Daniel Ricciardo - Attention

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A/N: I can't believe my main boy wasn't the first one I wrote smut for but anyways here it is. My girl loved this idea when I sent it to her so here it is, RuinaSantori . I hope you all enjoy it. Much love .xx

Warning: Language & NSFW

It was a few days left until Christmas, Daniel's parents had insisted I stay over at their house this year to celebrate with them which I was more than happy to do so.

Even though Daniel was back home, he spent more time out with his friends than at home with the rest of us but I wasn't going to tell him anything.

I woke up in the morning to see his side of the bed empty, yet again. He goes for his morning workout and straight after he's doing some thing adventurous. He was only around in the evening, I would get mad from time to time since this boy gets me to come from so far yet we don't spend as much time as I thought we would, but also I couldn't complain since I had a great time looking after Isaac and chatting away with his parents as well as Michelle.

I checked my phone on the bedside table and saw no messages from him. I'm getting pissed off but yet again I'll let it slide and pretend that I'm okay.

I did my morning routine and padded my way downstairs to see that only Michelle was awake with Isaac, he must've been hungry. "Morning guys" I greeted with a smile. "Morning (Y/N/N)" Michelle said back. "Aww is the cutie hungry ?" I asked as I took Isaac into my arms. He nodded his head before laying his head onto my chest. Aww. "He's been up so early, couldn't get him to go back to sleep so I said I might as well wake up early" she said as she was preparing his food. "Ahh okay, where's Dan ?" I asked as I walked closer to her with Isaac in my arms.

"No idea, didn't he at least message you ?" She asked. I shook my head in reply, "That's strange, I'm sure he's out with his friends" she said. "Most likely" I said lowly. I helped Michelle with feeding Isaac, then not too long Mama Grace and Papa Joe were making their way downstairs. We all had greeted each other then sat down and ate breakfast together.

I decided to cook today so his mum and Michelle could have some rest. Whilst cooking, I checked my phone to see no message from Daniel, what is wrong with him. I hesitated on sending a message since I didn't want to come off as a clingy girlfriend that worries about everything that he does but at the same time I was worried, I'm sure he's fine though.

After cooking, I joined his family in the lounge to watch some TV, it was getting dark out and still no sign of Dan. I spoke too soon when I heard his car pull up outside and saw the headlights. "I'm just going to take a nap, don't wait up on me for dinner because I'm not hungry" I said lowly to Michelle beside me. "Sure no problem hun, rest up" she smiled as she rubbed my forearm.

I went back to his room and laid on the bed, as I looked up at the ceiling I thought to myself I need to somehow make him mad or jealous. That's when it hit me, I stripped out of my clothes and slipped on a pink lingerie set.

 That's when it hit me, I stripped out of my clothes and slipped on a pink lingerie set

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