Lance Stroll - Surprise Visit

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A/N: Requested by @xkimisliefx . Hope you all enjoy. Much love .xx

Funny how I don't like surprises - I'm an impatient person so can you really blame me - but I love surprising others.

He flew to Mexico for the GP this weekend and I lied to him just this once that I won't be able to make it for his birthday. I told Ville, his trainer, that I in actual fact will be coming which he passed the message on to the rest of the team. Ville will be dead meat if I find out that a word slipped about me coming to the GP this weekend and overall ruining the surprise. Ville understands this is a top secret task, I hope he can stick to it.

It was Saturday morning, his birthday is today and it's about time I make use of my acting. I called him up which he answered on the 3rd ring, "Morning babe" he answered in a raspy voice. "Morning my love. Happy happy birthday !" I yelled over the phone. "I actually forgot it's my birthday" he said as he then yawned. "Rubbish" I scoffed as I rolled my eyes. "Yeah I lie...but what's the point of celebrating if you aren't around" he said in a softer voice, I bet he was pouting now.

"Aww hang in there babe, we'll celebrate soon after this weekend maybe ? Sorry to wake you up so early" I pursed my lips. "It's okay don't worry, I was supposed to wake up in the next half an hour anyway" he said as I heard shuffling on the other line. "Ahhh okay. Any plans for today babe ?" I asked as I turned over to lay on my stomach in bed. "Not that I know off, maybe I might go out after qualifying for dinner or something I don't know...I'm not really in the mood" he sighed. "Don't be so down on your birthday, it's supposed to be a happy occasion so be positive...for me" I encouraged him.

"Okay, I'll try" he shrugged. "That's the spirit ! Now I have to get ready for work, we'll talk later okay ?" I said as I tried to stifle my laugh. "I thought you don't work on weekends ?" He asked confused. Shit. He's right. "Uh yeah I don't, uhm this is my overtime hours since I can't make it to stay late after work during the week" I said as I wiped the imaginary bead of sweat off my forehead. "Ohh okay then" he said, I don't think he bought it. "Yeah anyways I have to get ready. I love and miss you babe. Enjoy the rest of your day okay. Bye" I said as I got up from my spot on the bed. "I love and miss you too. Thank you for wishing me this early, it brightened my day. I'll phone you later okay, when you're off from work ?" He suggested.

"Awww but yeah I'll phone you after work. Byeee" I said lastly. "Bye babe" he said before ending the call. I have to be at the track before he is and that too trying to avoid bumping into him at the hotel since he's staying at this one.


After doing my morning routine and then having a shower, I got dressed and slipped a pair of sunglasses on as well

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After doing my morning routine and then having a shower, I got dressed and slipped a pair of sunglasses on as well. I grabbed a hold of my phone and my purse before leaving the room. I froze as I saw Lance walking towards my direction but he was busy on his phone. Why didn't Ville tell me he stayed on the same floor ? I looked down as I continued to walk to the lift which he just came out of, he probably went to the gym.

I wasn't paying attention to him as I looked down whilst walking. Not paying attention cost me since my cover almost got blown when my shoulder bumped into his, all I managed to say was "Sorry" in a disguised voice and continued to walk without looking at him. "It's -" he turned to look at me but of course I didn't look back, "okay" he said as he furrowed his eyebrows and continued to walk back to his room.

Ville arranged for a driver for me after telling the team I'd be coming. After finally arriving at the track I walked along the paddock to the Williams garage. "Morning guys !" I greeted the team as I entered the garage. They all had greeted me back, some greeted me by pulling me in for a hug, it felt nice to be apart of the team in a way. "I'm going to kill Ville" I told James. "And why's that ?" He chuckled. "He didn't tell me that Lance is staying on the same floor as me ! I bumped into him this morning on my way here, this all would've been ruined" I sighed as I shook my head. Just then James got a call on his phone, "Yeah...okay thanks...bye" he said before ending the call. I raised my eyebrows for him to go on, "Lance is here" he said. "Oh damn I need to hide" I said as I began to panic.

"No need, you can hide somewhere around here, we'll make him stand just outside the garage so he won't see you" James nodded his head. "Okay then I'll just hide in the corner for now" I said as I began to walk away. "That's good enough" he laughed as he got up to walk outside the garage.

I could here everyone singing 'Happy Birthday', the voices getting nearer each second. I could only see his back as they made him stop outside the garage. Once they were done singing, he blew out the candles and that was my cue to surprise him. "Thank you guys ! But why is there a slice missing ?" He asked, just then I grabbed a slice of the cake that was placed aside for me as I slowly walked up behind him. "It's for (Y/N)" Luca said with a cheeky smile on his face. "(Y/N) ?" He said in confusion and just then I smashed the slice of cake on his face. The whole team started to cheer, applaud and laugh at his now beautiful creamed face.

"Happy Birthday babe !" I yelled as he turned around to look at me. "I knew you were up to something" he smiled s he wiped the cream away from his eyes. "What made you think that ?" I giggled. "You don't work on a weekend, I can just tell when you're lying and that too I believe I bumped into you this morning" he grinned. "Yeah thanks for reminding me because I need to hit Ville" I said as I turned to look at Ville with narrowed eyes. The team began to laugh, "What did I do ?" He asked innocently. "You didn't tell me he was staying on the same floor !" I stated. "I didn't think their would be a chance of you both bumping into each other" he shrugged his shoulders.

"But a heads up that he's staying on the same floor would've been nice" I said with a fake smile. "My bad" he laughed. Just then Lance wrapped an arm over my shoulder as he pulled me along with him to the garage. "I'm glad you're actually here otherwise it would've been a shitty day" he said as he pouted. "I bet" I smiled up at him. "Couldn't have asked for a better way to spend my day" he said as he pushed a strand of my hair away from my face before cupping my cheek and pulling me in for a sweet kiss.

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