Daniel Ricciardo - #79

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A/N: Requested by this sweetheart, Onceuponxwars .Hope you babes all enjoy this one ! Be sure to vote and comment .xx

Warning: Language & NSFW

79. "I could watch you ride me all day."

It's a bustling week ahead of the Monaco GP, not only is everyone hyped for one of the biggest races of the season but it's also the Cannes Film Festival.

I unfortunately couldn't make it for the Spanish GP but was relieved that my schedule was clear for the week of the Monaco GP.

At last minute Daniel had informed me about being invited to the Cannes Film Festival which I was overjoyed for him, until he mentioned that I'm invited as well. I was in utter shock. This is surreal.

I couldn't stop smiling from the second I ended the phone call with him whilst I packed my bag. Well, I guess it's time to go all out.

I flew out to Nice on Monday, just having to be patient for about an hours drive to Daniel's apartment. Damn I missed my man.

Cannes had came around faster than I thought it would. We had a very early morning as we had to drive up to Cannes and get ready at a hotel not far from the red carpet.


Thanks to Daniel, I was honoured to wear a designer dress for the afternoon

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Thanks to Daniel, I was honoured to wear a designer dress for the afternoon. My hair was done up in an up style and as for my makeup, I had a soft smokey eye finished with a nude lip.

After getting my hair and makeup done, then finally slipping into the dress with the help of some lovely ladies I was in shock at my appearance. Damn girl. I couldn't believe that I was staring back at my own reflection. I thanked the team of women who helped get me ready before making my way downstairs to the lobby to finally see my man himself.

For someone who isn't famous, I caught everyone's attention in the lobby. All eyes and camera flashes were in my direction as I walked outside. I stood confused looking around for Daniel until I heard the familiar Aussie accent behind me, "Wow" he said in shock.

I turned around to see his face lit up as he took in my appearance. "You- I- wow. You look gorgeous doll" he struggled to find the right words. I felt the heat rush to my cheeks at his compliment, "Forget about me, look at you. My boy is looking..." I trailed as I took a step forward to whisper into his ear "...sexy."

Just then a man tapped Daniel on the shoulder to inform him that it's time we leave. He held my hand and led the way to the car, just before getting seated into the car I pulled him back to whisper into his ear "With that sexy suit on you I don't think I'll be able to control myself...I want to undress that suit off you myself." His breath hitched in his throat before following my lead into the car. "You have no idea how I'm struggling not to have my way with you right now" he whispered back which sent shivers down my spine.

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