Carlos Sainz - Naughty Affair

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A/N: Like my girl, RuinaSantori and I had announced we're doing another collab together, here is Part 1 to Professor!Carlos. Hope you all enjoy. Be sure to like & comment .xx

Warning: Language

Another day in University and as always I can never concentrate in Mr. Sainz class, as much as I try I just can't help but day dream about him and stare at his beautiful features. As wrong as it may be that he's my professor, he's the youngest professor in the University - probably a few years older than me - so it's not exactly wrong but it's unethical.

I could hear him talk all day but nothing actually went into my head. "In contrast to the art of Northern Europe, the Spanish art of the period appealed to the emotions rather than seeking to please the intellect." He spoke as he pointed to the pictures on his presentation.

"The 18th century and Enlightenment in Spain starts with the Succession War. Charles II was the last of the economic, social and political problems made of Spain a declining empire, but the colonies in the New World and the huge naval fleet of the Spanish Armada gave Spain a vital role in European politics." he said as his eyes glanced at me for a brief second then back at the presentation.

It was probably the 5th time in this lesson that (Y/F/N) disrupted me from my train of thought to whisper into my ear. "Ugh I want to run my fingers through his hair" she whispered as she stared directly at him. I rolled my eyes, don't we all. "Keep quiet" I whispered back. "I can't help myself that he's so hot, ugh the things I would do to him" she then bit her lip. "Keep your thoughts to yourself, we're going to get caught" I whispered as I turned to glance at her.

"Miss (Y/L/N), do you have something to share with the rest of the class ?" He said aloud as he crossed his arms over his chest. Everyone's eyes turned to look at me and I could already feel the heat rush to my cheeks. Shit. "No sir" I said as I stared directly at him. "It must be very interesting that you had to discuss it with your friend during my lesson" he said sternly. "I'm sorry sir, it won't happen again" I pressed my lips together. "Please see me in my office after the lesson" he said as he then turned around to the power point presentation. The class erupted in 'oohs' and ugh I couldn't be any more embarrass than right now.

I gave (Y/F/N) a look since this is all her fault, I didn't even do anything wrong. "I wish I could be in your place to meet him after the lesson" she giggled in my ear. I shook my head and thought that I might as well pay attention this time before matters get worse.

Once the lesson was over, I took my time to pack my things away since I had to follow him to his office. As I trudge down the stairs to him by the door, I was just dreading to go with him. I may have fantasised about him on numerous occasions but with his stern tone today, I didn't want to mess with him or get him any more angry than he was.

The walk to his office was silent, he hadn't uttered a word to me since the time he called me out in class. You could feel the tension in the air.

I followed him into his small office as he let me in first before slamming the door behind him. I stood awkwardly by his desk as I watched him place his bag down on the desk then walked over to the windows to shut the blinds. "Have a seat Miss..." he trailed as he briefly glanced at me. "(Y/L/N)...sure thank you" I said in a shaky voice as I sat down on the chair in front of his desk. I bet he damn well knows my name.

My leg began to shake and my hands started to get sweaty from nerves. I'm so screwed. He then walks over to take a seat at the edge of his desk in front of me. "So what do you have to say for yourself ?"
He asked as he clasped his hands. "My apologies for disrupting the lesson, it wasn't my fault...I'm really sorry, it won't happen again sir" I said in hopes to get out of here quickly, I bit my bottom lip as I could feel my nerves getting worse.

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