Nico Hülkenberg - Bathroom Shenanigans

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A/N: For my girl, ricciardosangel . Really hope you all enjoy this one as some of you wanted smut with the Hulk. Requests are going to be slow since so many of you requested smut. Don't forget to vote & comment. Much love .xx

Warning: Language & NSFW

It was the weekend of the Singapore GP, it was one of favourites due to the hot weather. It was nice to be away from the cold for once and just enjoying the blazing heat. I was so relieved that I was free this weekend to be able to make it for the race and more especially see my main boy, Nico.

It was after FP1, I waited in the garage and watched as he got out of his car as the session had ended. He took off his helmet then turned to look at me as he gave me a small smile. He handed his gloves and helmet over to his trainer, Martin. As he walked over to me he unzipped his suit and pulled at the sleeves to let to suit sit at his waist. He held my hand in his then pulled me along with him to his drivers room.

I sat on the couch as I watched him undress before me, I bit my lip as I stared at his abs and his v-lines, taking in his shirtless figure as much as possible. "It's not polite to stare" he laughed as he stared down at me. He changed into a pair of black jeans and his team shirt. "I don't see you shirtless everyday" I said as I wiggled my eyebrows. He pulled me up to stand on my feet and grabbed me around my waist,"That lip bite makes me want to have my way with you right now" he said as his eyes glanced between mine and my lips. "Well you're going to have to wait until later babe" I smirked then pulled him by his hand along with me to the hospitality.

He shook his head clearly frustrated with me declining him but nevertheless followed me. We joined Martin at his table as he was eating alone, we were just catching up as he hadn't seen me in quite while so we were updating each other. It was Nico and I sat opposite him at a booth in the corner of the room. I felt Nico's hand rest on my bare thigh, I glanced at him briefly but he didn't even look back at me as if the gesture is so casual. I continued to converse with Martin but was starting to fidget in my seat as Nico's hand traveled higher up my thigh and now resting at my inner thigh. It's even worse right now to think about since I was wearing a skirt so he can easily do what he wants to me without giving a damn.

I pressed my thighs together and felt him turn to glance at me then turn back to look at Martin. Pressing my thighs together wasn't helping as he started to rub small circles at my inner thigh. I hummed in response to make it seem that I'm okay but really I'm not. I placed my hand on top of Nico's and tried to push his hand off me, of course he has a stronger grip so that wasn't successful. I pressed my lips together and grabbed onto the edge of the table when he began to rub small circles over my underwear.

I nodded my head at whatever Martin was saying and of course Nico was also playing along. I then let out a gasp when his fingers slipped into my underwear and he rubbed along my folds. Two can play at that game honey. I placed my hand at his crotch which made him stop his finger movements. I smirked as I palmed him over his jeans, he placed his hand on top of mine to stop me, I turned to look at him and his jaw clenched as he then turned to look at me to give me a look for me to stop. When he pushed my hand away I placed my hand back at his crotch and continued to palm him over his jeans. Martin looked between the both of us, "Are you guys okay ?" He asked. "I'm fine" I smiled then turned to look at Nico, "What happened babe ? Cat got your tongue" I asked as I started to giggle which made Martin laugh.

He faked a smile then let out a chuckle, "I think I'm feeling a bit hot" he said as he began to fan himself. "It is hot out here" Martin said. "Yeah uhm would you excuse me, I'm just going to go out for some fresh air" he said as he slid out of the booth then readjusted his pants. I noticed he was already and smirked to myself then turned to look away. "(Y/N) would you join me outside ?" He asked with yet another fake smile. "Uh sure" I said then followed him out of the hospitality. He grabbed my hand and pulled me with him.

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