Max Verstappen - #10 #74

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A/N: Requested by @hufflepufferniffler & @littlemissunnoticed . Hope you babes enjoy ! Be sure to vote & comment. Much love .xx

Warning: NSFW & Language

10. "Why do you send me porn audio messages while I'm in class?" "So you can meet me in detention and we can try that under the desk."

74. "Don't bite that fucking lip."

The first race of the season had finished and I couldn't be more proud of Max for finishing in P3. I sadly couldn't make it to the race as I had to go to study for my exams coming up soon and also having to finish up assignments. Ugh the struggle. Max and I know for sure that theirs no way I would study if I was with him, don't get dirty minded so quickly. He's always wanting to do something different every time we go out, whether it be going to the movies, surfing or versing each other in FIFA, you name it and he wants to do it.

It warmed my heart to find out this morning - a surprise from his side - that he was flying out here today to see me since I can't fly out to see him. Can he be any more of a better boyfriend ?

He's been sending me messages from the morning about how excited he is to see me and celebrate his podium finish. He's been updating me with his whereabouts in the country, he's so excited that he's even going to pick me up himself.

I was on break for ten minutes before having my final lecture for the day, I furrowed my eyebrows when I saw that he sent me a voice note. He rarely sends a voice note so I wonder what this could be about. I was on my own towards the back of the classroom, I lowered the volume to the lowest possible before playing it.

My body stiffened and my face went pale when I heard the moans of a girl, that for sure is not me. What the actual hell ? I heard enough before deleting it so I wouldn't have trace to it again. I was fuming inside, I need to call him.

"Hellooo" he answered playfully. "What the hell is wrong with you ?" I asked straight to the point as I was annoyed. I could've gotten kicked out of the class and also, where did he get this kind of audio from ? "What did I do ?" He asked innocently. "Oh don't play dumb, Verstappen" I was growing angry by the second. "I don't know what you're talking about" he said, I can already imagine the cheeky smile on his face right now. "Why do you send me porn audio messages while I'm in class?" I asked as I rolled my eyes. Luckily no one in my class heard that. "So you can meet me in detention and we can try that under the desk." He said in an obvious tone. I pressed my lips together at the thought of it.

"Boy you don't even go to my school and you're just going to have to be patient- I have to go now, my last lecture for the day. See you later. Love you. Bye" I said in a hurry as the lecture walked into the classroom. "Love you too, see you in a bit" he said lastly before ending the call.

After the lecture was over, I walked out to the parking lot to spot Max already waiting for me as he leaned against the car. Well, he's early. I smiled as I jogged over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around the back of my legs as he lifted me up and spun us around. "I missed you so much" he said lowly as he placed me back onto my feet and had me pushed up against the side of the car. His thumb caressed my jaw before he leaned in and closed the gap between us. I kept the kiss short as we were still at my campus and I don't want the whole of my campus to question my love life. "I missed you more" I smiled as I pecked his lips once more.

During the car ride we just jammed to our favourite songs as we sang along, short conversations here and there but I didn't bring up the voice note. Not just yet.

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