Daniel Ricciardo - Closet Drama

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A/N: I believe I passed the baby fever onto you guys, here's more of it lmao sorry I'm not making it any better. Requested by @f1lightsout . This is inspired by a funny video I saw on Instagram long ago but came across again recently. I couldn't help but write about it. Hope you all enjoy. Be sure to vote & comment .xx

Even though Daniel may have still been on a break since the season hasn't started yet, unfortunately I wasn't and had to go back to work.

He'd spend most of his time at home or working out during the day and more especially looking after our daughter whilst I was away. Though he wasn't alone on looking after her since we were staying with his parents so they spoil her. She also gets really happy when Michelle comes around with Isaac since she finally has someone around her age to play with but of course Michelle couldn't make it to come everyday since she was busy herself.

Our daughter was 2 and a half years old, clearly a mini us since she was loud, she had the curls and not forgetting her humour, even if she didn't say anything the things she does makes us all laugh that we can't help it.

I woke up at 6am, of course both father and daughter were still sound asleep beside me. He had an arm wrapped around her small frame whilst her head was snuggled closely to his chest. The perfect view to wake up to if you ask me because my heart is actually melting at all this cuteness.

After having a shower I got dressed into a black pencil skirt with a small slit and a short sleeved white blouse tucked in to my skirt. I slipped on my heels and walked back over to the bed, "Goodbye my baby's" I sang as I pecked Daniel's cheek and crawled over him to peck our baby girl. She then stirred in her sleep before fluttering her eyes open. I stood up still as I watched her sit up and rub her eyes. She then looked up at me and held her arms out for me to carry her. "Mama" she cried as she looked at me.

"Aww pumpkin, Mama has to go now" I said as I held her closely and moved from side to side in hopes she would fall back to sleep. "Dan" I called as I moved side to side. He hummed in his sleep as I shook my head, these two. "Please distract her whilst I leave" I said as I watched her eyes slowly closing. He hummed again in a reply, I laid her down on his chest as I walked over to the dresser table to grab my bag.

Just before I can close the door behind me, I watched him lay her flat on his chest as he lightly patted her back to fall asleep. So much for telling him to distract her...but they're so cute. I smiled at the two of them before closing the door behind me. I grabbed an apple on my way out to the car before driving off to work.

Work today was no different to how it was last year, it was a drag and a bit boring but thanks to a work friend of mine for the past year, Olivia, she made work fun as she'd occasionally crack jokes and she'd fill me in on the latest tea that's going on in the office. Bless her. She's honestly the best, I feel like I've known her for a year, if it wasn't for her then I'd honestly dread going to work - which I do already - but she makes me look forward to going.

After finishing off my work I switched off my computer and neatened my desk before grabbing my hand bag, and making my way to the car park. As I reversed out of the car park, luckily my phone was connected through Bluetooth in the car. I had my daily mix playlist on Spotify playing to keep me going for the drive home.

I was about 12 minutes away from home, I decided to call Daniel to just check up on him and my little pumpkin. After 2 rings he answered the phone, "Hey doll" he answered. "Heya babe, just checking what my faves are up to" I smiled. "I'm just looking through the fridge for something to eat, I'm so hungry" he said as I could hear the fridge or cupboard closing in the background. "Where's Mum and Dad ?" I asked confused. "They just left a while ago, I believe they went to visit Michelle and then do some grocery shopping" he said. "Ahh okay, well I'll be home any minute now so you won't be starving for long. Where's my sugar pop ?" I cooed. "She's watching Mickey Mouse at the moment so she's busy" he laughed. "Okay then as long as she's busy, see yah. Love you babe" I said. "Love you more, doll" he said lastly before I ended the call.

As I pulled up in front of the driveway, my heels clicked against the wooden floor as I entered the house. "I'm home" I sang as I closed the front door behind me. I placed my handbag onto the kitchen counter, Daniel was still rummaging through the fridge, I walked up behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder to turn him to look at me. "Can't find anything to eat ?" I asked as I wiggled my brows. "Unfortunately not, help please" he said as he engulfed me in a hug then placed a kiss on my head. "Food will be cooked soon" I said as I looked up at him. He then looked down at my outfit, "Do you always dress like this for work ?" He asked as he raised a brow. "Looks like you never notice me" I said as I shook my head then walked around the counter.

He scoffed, "Of course I do ! You just look different. Hotter and a sexier looking mama for the new year" he smirked. "Thank you babe. Gotta look like I'm still trying to find a man" I had on a cheeky grin. "I'm just kidding !" I said as I rushed over to the other side of the counter to pull him in for a hug. "I'd like to see which man tries his luck with you because the first thing he'd be seeing is my fist" he said as he placed his hands on his hips. "You need to chill out hun, this girl ain't ever going to leave you" I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He closed the gap between us as he pulled me in for a short and sweet kiss.

"Oh my god where is she ?" I panicked when we broke our kiss. "She was just there on the couch" he said as he looked back to the sofa. She wasn't there. "Baby girl !" I yelled for her as I looked around the dining room. All the doors are locked so she couldn't have went outside so she must be upstairs. "My sugar pop ! Mummy's home" I said as I walked into our shared bedroom. "I'm here !" She yelled as she walked out of our closet. I could cry laughing at the sight of her in front of me. She had on my thong, but the waistband of it was on her shoulders, basically looking like she has suspenders.

"What are you doing ?" I asked as I placed my hand on my hips as I tried to hold in my laugh. "Nothing" she smiled. "Honey, please take it off" I said as I crossed my arms over my chest. "No" she said. "Yes" i said back. "It's a bra" she said as she held onto the waist band. "It's not a bra !" I argued. "Yeah" she said sassily as she turned around to walk back to our closet. I couldn't hold in my laugh any longer as I burst out laughing. "OH MY GOD !" I yelled as I kicked off my heels and walked into the closet. The thong basically gave her petite bum a wedgie. I'm dead.

"What happened ? What did she do this time ?" Daniel asked as he rushed into the room. "I can't breathe !" I said as I fanned myself and was on the verge of crying from laughing so much. "What did she do ?" He asked worried as he walked into the closet. She rummaged through my underwear drawer, lingerie was sprawled out on the floor, what was this child thinking my god. He looked at the floor before looking at her, "Pumpkin, can you turn around ?" I asked her as I held in my laugh. She turned around and Daniel's mouth hung open before bursting into a fit of laughter with me.

He held his face in his hands as he shook her head. "This is what happens Dan when you don't watch her !" I scolded as I picked up my underwear and bra sets off the floor. "She was there the whole time ! she left probably the second she saw us busy locking lips" he laughed. I shook my head as I removed the thong off her and handed her over to Daniel. "Please don't do that ever again" he said to her.

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