Lewis Hamilton - Hide and Seek

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A/N: Baby fever is back and this time I blame RuinaSantori for passing it onto me. This idea crossed my mind a while back and I thought I just had to write this. Hope you guys enjoy !

As great as life may be after having kids - well, some may say so - it isn't easy managing them when your significant other isn't around.

Lewis knows my struggle and has insisted on many occasions that we should get a nanny or call over my mother-in-laws for help or even my mum but I don't see the need for any of that.

I don't want to be one of those mums that relies on other people, more especially celebrity mums who have nothing to worry about as they have a nanny to do mostly everything for their child. On race weekends it can be hard but when Lewis is back home it's a big weight lifted off my shoulders.

It was the race in Monaco, unfortunately I couldn't be there because the kids had school during the week and I had work of my own to finish.

Their was an hour left before the race, would you believe it's already 2pm and the kids haven't had a bath yet because they've been procrastinating, plus they don't listen to me when Lewis is not around no matter how much I can shout them.

To my luck, Mia fell off to sleep after I gave her a bath and dressed her, whilst Theo on the other hand is full of energy. If only he could be more like Mia.

I was a mess, my clothes were damp from these kids splashing water, my hair out of place and the dark bags under my eyes are evidence that I haven't had a good nights sleep in the past week.

Theo was jumping about in the bed with my phone in hand. "Theo ! I don't have all day" I said as my hands were covered in lotion. He looked at me and giggled. My phone started to ring and he declines the call. "Theo, I'm not going to repeat myself !" I yell louder which my phone rings for the second time and he declines the call yet again.

I caught him off guard by grabbing the phone out of his hand and placed it on my bedside table. "You're making mommy mad" I said as I pointed a finger at him. "Sorry mommy" he said with a finger in his mouth. My phone rings for a third time and I don't bother answering it because knowing if I left Theo he would run away the second I turn my back.

Once I was finally done, I combed his hair neatly before starting to tidy up. Theo went straight for my phone and it began to ring again. "Oh my god. Theo, would you please answer that ?" I called from the bathroom as I tossed the dirty clothes into the hamper.

"You little rascal. Have you been declining my calls ?" Lewis asked when he saw Theo's face. He giggled at his question. "Daddy, I dressed myself up today" Theo said with excitement as he jumped off the bed to go to the full length mirror. "Looking good buddy" Lewis smiled. "Thanks bud" Theo repeated. I stifled a laugh as I watched him from across the room.

"Is that mommy ?" Lewis asked when he heard my laugh in the background. Theo nodded as he walked over to me with the phone. "Babe" he called just before Theo handed me the phone. "Hey boo" I smiled. "I see my son is taking after me with his style. Where's my princess ?" He asked as he set his phone down whilst he changed into his racing suit. "Your princess is getting her beauty sleep" I said as I turned the camera to show Mia sleeping before switching the camera back to me. "Aww, I really miss you guys. I wish you'll were here. How's my queen doing ?" He asked as he wiggled his brows.

"Is it not evident by the way I look ?" I sighed. "All I see is beauty" he grinned. "Stop flattering me. I just wish you were here already" I pouted. "Few more hours and I'll be back home after the race" he said. I nodded my head, "I hope you have a good race as always. Know that we're with you in spirit. Do Niki and us proud as always. We love you" I said as I blew a kiss. "Thank you babe. I'll push to the end and give it my best. This is for Niki and you guys as well. Love you so much" he smiled. "Love you too. See you in a few hours. Byeee" I said lastly before ending the call.

After witnessing Lewis claim his rightful victory, the kids and I were over the moon as we jumped up from the couch and started screaming. That's my man.

Lewis gave me a call when he landed and informed me that he would be home soon. I didn't tell the kids since I would like to see their surprised reaction.

I was laying in bed with Mia sat next to me, she played with my hair whilst I replied to messages that I received from earlier. Theo was also sat on the bed as he watched his favourite movie, Despicable Me.

