Sebastian Vettel - Friends with Benefits

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A/N: Requested by @Trixy_Vixy_. Enjoy loves .xx

Warning: Language & NSFW

"you were always more than just a one night stand to me"

Yet another race weekend was done and dusted, I can't believe how quickly the season has gone by...where has the time gone ? We may not be in an official relationship yet but that doesn't mean I won't show my love and support for him. We've been in a 'friends with benefits' relationship, as they call it, for the past 6 months now and guess what ? I caught feelings.

We've been friends all these years only up until a few months ago had we agreed we should have a friends with benefits relationship, seeing each other after every race weekend at least once or sometimes even twice or thrice a week to meet up, if we're in the mood. Recently from seeing pictures of all the wags at the paddock, it really triggered me to end what Sebastian and I have. I can't play this game anymore.

I of course don't travel with Sebastian to his races since we're low key and of course aren't official. We text everyday though and I wait patiently back in Switzerland until he comes home. It was after the Mexican GP race, he had a long flight ahead till he comes home and I have a long day ahead to think about how I'm going to break the news to him.

It was Tuesday post-race weekend, I had missed calls from last night and this morning from him which I didn't answer since I was too busy getting my beauty sleep. My notifications on my lock screen was filled with messages from him asking me to come over to spend the day...oh hell. I didn't bother answering, we both know that I'm going to go especially because it's now or never. I had a shower and did my morning routine before getting dressed into a pair of jeans, his sweater which was oversized for me and a pair of ankle boots. I just had my hair up into a messy bun before grabbing my phone and got into my car to drive to his house. Yep, we don't live together.

I parked the car in front of his garage, feeling nervous as I shut the car door and made my way to his front door. I unlocked the front door with the spare key he gave me, "Seb !" I called as I shut the door behind me. "Liebe !" he called as he walked out from the kitchen. It made my heart melt every time he called me that. I gave him a small smile when he walked towards me and engulfed me in a hug.

He lifted me up and spun me around which made me squeal till he set me down. "I missed you" he said as he laid a finger under my chin. "I missed you too...and I'm so proud of you" I smiled at him as I cupped his cheeks. "Well, this calls for a celebration" he smiles cheekily before closing the gap between us and connecting our lips.

Our lips moved in sync, starting off slow and sensual then building up to us making out, and wanting more. His hand moved to the back of my neck, making me tilt my head back as he trailed his kisses slowly along my jaw line and down my neck. My mouth hung open at the feeling of his wet kisses. His hands then moved to the back of my legs as he wrapped my legs around his waist and carried us to his bedroom.

He kicked the door open, then laid me down on the bed before he removed his t-shirt and I removed my sweater. I sat up on my elbows as he then straddled me and continued with his kisses down my neck. I let my head lay back against the bed as he started to kiss down my cleavage, slowly pulling the straps of my bra off my shoulders.

I then unhooked my bra from behind and tossed it across the room. He grabbed a hold of my breasts in his hands and began to massage them. His kisses on my breasts made my nipples go hard but making goosebumps form as his kisses travelled even lower. He hands trailed down to my hips as he stopped just above the hem of my jeans. His eyes met mine for a split second, a smirk on his face as he unbuttoned my jeans and shrugged them off to pile on the floor, then removing his shorts as well.

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