Lando Norris - First Race

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A/N: Requested by @FA14_LH44 . I hope you all enjoy this cute fluff with a baby ! Much love .xx

I could never forget the day I had mixed emotions as I held the positive pregnancy test in my hand. Only being 18 and now having a baby was not what I planned for my future. I had so much planned for my career, but it felt as if everything came tumbling down when I found out I was pregnant.

I was worried about how I was going to tell my parents and more especially tell Lando, we never discussed having kids any time soon and I don't think being a dad at 19 is what he wanted. I remember pacing up and down before finally deciding to call my mum first that day, she was disappointed at first upon hearing the news but after a while she was excited to finally welcome a grandchild to the family. I made it her task to break the news to my dad because I know for sure if I told him, he could possibly have a heart attack.

Since I know Lando plays games a lot, I thought it would be cute to announce my pregnancy inspired by that.

I was worried about his reaction since it could be either good or bad

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I was worried about his reaction since it could be either good or bad. I of course wanted to keep the baby, aborting the child never crossed my mind and nor would I ever want to do it even if Lando hadn't accepted that I was pregnant.

I remember following closely behind him to where u had the stuff put into a basket on his simulator chair. He looked at the basket confused until his eyes laid on the picture of my ultra sound. He held the picture in his hand then turned to look at me, "Are you pregnant ?" He asked. I pressed my lips together as I nodded my head. "Oh my god babe this is amazing !" He yelled as he lifted me and spun us around.

I was in shock at his reaction, not the one I expected but I couldn't be happier. "So you're not upset ?" I asked worried. "Of course not, why would I be ? We're going to have a baby ! I'm going to be a dad !" He said enthusiastically. "Well, you just started your career in F1 and we're both still really young, I was worried that this wasn't the right time...I mean we haven't even had a discussion on wanting kids" I said as I played with my fingers. "Hey...I want this with you, I always have...I know we may be young but you're not alone in this, I'll be here to support you no matter what okay" he said as he lifted my chin up to look into his eyes before kissing my lips. I nodded my head in response.

It was not until 5 months I was showing, that's when his fans got suspicious and bombarded his posts with comments asking if I'm actually pregnant as Lando had a habit of recording me when I wasn't looking. When he finally announced on his Instagram that we're having a baby, that too a boy, everyone was over the moon when they heard the news as they couldn't wait to see a mini Lando in the paddock.

After giving birth to our healthy and bubbly baby boy, Theo, it was not till he was 6 months that we thought it would be the right time to finally take him to his first F1 race. It was ideal to take him to Silverstone as the track is closer to home, we didn't want to travel too far as theirs a possibility of him getting sick.

Everyone says he's a splitting image of me, but at the same time everyone wants him to be like Lando. He has straight hair, plump lips and a button nose - just like me - but he has the same brown orbs like his dad.

It was Saturday and I arrived with him just before the FP3 session, it felt like a million of flashes went off as I walked along the paddock trying to cover Theo. His PR helped me out from the entrance and also walked with me along the paddock, but Lando came to the rescue when he jogged from the garage to my side as he took Theo from my arms and covered his face with the receiver.

As soon as we entered the garage, the whole team gathered around Lando as he showed Theo off. Theo was looking absolutely adorable as he had his bib, black pants, a McLaren shirt and a pair of little white sneakers. I sat down and watched them from where I was, Lando occasionally cracking jokes to get him to laugh or smile so that everyone could see how cute his reaction is. I laughed as I watched Theo have his fingers in his mouth, the drool dripping off his hands and the corner of his lips onto his bib.

I let them be eventually and scrolled through my phone, it was not until I heard footsteps get closer to me that I looked up to see Lando and Carlos walking towards me. "Hey (Y/N) ! Congratulations on the baby" he smiled. "Thank you so much Carlos" I smiled. "Looks like he's going to be just like his bad" he smiled as he looked at Theo. "What makes you say that ?" I asked curiously. "Well he already wants to get in the car and the team loves him" Carlos said as he turned to look at me. "Getting him started young" Lando grinned. "At least he'll always be a Mama's boy" I smiled proudly. "I beg to differ" Lando said. "Oh yeah ?" I questioned as I stood up. I held my arms out for him in sign to come to me which he without hesitation did so.

I stuck my tongue at him as I won Theo over by a simple gesture, "That doesn't prove anything babe" he smirked at me then looked at Theo, "Would you like to come sit with Dada in the car ?" He asked him. After a brief silence, Theo nodded his head at Lando's request and was quick to want to go into Lando's arms. My mouth was open as I was in shock, wow so much for a Mama's boy. Lando smirked as he held Theo in his arms, "Its okay hun, he may not be a Mama's boy but at least I'm your boy" he winked. My lips curled into a smile as I shook my head, "I'm trying to figure out why I'm still with you" I said as I narrowed my eyes at him. "Wow rude" Lando scoffed at me. "More like why did I fall for you" I shook my head. "It's the Norris charm, I used it on you and Theo will follow someday too" he smiled. "I wouldn't call that a charm" I said with a straight face before I burst out laughing. "I want a divorce" he said in a serious tone before turning around and walking away. "You can use that on me when we're actually married babe" I yelled after him. Oh Lando.

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