Pierre Gasly - Aftermath of a race

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A/N: Thank you so much to one of my fave writers on here for requesting, DannyRicc17 ! My apologies if this seems repetitive since this was in my drafts for a while now. Much love and enjoy .xx

I can't believe that this will be the last GP of the season that I would be attending to see Charles in Sauber. Being best friends since our diaper days due to our mums being best friends and now watching him do what he loves is incredible, more especially from where he started off to now being signed as the 2nd driver for Ferrari, my Charlie boy is truly phenomenal.

Cheering on for him with the rest of the team from the garage as he finished in P7 felt amazing. I waited in the garage whilst he had to finish post-race interviews. When the cheering began again, I looked up from my phone to see Charles entering the garage, I smiled proudly at him as he shook hands with members of the team.

When he finally looked at me, his smile brightened as I ran into his arms to engulf him in a hug. "I'm so so proud of you Charlie boy" I said into his neck then left his embrace to ruffle his already messy hair. "Thank you (Y/N/N)" he smiled back and hugged me once again. "Celebration time !" I sang as we walked together through the paddock.

We headed back to the hotel to get dressed for the after party at the Amber Lounge. I had a shower, did my hair and makeup before finally slipping my dress on. I heard a knock at the door, which I yelled "I'm coming !" from across the room.


Just as I was slipping on my heels, I opened the door without looking at who it was as I knew it was Charles

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Just as I was slipping on my heels, I opened the door without looking at who it was as I knew it was Charles. "Wow". I looked up to meet his gaze then began to smile, "You look beautiful" he said as he eyed me from head to toe. "Thank you Charlie boy, you look like a prince even when you aren't trying" I said as I went back into the room to grab my purse then walked back to the door to where he was stood.

"Ready to go ?" He asked as he leaned against the door. "Let the celebration begin !" I said as I then linked my arms with his as we headed to the Amber Lounge.

As we walked through the entrance we got a few stares from unfamiliar faces but then again we couldn't care because we're only best friends anyway and besides, this isn't the first time. Charles then waved at his other best friend, Pierre Gasly. Had these 2 not been best friends then I would've gotten with him a long time ago because damn that boy is fine af, the only reason I hadn't bothered to approach him is because Charles can get protective more especially when it's between his friends and I, but tonight we shall see things might just change.

I had my legs crossed with my purse in hand as I watched Charles and Pierre do their handshake then conversing in French which I barely understood what was spoken. That was until I figured they were talking about me when Pierre nodded his head towards me then took his time to look at me from head to toe. Charles then pulled me to stand in front of him, "This is (Y/N) my best friend and (Y/N) this is-" I cut him off "Pierre Gasly. Great fan of yours" I finished as I held my hand out to shake which he took me by surprise as he placed a kiss at the back of my hand.

I was so relieved that it was dark at this time so he couldn't see the blush that crept onto my face, what a gentleman. "Glad to meet a beautiful girl who's a fan of mine" he said as he still held onto my hand. Charles then coughed from behind me which made us both release our hold onto each other's hand. Charles then took a seat next to Pierre on the bar stool, I had no intention to drink as I'd much rather dance the night away and actually remember what happens.

"Are you'll going to dance ?" I asked as I placed my purse on the table between them. They both shook their heads which I shrugged my shoulders, "Well, suit yourselves I'm going to dance" I said as I felt their gaze on me whilst I made my way to the dance floor. I tried to dance as sexy as possible, I mean I'm surrounded by sexy men and the least I can try to do is attract one of them with my dancing.

My all time favourite song was playing 'Low' by Flo Rida ft. T-Pain. I swayed my hips from side to side before getting down low when the chorus of the song came, I did a hair flip and slow body roll from time to time which I'd earn stares from others but my eyes were set on one man and that was Pierre. I made sure to keep eye contact as if I was seducing him, to my surprise he hadn't stopped gazing at me from the time I've left them at the bar.

Once I felt I was done dancing to the upbeat music the song had changed to a slow song which would be ideal to slow dance with someone now.

I went back to where Pierre was sat at the bar with no sign of Charles, "Where did Charlie boy go ?" I frowned as I took of my heels and set them aside. "He went to talk to a few other friends" he said as he looked at my figure from head to toe again. He's probably undressing me with his eyes and I'm not even going to stop him. I nodded my head then took a seat next to him as I crossed my legs, he got up from his seat and stood in front of me, "Would you like to join me to a slow dance ?" He asked with his hand held out.

"Sure" I smiled as I placed my hand in his. He placed his hands on my lower back as I had my arms around his neck. "Je suis fou de toi (I am crazy for you). You've been driving me insane all night" he said into my ear which sent shivers down my spine. I didn't say anything as I bit my lip. "You have to stop what you're doing or I'm not going to be able to control myself" he said as he smirked whilst staring down at me. He pulled me closer to him,"Enlighten me what I should stop doing" I said as I bit my bottom lip whilst looking at his lips, being so tempted to kiss him right now.

He was lost at my words as he stared at my eyes then flickered his gaze back to my lips, "Tu as de beaux yeux (You have beautiful eyes)" he said as he began to lean in then finally connected his lips with mine. I felt the butterflies that everyone talks about go off in my stomach. His hands slowly moved lower to my bum as he pulled me closer to him whilst my hands moved to his hair.

Our lips had moved in sync which only wanted me to pull him more towards me."I wish I did this a long time ago" he said as he placed his forehead against mine for us to catch our breath. "Same here" I said before he connected our lips again.

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