Sebastian Vettel - #76

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A/N: Requested by SdeSenna . Hope you babes enjoy this one, I missed writing for my man Seb 😩 I loved writing this one. Be sure to vote and comment. Much love .xx

Warning: Language & NSFW

76. "Did you just...really?! Inside me?"

The house has been awfully quiet without Sebastian around, even after the Azerbaijan GP was over, he had to go to the factory in Maranello to run through data and discuss upgrades for his car for the Spanish GP.

It was not until Wednesday that he finally arrived back home and I couldn't be happier, living alone and having freedom isn't as exciting as you may think it is.

"Liebe !" He called out as he entered through the front door. "In the kitchen !" I yelled back as I pulled out the cupcakes from the oven. "I could smell this all the way outside" he said which caught my attention to look at him across the counter. "Hey handsome" I smiled wide as I ran over to him and engulfed him in a hug. "I missed you so much" I murmured into the crook of his neck. "I missed you more" he said lowly into my ear before I released from his embrace.

"Please tell me you're all mine for the rest of the break" I pouted at him. "Unfortunately, maybe not today since I have to run through some data analysis sheets but after that, I'm all yours" he gave me a small smile. I huffed, "Fine, I'll try to kill some time whilst you're busy" I said as I walked over to the other side of the counter and prepared to make some frosting. "I won't be long" he yelled out as he left the kitchen. So much for wanting some alone time.

After waiting for some time to let the cupcakes cool, I thought on checking up on Sebastian and just hoping he's done soon. He was sat at the end of the dining table, clearly focused and taking in as much information as possible from the data analysis sheets. I thought he could use a break, I walked over to his chair and stood behind him. I started to play with his hair before my hands slowly trailed down from his neck to his chest. He caught hold of my wrists to stop me from going any further, "Liebe, stop" he chuckled at my actions.

"Can I not show my husband some affection ?" I questioned. He still hadn't bothered to turn to look at me, "You're more than welcome to when I'm obviously not busy" he said as he then kissed the back of my hand. Ugh. I was lowkey fuming inside for being cock blocked like that. Okay then Seb...we'll just see about that.

I went back to piping the cupcakes with the frosting before packing them away to eat later on. Looking at the leftover frosting in the bowl, theirs no way I'm going to let it go to waste so might as well make some use out of it. I emptied the contents of it into a small bowl and carried it with me to where Sebastian sat. His focused face hasn't changed in the last half hour gosh.

I started again to play with his hair, tugging on strands from time to time. I then took a dollop of frosting on my finger and swiped it across his neck. "You know I'm never going to finish this work if you keep distracting me" he huffed as he slid the sheets across the table and turned to look at me. "You've done too much of work and now it's time for a break" I said as I placed the bowl on the table. "What are you doing ?" He asked as his eyes looked up at mine. "Looks like I messed you, so I gotta clean you up" I grinned as I sat sidewards on his lap.

"Is this some game ?" He asked as he furrowed his brows. "It's about to be" I smiled to myself, I then tilted his neck slightly before teasingly licking off the frosting. He lowly groaned at my actions. Teasing licks turned into nibbling and sucking softly to create a lilac bruise on his neck. I smiled proudly to see the bruise form on his neck then looked up into his eyes before slowly leaning in to connect our lips. His thumb caressed my cheek whilst his fingers laid at the back of my neck. It started of slow as our lips moved in sync, that was until his tongue swiped over my bottom lip to deepen our kiss, it only got sloppier and heavy breathing from there.

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