Pierre Gasly - Happy Ending

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A/N: Thank you to @stormisierrra for the request. Hope you enjoy it. Be sure to comment and vote. Much love .xx

It was finally race week in Austin, a special race this year for Pierre as it's his first time racing here for F1.

I couldn't have been happier to spend the weekend away with him and more especially to be there to support him, I also needed this since university and my work load was really getting to me.

It was really cold out here which I wasn't used to at all, I was used to more hot weather as where I come from that's what we experience for most of the year, though Pierre made sure I was kept warm at all times and checked up on me every few minutes to make sure I'm okay. I couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend.

We were walking through the paddock together with our hands interlocked. I didn't carry a jacket today as I thought I would survive this weather, as if. Pierre could feel my body shaking, he offered me his jacket before leaving the hotel and I told him I would be fine but clearly I'm not.

"Are you trying to get sick ?" He asked as he looked at me. "No why ?" I asked. "Because I offered you my jacket at the hotel, you said no and now you're shivering. You're clearly trying to get sick, why are you stubborn ?" He asked as he was mad and worried at the same time.

"I'm not trying to get sick and I'm not stubborn either. I'm not feeling that cold" I said as then my teeth started to chatter. He left my hand and crossed his arms over his chest. The warmth of his hand made my body shiver even more, I tried to wrap my arms around myself to keep myself warm but it just wasn't helping.

He started to laugh as he watched me trying to keep myself warm, I started to pout at his reaction, "This isn't funny now can we continue walking ? Doing some cardio will keep me warm" I said as I grabbed his hand and walked towards the Toro Rosso garage.

As we got to the garage it was time for Pierre to change and get ready for FP1. I let him go off to change in his drivers room whilst I waited in the garage. He walked out from his drivers room after changing with his drivers suit tied around his hips. He had his jacket in his other hand and walked towards me.

"Don't ever so this again, you're going to catch a cold. Listen to me next time" he said in a more serious tone as he helped out his jacket on me and zip it up. "I don't want you to catch a cold" he said in a softer tone as he placed a kiss on my forehead. "Understood. By the way... can I keep this ?" I asked as I looked down at the jacket on me. "You already steal my clothes and now you want to steal my uniform... what am I going to do with you" he laughed as he shook his head. "Say yes and let me keep it. Duh" I said in an obvious tone.

"Not this time babe sorry" he winked and kissed my cheek as he walked past me to his car as the FP1 session had started.

I watched him from the garage attentively and prayed that nothing would happen to him in this rain as the track was very slippery. He landed himself in P13. He was disappointed when he came back to the pits as he expected to do better. Without saying anything I pulled him in for a hug, "FP2 will be better. Trust me okay" I said as I had my arms wrapped around his neck. He nodded his head and went back to his drivers room.

I was going to follow him to make sure he's okay but he walked back out with his phone in his hand. He sat at one of the desks as he scrolled through his phone, I decided to let him be and give him some space for now.

I heard a familiar girls voice and that's when I turned around to be met with Sarah, Brendon's wife. "Oh my gosh Sarah ! How have you been ? It's been ages since I last saw you" I said as I pulled her in for a hug. We began to make a small conversation and not long into it, Brendon joined us as well.

After a while I felt arms wrap around my waist and hug me from behind, I figured his familiar scent, "I have engine penalties on Sunday" he said into my ear. "Aww sorry bub but I trust and believe that you will have a great finish so don't over think about it okay" I said as I turned around in his arms and pulled him in for another hug.

Due to the cold weather, everyone in the paddock spent their break having tea or coffee. Pierre got himself and I a cup of tea, as he handed me my cup, "You look really cute in my jacket, I think I might just give it to you as you asked" he grinned. I rolled my eyes as I looked down at the jacket on me, it was oversized on me, almost looking like a dress... he thinks I look cute because I'm basically drowning in his jacket. "This could be a dress honestly" I said as I played with the hem of the jacket.

As we spoke and drank our tea, after a long while Pierre was called again to for FP2. Most of the drivers hadn't gone out yet since the track conditions were so wet. Once Pierre was out, I was cheering him on from the garage as he made the fastest lap until Lewis came onto the track.

After FP2 was over, he finished with an amazing result of P2. As he came into the pits he ran straight towards me and pulled me in a tight hug, "Could it be that you're my good luck charm because you said this will get better and this is probably the best it can get" he said as he kissed my cheek. "Don't know anything about a good luck charm, like I said I trust and believe in you babe. You got this" I said as I held his face in my hands. "You're coming with me to all of my races from now on" he said as he leaned in and placed his lips on mine. Just the kind of warmth I needed in this kind of weather.

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