I said lowly. "If I may ask, how long ago ?" She asked. "A few weeks back I think" I said as I crossed my legs over. "Okay it may be too early to do an ultrasound, you'll only be able to see a small sac if you're pregnant but take this pregnancy test for now and then we'll know our answer" she said as she pulled out a pregnancy test from her drawer and slid it over to me. "Okay" I said lowly as I walked to the bathroom. I took deep breaths before finally deciding to do the pregnancy test.

Once I was done, I washed my hands and set it aside before walking back into the doctors room. "So ?" She urged me to speak up. "Now we wait" I said as I sat in front of her. After about 10 minutes into our conversation, I totally forget about the test until she reminded me. "Want to check the test now ?" She asked. "I'd rather you tell me" I said as I watched her walk over to the bathroom.

When she came back and sat in front of me she had a smile on her face. Oh god. "You're pregnant ! Congratulations" she yelled as she pulled me into a hug. I don't know how to react... I just want to go home right now.

I'm happy that I'm actually carrying a child but saddened because I have no idea how Max is going to react. As I was on my way home, I decided to give Max a call since this was really troubling me and I need to tell him...I really can't hold it in anymore.

"Hello" he answered out of breath. "Are you training ? My bad" I said immediately feeling guilty. "Well I was a few seconds ago but it's fine, it seems to be urgent so what's up ?" He asked. Do I tell him now or not ? Oh god. "Don't worry about it, I'll just meet you at the gym since you're clearly aren't going to finish any time soon" I sighed. "Yeah I just started the session so I'll still be here" he huffed. "Okay then I'll see you in a bit. Bye !" I said lastly before ending the call.

After parking the car - I hadn't bothered to go to my apartment because like I said I need to get it out of my system and tell him before even thinking of telling my parents right now. When I pulled open the gym door, it was surprisingly empty and the only noise in the room was heavy breathing and soft music playing in the background.

He was busy boxing and damn he looked hot all sweaty with his snapback on backwards, not forgetting his tank top sticking to his chest from all the sweat. Okay I'm done fangirling inside. "Hey !" I waved as I walked towards him. "Nice to see you here" he grinned as he stopped boxing and pecked my lips. "What's up ?" He asked concerned. "Okay so I thought I should tell you this now since I can't hold it in...I haven't told anyone else either..." I trailed.

"Okay well I'm all ears, tell me" he urged me to go on. "I skipped my period..." I trailed again. "What? No no no..." he walked backwards and removed his gloves. He knows where this is going. "Don't worry about finishing...Are you pregnant ?" He asked as he had his hands on his hips. I couldn't answer so I just nodded my head. "Oh fuck me" he said as he ran his fingers through his hair in frustration and started pacing the room. I was going to say I did but now ain't the time for jokes.

"I don't know what to say right now" he said as he shrugged his shoulders. "I can't tell what's your reaction...look, if you don't want the baby then I can raise our child on myself but if you're going to be there for us every step of the way then I'll be the happiest girl in the world" I said as I pressed my lips together as I felt uneasy. He didn't say anything for a while, he'd glance at me from time to time but never holding our eye contact. "I guess I got my answer" I said as I turned on my heels and was ready to walk out.

He caught hold of my wrist and pulled me back, "I know we're both very young and this is not what we wanted right now but I'm willing to go through this with you. I want to be there for our child and most importantly I still want you in my life" he said as he held my hands and caressed my knuckles. "Oh my god." I squealed as I pulled him into a hug. He hugged me back, his arms held me at the back of my thighs as he spun us around. "It's now you, me and a mini Verstappen" he smiled as he then connected our lips.

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