Daniel Ricciardo - A moment like this

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A/N: Bc my baby had yet another DNF, this is going to be fluffy. I'm honestly so pissed bc this boy deserves so much better. I wish I could give Dan a hug. Hope that bet on pizza is cheering him up a bit. Anyways hope you all enjoy. Vote & Comment.

Warning: Language

It was finally race day at Monza, unfortunately, I haven't been able to see Dan since the summer break as I'm writing exams.

I really wish I could travel the world with him, but because of finals I'll only be away for two months until I'm finally free. I'm free from time to time but that doesn't give me an opportunity to drop what I'm doing to see Dan.

I had FaceTimed him before the race wishing him good luck and I'm sure that he was going to kill it. I sacrificed three hours of studying to see him live on TV because I know for a fact I wouldn't be able to concentrate on studying knowing that the race is on and that anything can happen.

I know that my boy had a bet with an interview over Lewis beating Sebastian in this race, had his prediction been correct then the interviewer owes him pizza. Moment of truth to see if my boy was correct.

I was upset that he was all the way at 19th position but knew that this was going to be an exciting race because he was known for his overtakes. Seeing him bopping along to the national anthem was the cutest thing I've seen all day, it was much needed.

This boy has no idea how happy he makes me every time I see him, seeing him smile brightens my day and that was what I was hoping to see at the end of this race.

I sat on my couch cross-legged, anxiously waiting before the lights go out. It was only the first lap and into turn 2, Sebastian and Lewis had a collision. I was so glad that Dan wasn't effected by this. He continued pushing and overtaking as I screamed in our apartment every time he overtook someone.

I left the race for a split second as I was starting to get hungry, I grabbed a handful of Hershey's kisses and sprawled them out on the coffee table. It was now Lap 24 and the next thing I see was Daniel pulling off to the side as he has an engine failure. "Are you fucking kidding me ? Un-fucking-believable" I yelled.

I shook my head and stared at the screen, awaiting to see Dan's face. He was clearly disappointed and annoyed, "My poor baby" I cooed. I wish I was there to pull him in for a hug. A brand new engine and he already has an engine failure ? That too my boy was in the points. I was pissed. Beyond pissed than Daniel was probably at this moment.

I switched the TV off as I couldn't stand to watch the race any further. I was going to send him a lengthy message but thought against it as I thought he may want some space for a little while to cool off as I could understand what he's going through.

I grabbed my laptop and decided to book the next flight out to Italy. I can't stand to be away from him knowing that he's in this depressed state and I've missed him way too much in these past 2 weeks. I managed to book a flight in 3 hours, since it's a domestic flight that gives me enough time to sort myself out before leaving. Looks like I'm just going to have to take my books with me.

I tried to neatly fold a few days of clothes, underwear, pj's and toiletries to last me for however long I decided to be away. I shoved a few books that I thought I would need and tidied parts of the house that I thought needed to be neatened up. I had an hour and a half to spare, I called for an Uber to take me to the airport.

After checking in, going through security, immigration and found my gate number, I was finally seated in peace when I was finally on the flight. I saw one message from Dan that read:

Honey Badger ❤️

Could really use your hugs right about now...

Will be there before you know it babe

I replied back and switched off my phone. I smiled at the thought that little did he know I was on a 40 minute flight away from seeing him.

I had his PR's contact details so I asked her for his hotel details to keep it a surprise. As I landed, I took a taxi to his hotel that his PR had sent me. My phone had started ringing just as I entered the lobby, crazy connection if you ask me. "Hey babe" I answered. "Hey" he said plainly. I could tell he's not his usual self as he's usually more enthusiastic. "What's wrong bub ?" I asked as I took the elevator to his floor number. "I'm sure you saw what happened out there today" he said.

"Mhm I did" I tried to keep calm and pay attention to his words whilst at the same time running in search for his room number because I was so excited to see him. "Can I FaceTime you ?" He asked. "Sure thing" I held the phone in front of my face as it connected.

When it had finally connected, my eyes had not met his just yet as I speed walked my way to the end of the hallway where his room was. He hadn't said anything over FaceTime as he just watched me in confusion. "Where are you ? That place looks so familiar" he thought to himself. "I'm closer than you think" I said as I finally looked at the camera. "Wait...Theirs no way" he said as he finally cracked my planned.

I rung the bell and stood outside his door, the bell echoing through the phone which meant I was at the correct door. "IS THAT YOU ?" He yelled over the phone as he ran towards the door. I ended the call as the door opened, I jumped into his arms as I was met by his figure. He held me around my waist as he spun me around the room. "You're actually here, I can't believe this" he said as he kissed my cheek. "I missed you too much and I know you needed me. You're always there for me and I said to myself that I need to be there for you"

I cupped his face as I placed my lips on his, the sparks and butterflies still erupting in my stomach at the feeling. We fell onto the bed with me on top of him. I straddled his waist as we ended up having a heated make out session. When we both decided to pull away to take a breather, I pecked his lips once more and laid beside him.

My leg was wrapped around his waist whilst my arm was draped over his chest. "I missed this and I missed you even more" he said as he pulled me closer to him. "It was much needed...and I believe that someone owes you a pizza because looks like your prediction came true" I giggled as I looked up at him. "The pizza can wait, I want to stay like this all night long" he said as he placed a kiss on my forehead.

A/N: This hit me in the feels because I really want this.

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