Daniel Ricciardo - #12

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A/N: Requested by ButtercreamPrincess . Hope you babes enjoy this one! I'm finally on a much needed break so I can finally finish all my requests. Be sure to vote & comment .xx

12. "Did you just lick the side of my face?" "I claimed you."

I can still remember in my young teenage days when I would feel saddened that I couldn't be at Coachella, I used to just scroll through my feed or look at other peoples story to make myself feel even more depressed.

It was always a dream of mine to go but I knew it wasn't going to be easy even if I got the opportunity, not only are their so many expenses that I have to worry about but I first off have to convince my parents to let me travel halfway across the world without them. Now that's a mission.

The same weekend of the Chinese GP was the first weekend of Coachella, I went to Shanghai with Daniel to show my support for the race weekend. I can still remember it was after qualifying on Saturday and we were back in the hotel room. I laid on my front as I scrolled through my Instagram, I sighed as I looked at everyone's pictures and story's. I'm just going to have to dream about going.

"What's wrong, doll ?" Daniel asked as he stepped out of the bathroom in a pair of boxer shorts and a towel around his neck. He then sat down beside me as he took a look at my phone. "I really want to go to Coachella" I pouted as I locked my phone and tossed it aside before laying my head on the bed. "I know babe" he said as he ran a hand through my hair. "Is my depression that obvious ?" I asked in a muffled voice. "It is" he huffed before chuckling. I didn't say anything as I felt myself feeling better by just him playing with my hair.

"Okay so I have something to tell you..." he trailed. "Go on" I said in my muffled voice. "I was going to leave it for tomorrow but I guess I learnt to be impatient from you" he chuckled. I turned over to lay on my back as I smiled at him. "I got us... tickets to go to Coachella !" He yelled at the end. "Wait, what ! Are you serious ?" I asked in shock as I sat up to be at his level. "Dead serious" he smiled. I started screaming and engulfed him in a hug, I then cupped his face before placing my lips on his. "I guess I should surprise you more often" he said in between kisses. "You're honestly the best babe" I smiled before pecking his lips once more. "I know" he said as he rolled his eyes.

Other than looking forward to the race tomorrow, I was even more pumped for weekend 2 of Coachella next week. I was so happy for Daniel to actually finish the race and to finally score some points, it can't compare to his race win last year but it's better than nothing at all.

I've been preparing to go to Coachella for years, so when it came to looking for boho outfits for the festival I was already prepared.

Fans were over the moon to see Daniel at Coachella and especially after hearing that Lewis himself is here as well. Everyone demands an Avocado and Ham picture but sadly not all of us can get what we want.

The first day of weekend 2, the sun was starting to set and the evening was starting to get more lit by the minute. Daniel left quite a while ago with his other Aussie friends to get some drinks, I understand he's a grown ass adult and he can take care of himself but at the same time, I was starting to get worried. I was busy dancing along with Daniel's Aussie friends girlfriends. It felt like a girls night out and a much needed one at that.

I then felt a pair of muscular arms snake around my waist, I was about to punch the stranger who dared to lay hands on me other than Daniel but that's until I noticed his tattoos. Just when I can turn around to question where he was all this time, I felt him lick my cheek. My mouth hung open at his action, "Did you just lick the side of my face?" I yelled over the music as I turned around to look at him. He nodded his head as he smiled proudly, "I claimed you" he said. "Why claim me when I'm already yours...Oh god, you're drunk aren't you ?" I asked more to myself. I could smell the alcohol on him and that too he wouldn't lick my face if he was sober. "No I'm not" he said as he started to laugh.

"So much for enjoying ourselves, I have to deal with your hangover tomorrow" I said as I shook my head. "Are you really my girlfriend ?" He asked confused. "Yes !" I said in an obvious. "Oh...you sound like my mum" he said. I turned my face away as I burst out laughing. "You're cute when you're drunk" I said as I cupped his face, he then pouted his lips clearly eager to get a kiss from me. "Nope, no kiss for you until you're sober" I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Why not ?" He whined as he pouted in disappointment. "Let's call day one a night and go to bed shall we" I said as I held his hand and pulled him along with me to our room. "As long as I get to cuddle you" he said before kissing my cheek. "I'm down for cuddles" I smiled at him.

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