Nyck de Vries - Babysitting

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A/N: Requested by the lovely, Wilshies . Hope you all enjoy. You guys are really taking advantage of my baby fever and I love it lmaooo. Be sure to comment and vote. Much love .xx

It was a big responsibility on both Nyck and I to have a baby with both of us being so young and us not being married yet, it was totally unexpected but we were up for the challenge of becoming parents.

The first 9 months had been painful and also a breeze as I had a lot of support not only from Nyck but from both our families. We had an adorable baby boy whom I'm sure will grow up to be just like his dad and its clear that Nyck can not wait till he gets older as he's training him from young to have a love for cars as well as racing.

The first 6 months of being parents was quite hectic as Nyck would be away from home quite a lot due to racing and I still had to work as well even though Nyck insisted that I should quit my job but I'm stubborn, and I also prefer being independent as that's what my parents taught me. Then again my family and Nyck's were always happy to take care of our son when either of us were busy with our jobs which I can't thank them enough for.

It was early in the afternoon as I finished my shift early at work since the festive season had begun everyone's shifts had changed and I was lucky enough to be amongst those to finish early.

I walked into the living room to see (Y/S/N) and Seychelle playing on the carpet. "Where's my pumpkin ?" I asked as I walked closer to the carpet. He turned to look at me and his face instantly brightened to see mine as well as hearing my voice. He started crawling to the edge of the carpet, "Look who's back early" Seychelle said as she watched him crawl towards me.

"Did my baby miss me ?" I asked as I took him into my arms. "I missed you so much bubs" I said as I pecked his cheek. "Have you been giving your aunt a tough time ?" I asked as I watched him which he just sucked on his thumb. Seychelle had began to laugh, "He was no trouble at all, it's a pleasure to look after him" she said as she got up from the carpet. We kissed each other's cheek, "How have you been ? Its been a while since I've seen you" I said as I then sat on the couch which she sat next to me.

"I know it has. I'm surprised to see you home early, Nyck said to expect you both much later" she said as she took a seat next to me on the couch. "Because of the festive season I finish early so that explains it. Where's Nyck ? He was still sleeping when I left this morning" I said as I then bounced (Y/S/N) on my lap to distract him as I know he hates when I sit down, he's the type of child that likes to look around and explore.

"He had some meeting, no idea but he should be home soon. How's the life of parents going for you both ?" She asked as she leaned back on the couch. "Well, it's not exactly fun. You know how busy both Nyck and I are, theirs no time for us to even have a proper conversation as we're both so tired with this one and work as well" I said as I played with (Y/S/N)'s fingers.

"Ahh well I'm sorry to hear that. I think you should both take a break today, I don't mind taking care of (Y/S/N) as I haven't seen him in so long and he's such a cutie that I can't get enough of him" she said as she ruffled his hair. Just then the front door unlocked and Nyck was back, "Interesting to see you back home early" I said. "We luckily finished early...what a relief" he sighed as he dropped his car keys on the table then walked over to me to peck my lips.

He then took (Y/S/N) from my arms and sat with him on the couch across us. "What did I miss ?"
He asked as he was playing with (Y/S/N). "I was just telling (Y/N/N) that I think you should both take a break and go out for once since you both have such hectic schedules that you don't even have time for each other" she said as she crossed her legs. "I don't mind" I said as I shrugged my shoulders and looked at Nyck. "I'd love to but who's going to to take care of our baby" he cooed. "Me duh" Seychelle said in an obvious tone.

"Are you sure you can take care of him ?" Nyck asked. "It's not like it's the first time I'm baby sitting, he was so well behaved earlier so I'm sure I can look after him until later and besides, I haven't seen him in so long" she pouted. "Okay then, we'll get ready" Nyck said as he got up from the couch and handed (Y/S/N) over to Seychelle. "Yayyy ! Finally" she said as she took him from his arms. I laughed and shook my head as I went to our bedroom to get ready.

We both went to get dressed, as I pulled up my dress and fixed the straps on my shoulder I felt a pair of arms around me.


I looked up at the mirror to see Nyck lay his head on my shoulder

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I looked up at the mirror to see Nyck lay his head on my shoulder. "Damn my baby mama is looking fine af" he said as he kissed my cheek. I turned around in his arms then pecked his lips, "Thank you babe...we should get going now" I said as I pulled on his hand to walk down stairs.

"If you need us, please don't hesitate to phone" I told Seychelle as I walked over to her and then kissed (Y/S/N)'s forehead. "I know and I'm sure we won't have a problem so don't worry" she smiled in reassurance. "If anything goes wrong, you have us on speed dial. Phone us, we'll be here as quick as possible" he said as he kissed (Y/S/N)'s forehead as well. "Stop being paranoid, he's in good hands, he'll be fine. Now both of you leave and have some fun for once" she said as she walked us out to the door.

We then waved her off and went to a restaurant which we luckily didn't have to make a reservation as it was quiet for a week day.

He pulled my chair for me before he sat across from me. "This feels weird" he said as he folded his arms on the table. "Not in a bad way, I mean it's great to finally be alone but just weird to not have to worry about being a parent for a while" he said. "I know what you mean, I get you but I think for once we should just catch up and not panic about him since your sister is taking care of him" I smiled as I grabbed hold of his hand.

After we ordered, he pulled out his phone and failed out a number. "Who are you calling ?" I asked confused. He held a finger up before answering the call, "Hey ! How's (Y/S/N) doing ? Is he asleep yet ? It's almost his bed time... we are enjoying ourselves...but...okay bye" he ended the call. "Can you stop being a dad for once" I rolled my eyes. "I miss him, I didn't see him all day" he pouted. "You need to chill out, you're getting old before your time, its as if you forgot what's romance" I said as I shook.

"I'd have to disagree with that, I'm still a charmer" he said as he wiggles his eyebrows. "That's your opinion - I beg to differ" I faked a smile. "Okay then, after he's asleep tonight, I'll just show you how romantic I can be" he smirked as he took my hand in his and kissed the back of it.

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