Mick Schumacher - #88

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A/N: Requested by @hotdannyric . Hope you babes enjoy ! Be sure to vote & comment. Much love .xx

Warning: Language & NSFW

88. "Are you sure?" "Yes I trust you with my life." "Well then get over here."

It feels like forever since Mick and I spent quality time together as a couple, I'm not talking about going on dates but rather just being in each other's arms cuddling.

With his busy weekends it gets hard for the both of us. Luckily after the Monaco GP he'll finally be back home and we can go back to doing nothing. It may sound lame but doing nothing sometimes is more special than spending money to go out together.

He came over to my apartment today after quite a while. Of course the best feeling is to be in his arms, so cuddling is what we did. I switched to Netflix to play one of my favourite movies 'The Ugly Truth', I can watch this movie numerous times and not get tired of it.

I was sat next to Mick with my head on his shoulder as he had an arm around me. My eyes lingered from the screen to him, "I'm so glad to have you back" I smiled, then pecked his cheek. "Are you sure about that ? I thought you'd be glad that I wasn't around" he chuckled as he then turned to look at me. He pecked my lips and I could already feel my cheeks heat up, "How can you say that ?" I asked in disbelief as I grabbed a hold of his face with my hand and gave him a short, sweet kiss.

"Because I can be a pain" he pouted as he pecked my lips. "Not to me" I said in an obvious tone. "I don't deserve you" he said lowly before placing his hand under my chin to press his lips against mine. I didn't hesitate to kiss back, its been a while since I felt the familiar sparks and butterflies going off.

The slow and sensual kiss was quick to get heated as we moved from our laid back position to sit upright facing each other. My hands were placed on his chest as he placed another hand on the side of my neck. My hands had slowly trailed down to the hem of his shirt, hinting him to remove it which he took notice and broke the kiss for a second to toss it across the room.

My hands felt up his chest and down his abs, what a body. He then broke away from the kiss to look into my eyes, "I'm not trying to rush you into this. I know we haven't done it before and that's okay, I'm willing to wait until you're ready" he said as he ran a hand through his hair and got off the couch to get his shirt.

"Mick" I called softly. He hummed in response to turn back to look at me with his shirt still in his hand. "I've thought about this for a while..." I trailed. "Wait. You have ?" He asked in shock. I just giggled at his reaction. "Yes...you know when you're not around, I'm alone and have time to think about other things" I bit my bottom lip. He nodded his head, urging me to continue. "And I'm ready for this" I said as I felt a huge weight being lifted off my shoulders. "Are you sure?" He asked as he tossed his shirt beside me on the couch. I nodded my head as I stood up, "Yes I trust you with my life" I said with confidence. His serious face curled into a smile,"Well then get over here" he said as he had his arms out.

I smiled as I walked over to him, he startled me by quickly moving his hands to the back of my thighs to carry me. I then wrapped my legs around his waist which he still had his hands placed at the back of my thighs. My hands were placed on his shoulders, this time me being the one to close the gap between us.

With the amount of times he has been over to my apartment, he knew his way to go to my bedroom. When his legs hit the edge of the bed, he laid me down first before hovering over me to straddle my waist. He reached the hem of my shirt to remove it before leaning down again to connect our lips.

His tongue had traced over my bottom lip before slipping into my mouth to deepen our kiss. I moaned into the kiss as he had a hand entangled in my hair whilst his other caressed the back of my thigh. My hands trailed up his chest, slowly pushing him to sit upright as I sat up as well. "What are you up to babe ?" He asked in between kisses. "I want to be in control" I answered as I broke away from the kiss and made him fall back against the bed as I straddled his waist. I started my trail of kisses along his jawline and down the side of his neck. I noticed him moan when I kissed just above his collar bone which I then went back to start nibbling and sucking on his sweet spot to leave a lilac bruise.

He groaned as I worked on marking him before kissing down his chest and feeling up his abs. My nails grazed on his skin till I reached for button of his jeans. I unbuttoned his jeans and tugged it down which he lifted his lower body to help me. I then began to stroke his length from his base to tip whilst watching him roll his eyes back from my action.

I continued to stroke his length for a while before increasing the pace. To make him more of a mess and weak in my hands, I teasingly licked at his tip, "Fuck" he muttered as he covered his face with his hand. I licked at his tip again before taking in as much of his length into my mouth as possible. I continued to stroke the rest of his length that I couldn't fit into my mouth.

I could feel him twitch beneath me and just then I pulled away as I watched him cum undone. "As good as that was, now it's my turn" he said as he sat up on his elbows. We switched positions so that I was back to being underneath him. I watched him intently as he started to kiss slowly from the waist band of my shorts then stopping just before my cleavage. He looked at me before starting to pull the straps of my shoulders and moving his hands behind me to unclip my bra. He began to nibble on the soft skin of my breast. I pressed my lips together to hold in my moans but I of course couldn't help it.

He bit and sucked till he was satisfied with the lilac bruise he created, to think he was done - he wasn't - he then moved on to my other breast as he did the same. "Oh my god" I moaned out.

He then kissed up my cleavage to kiss along my collar bones then leaving a trail of wet kisses on my neck before connecting our lips again. As he kissed me his hand trailed slowly down my midriff till he reached the waistband of my shorts and tugging them off. He then began to rub my clit in circular motions over my panties.

I moaned into the kiss which he slipped in his tongue and deepened the kiss again. I could feel myself slowly becoming wet as my panties were starting to feel damp. He then stopped rubbing in circular motions and started to run a finger along my folds over the material of my panties. Our kisses were sloppy and rushed as we both just wanted more from each other.

He broke the kiss as he got lower and reached for the waist band of my panties, he looked at me in reassurance and approval to remove them which I just nodded. He tugged my panties off, taking in my naked figure before him, "You're absolutely beautiful, Liebe" he said as he connected our lips. I smiled into the kiss but my mood quickly changed to back to being weak as he rubbed me along my folds. "Shit" I groaned at the motion.

He then unexpectedly thrusted a finger in me slowly, breaking our kiss as he laid his forehead against mine. "Don't hold your moans in" he said. I nodded my head in response. "Please...faster" I cried out to him as I bit on my bottom lip. He then inserted another finger and picked up the pace. I wanted and needed more.

"Babe just get in me" I moaned out. "Are you sure ?" He heaved. I nodded my head again in response, "I'm positive" I said. He then lined his length at my entrance before slowly thrusting into me which made me let out a scream in pain and pleasure. "Are you okay ?" He asked worried. "I need more" I said as I held onto the back of my hair. He nodded his head as he balanced himself on his forearms and picked up his pace thrusting inside me.

His hands trailed down to hold onto my hips, he began to thrust deeper inside me, sparking more pleasure. "Right there baby ! Faster" I cried out as I shut my eyes closed.

"I'm close" he said as he entangled a hand in my hair and pulled my forehead against his again. "Me too" I groaned as I could myself reaching my high.

I could feel my walls clench around his length and just then I reached my high, and released. He pulled out as he reached his high and released himself. Our heavy breathing being the only sound in my apartment. He fell beside me which I then covered us both with the duvet. "Wanna go back to cuddling like earlier ?" He asked as he wrapped a protective arm around me whilst I laid my head on his chest. "I don't mind going back to what we did 2 minutes ago but cuddling sounds good too" I smiled cheekily as I looked up at him. "Liebe, who are you ?" He chuckled. "Your girl has gone wild. Get used to it" I giggled as I then held his face and gave his lips a quick peck.

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