Lewis & Sebastian - Our Little Secret

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A/N: Thanks to Lewilca for the request. She convinced me when I read Sewis bc they're my faves. Anyways enjoy, I still can't believe I'm doing this lmao. PLEASE COMMENT YOUR THOUGHTS ON MY FIRST TIME WRITING THIS. Much love .xx

Warning: Language & NSFW

It was yet another night that I was called over to stay at the mafia's mansion. I usually was stuck to one man but on rare occasions I was called for by another. I couldn't of course resist, I was treated like a sugar baby. I got expensive gifts, I had great sex with them and they're all hot guys, how could I complain ?

I laid next to a naked Sebastian in bed, both of us tired out from our rough night. He had his back pressed up against me whilst his arm was draped around my front. I couldn't sleep for some odd reason, I was wide awake so I thought drinking a glass of water would help, maybe I was just dehydrated. "Seb, I'll be back now I'm going to get a glass of water" I said. He hummed in response which I loosened the grip of his arm away from me.

Still naked from last night, using a sheet wouldn't do so I threw on my pink silk robe that stopped just below my bum. It was 3am and I'm sure no one was awake at this hour. I padded softly to the kitchen in hopes not to make a noise and wake up the whole mansion with my clumsiness.

I was surprised to find the kitchen light still switched on, I find Lewis sat at the bar stool with a drink in his hand that looked like it was barely touched. He probably just got here. "(Y/N), surprised to find you here" he said as he watched me walk into the kitchen. I could feel his gaze on me, he took his time to eye my long legs, the sight of me in just a short silk robe and messy curls from last night before finally meeting my eyes.

"You know that Seb calls me every weekend, so it's no surprise really" I said as I held our gaze briefly before padding my way over to the fridge. I felt his gaze burning at the back of my head, as I pulled out the bottle from the fridge and took a sip of water. After quenching my thirst and just about to lay the bottle on the table, I spilled some water on my robe. "Shit" I muttered under my breath as I left the water on the counter and tried to get rid of the water droplets but they had already absorbed into the material of the robe.

I hadn't realised Lewis moved from where he was seated at the counter to walk around and pushed me up against it. His hands moved from my hips to the soft skin of my bum as he gave it a small squeeze over the robe. "I miss you" he said as he nuzzled his face into my neck to breathe in my vanilla scent. "I miss you too" I said back. "I wish you were mine so I can have my way with you every day" he murmured into my neck. I felt guilty doing this with him in the kitchen whilst Sebastian was still sound asleep and would probably freak out if I'm not in bed with him soon.

"I-I..I have to go. Seb will probably come looking for me if I'm not back in bed soon" I stuttered as I placed my hands on his chest and tried to push him away from me. "I can't leave you now princess. I want to kiss you, taste you and have my way with you like old times" he said as he bit his lip. "Next time, Lew. I have to go" I said lowly as I speed walked back to Sebastian's room.

I pushed the door open to find him sound asleep which I was relieved. I untied the belt of the silk robe and pulled it off my shoulders to lay at my elbows. I then felt a pair of arms snake their way around my waist. The pair of cold hands had my nipples hard in seconds and I knew who those hands belonged to.

"Lew I told you we can't" I said as I turned around in his arms and pulled the silk robe back over my shoulders to cover myself. "Well, we're just going to have to be quiet" he whispered as his hands moved to pull the robe over my shoulders. I looked back for a brief second to look back at Seb still sound asleep, had he only known what was going on right now then I would be punished.

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