"Okay guys, I think it's time you guys get into the bath so you can get ready for bed" I said as I stood up from the bed. "Nooo mommy. Can you give me 5 minutes ?" Theo whined. "Aww you poor baby...Nope, in the bath, you have school tomorrow" I said with my hands on my hips. "Mommy no ! I don't want to go to school" Theo cried out.

"You don't see Mia crying about school. It's either I bath you or your father. The choice is yours" I said as I carried Mia to the bathroom. "I'm home !" Lewis yelled from downstairs. "Daddy's home" Mia clapped.

"I'm going to hide" Theo said. This child. As I got Mia in the bath, I heard the cupboard door shut. "Anybody home ?" Lewis called as he entered our bedroom. "In here Daddy !" Mia yelled from the bathtub. "My girls" he smiled as he entered the bathroom.

"Daddy !" Mia screamed when she saw him. "Hey princess" he smiled as he walked towards us. "Give me a kiss" he said as he lowered himself to her level. She held his face with her wet hands and gave him a kiss on his cheek. I smiled down at the 2 of them, as he then stood up straight I pecked his lips. "You haven't seen me in almost a week and all I get is a peck ?" he asked in disbelief. "Not in front of her !" I scolded him playfully. "Mia, cover your eyes" he said as she quickly placed her small hands over her eyes. "No Mia, don't cover your eyes...Daddy can wait" I grinned as I took her out from the bath and back to the bedroom.

He frowned at me then furrowed his eyebrows as he followed us out of the bathroom, "Where's my boy ?" He asked. "Hiding" I said as I stifled a laugh. "Hiding ? Why ?" He asked confused. "Because he doesn't want to bath but more especially he doesn't want you to bath him" I said as I dried Mia off. "Theo !" He called. We heard a laugh come from the closet. He knew exactly where he was.

He opened the closet to reveal him laying on the shelf with a pillow under his head and my phone in hand. "Oi ! What are you doing here mister ?" He asked with his hands on his hips. "Waiting for you to find me" Theo said with a smile. "Sorry to say buddy but you have to get in the bath, you have school tomorrow" He said.

Theo trudged to the bathroom with a frown, Lewis trying his best not to laugh at his reaction but followed him anyway.

I got into bed, Mia laying on me as I played with her hair so she could fall off to sleep. After Lewis gave Theo a bath, he had him wrapped in a towel and sat him on the bed. "Want me to change him ?" I asked as I looked at the both of them. "Rest up. I got this" he said as he gave a reassuring smile.

It was clear how moody Theo was by the looks of his face and how stubborn he is. A mama's boy. Once Theo's hair was brushed, he ran over to the bed to lay on me as well. Lewis' mouth hung open, the betrayal. "I have a surprise coming up for your birthday bud, but seeing that you want mommy then I guess I'll just give Mia your present instead" Lewis said as he sat at the edge of the bed. "What surprise ?" Theo asked as he got to crawl over to Lewis' lap.

"Well it won't be a surprise now if I tell you" Lewis said as he got up from the bed. He carried Mia in one arm whilst Theo was in his other. "Do you need help ?" I asked worried. "The queen needs to chill out, I told you I got this" he said as he left the room.

He sighed when he came back into the room, "You put them to bed so quickly ?" I asked in shock. "Yepp" he said as he popped the 'p'. "How ?" I asked in disbelief. "It would take me an hour to put them to bed when you aren't around" I said as I sat up against the headboard.

He removed his shirt and caught me by surprise by jumping onto the bed then straddling me. "You want me to put you to bed as well ?" I asked playfully. "I believe you owe me something for winning that race and I hope you have the energy as much I do right now because we aren't going to sleep anytime soon baby" he said lowly. "As long as we're quiet" I grinned as I pulled him closer. "We'll see how long that lasts" he said before connecting his lips with mine.

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