Max Verstappen - Baby Duties (Part 2)

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A/N: Thank you to @Littlemissunnoticed for the request. Hope you all enjoy as always. Much love .xx

After the announcement of having a baby to Max' family, both of our parents had decided that it would be best if we both had gotten married before the arrival of the baby and especially before people start to talk.

We had a private wedding in Monaco with just our immediate family and friends to be apart of our special day. As rushed as everything was, it was beautiful and memorable to spend our wedding day with those who mean a lot to us.

With me being pregnant, that meant I couldn't go to Max' races for a while as I had to rest back at home but whenever the race weekend was over, Max was back by my side as he promised. We did post on our social media though that we are going to be parents so that fans and others aren't shocked when they see me walking in the paddock with a baby in my arms.

I unfortunately couldn't make it to the Belgium GP as I wasn't due yet, I understood it was an important race for Max but at this stage we didn't want to take a risk or should I say Max didn't want me to take the risk since he became more overprotective than usual. I literally cannot do anything without him worrying I'm going to injure myself and the baby somehow.

It was on Thursday, the week of the Italy GP that I had our baby. Max had missed the debrief on Thursday and other team meetings just to be by my side, I couldn't have asked to be with anyone else right now.

To see the smile and the way his face lit up to see our baby warmed my heart, I knew he was going to be an amazing father. We had a healthy and handsome baby boy.

It was not until the Russia GP weekend that I had finally gotten the chance to go to one of Max' races and this time bring our baby along. Even though I as a mother did my duty of making sure my baby is warm for the weekend, Max seemed to have taken over my role.

He made sure he had packed ear muffs, a woollen hat, mittens, thick blankets and receivers, as well as his mini boots not forgetting his thick socks. We of course couldn't take the baby to the Singapore GP due to the hot temperatures which can get our baby ill.

Max made sure that the baby and I were safe at all times. He walked with us in the paddock and made sure that their was someone with us should we need anything whilst he's out on the track.

I was sat down as I bounced him up and down on my lap. "Hello my cutie pie!" I cooed. "Do you want to be like your daddy too ?" I nuzzled my nose with his which made him giggle. "Theirs your daddy" I said as Max walked towards us after getting changed into his suit ahead of the race. "Hey buddy" Max said as he took him from my arms. "Are you excited ?" Max cooed as (Y/S/N) began to fall his hands which made us all go awe at his cuteness.

"I can't wait till you get older" Max said. Just then (Y/S/N) had his arms out to come to me. "Would you look at that, he's a mama's boy" I cooed as I combed his hair with my fingers. Yet again (Y/S/N) had his arms out as he looked at Max.

Max took him in his arms, "I think he's confused" he laughed out. "Seems like it" I laughed with him. (Y/S/N) was so fascinated with Max' suit as he never saw him dressed in it before, he started to play with his collar out of interest.

"You're going to be wearing one of these when you grow up" Max said as he looked down at (Y/S/N) fingers tugging on his collar. "Make way for another Verstappen coming through" I said.

"Oh my god ! (Y/N) where is his mittens ? He's going to get sick" Max began to panic then looked at me. "Calm down, he took them off, he just refused to wear them" I said as I pulled out the mittens from the backpack I carried for the baby. "I don't care, he has to wear them whether he likes it or not" he said as he took the mittens from my hand and slipped them on for him.

(Y/S/N) began to cry, "What did I just tell you. You're worse than me honestly" I said as I shook my head and stood up to removed th mittens from his hands as Max tried to shush him. Jake came behind Max with his helmet in his hand indicating he had to leave, I took the baby from Max as he gave me a quick peck then placed a kiss on (Y/S/N)'s forehead.

We were so proud of Max as always, he started quite far back and made his way to p5 which he got voted driver of the day. (Y/S/N) and I cheered and screamed for Max in the garage.

After the race and post interview, we headed back to the hotel. (Y/S/N) was fast asleep in my arms when we got to the room. I laid him down in the middle of the bed as I propped myself up beside him. Max was busy in the shower which I hadn't realised I ended up falling off to sleep.

When Max had gotten out of the shower, he smiled to see his wife and baby sound asleep on the bed. He took a picture of the two of them before posting it he captioned it 'My life. My everything' then locked his phone and tossed it aside as he joined them sound asleep on the bed.

He had his head laid close to the baby as his fingers had ran through my hair. It then hit him that he never thought having a baby would change his life, he was glad that the baby came around as he not only brought joy in our lives but it had changed him for the better, to start being more mature.

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