Mick Schumacher - Camping Trip

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A/N: Thank you to @LLeclerc for requesting on this cutie. I hope you all enjoy this. Be sure to vote & comment. Much love .xx

Warning: NSFW

As Mick was on a break, it was nearing closer by the day to our 2 year anniversary. Gosh I can't believe how quickly these 2 years have flew by, it actually feels like we've know each other much longer than that. A last minute surprise, he called me up and told me to pack my bags because we're going camping.

He picked me up at noon and we were on our way to a lake that was not too far away, it was also ideal to camp there, this boy had it all figured out.

As soon as we got there we started putting up the tent, then once we had that up we waited for the mattress to blow up as I got out pillows and a duvet. Team work makes the dream work.

I left our bags in the tent then sat down on the mattress as I stared at the beautiful view we had before us

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I left our bags in the tent then sat down on the mattress as I stared at the beautiful view we had before us. "You really thought this through huh" I smiled then turned to glance at him as he sat next to me. "I did, I wanted to do something different and I know you've mentioned before that you haven't really gone a proper camping trip so I wanted to make it memorable" he smiled back.

"You actually remembered ?" I asked stunned. He nodded his head, "I'm always listening to what you say so I kept that in mind for us to do together" he said. "Awwww babe...I'm going to cry" I said as I felt tears well up in my eyes. Why am I so emotional gosh. "Please don't cry" he said as he pulled me in for a hug. "You're such a cute boyfriend, I can't help it" I pouted. He then placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Wipe your tears away and let's go for a swim" he said as he released from our hug to look at me. "Isn't it cold out, we'll freeze our ass off" I said as I watched him get up from beside me then remove his T-shirt and slipped off his shoes. I guess he's swimming in just his shorts. I removed my shoes and followed him - I only wanted to dip my feet in - as he stepped foot into the water he turned around to look on me. "Come on Liebe" he said. "I'm not falling for you this time, it's too cold" I shook my head and crossed my arms over my chest. He rolled his eyes and shook his head at me as he walked further into the water before submerging himself.

I winced at the cold from just dipping my feet in, he looked at me when he reached the surface as he ran his hand over his face and then through his hair. "Stop over reacting and come inside" he said as he swam over to me. "Nope, no way" I said as I shook my head. He stood up and walked over to me when he was at a shallow level of water. "Don't even think about it" I warned as I started to walk backwards. He had a cheeky grin on his face and just then I ran.

He was faster since he was more fit than me and I was then engulfed in a wet hug. "Ahh Mick, you wet my clothes" I pouted. "That should be the least of your worries" he said as he then carried me bridal style and ran off into the lake. "Mick no !" I screamed but it was too late since I was now soaking wet. When I reached the surface I ran my hands over my hair to get it out of my face so I could look at him. "I hate you" I said as I stormed off out of the water. "Don't be so boring on our anniversary weekend" he said as he followed me out of the water.

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