Daniel Ricciardo - Overprotective Girlfriend

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A/N: For Onceuponxwars . I hope you all enjoy ! Be sure to vote & comment. Much love .xx

It was a boring day at home since Daniel was gone out with Michael to train for the day, that was until one of my friends had decided to pop by to my surprise.

I was sitting on the couch watching TV when the doorbell had rung, I furrowed my eyebrows as to who it could but answered the door anyway. I was surprised to see (Y/F/N) standing in front of me. "Oh what a pleasant surprise" I said as she took a step closer to pull me in for a hug. "Happy to see me ?" She asked as she wiggled her eyebrows. "Yeah of course, it's been a while, come in" I smiled as I stepped aside for her to make her way in. "It has been, how have you been doing ? How's Daniel ?" She asked as she took a seat on the couch.

"We've both been doing good, how about you ?" I asked as I sat next to her. "I'm also doing good, I was around the area and remember coming here the last time so I thought I might as well pop by and say hi" she smiled. "Aww well that's very sweet of you, how's working going ? Can I get you something to drink ?" I asked as I stood up to walk to the kitchen. "A glass of water is fine thanks. Work isn't that exciting but I mean it's bearable" she said as she followed me to the kitchen. I nodded my head in response as I poured her a glass of water before pushing the glass towards her.

"How about you, how's work ?" She asked before taking a sip of her water. "It's going good, I'm really enjoying it since I mean I love what I do and well everyone at work makes me feel so welcomed so it's great" I said as I leaned against the kitchen counter on my elbows. "Where's Daniel ?" She asked as she set down the glass. "He's gone out with Michael to train" I said casually. "Who's Michael ?" She asked in confusion. "Daniel's trainer" I sighed. "Ahh okay, how are you guys doing ?" She asked. Is she okay ? Why is she so concerned about us and more specifically about Daniel ?

"We're both better off keeping our relationship private and it's going great, can't complain" I smiled proudly. "Oh...I thought you guys broke up ?" She said as she lowered her voice. I furrowed my eyebrows, "What made you think that ?" I asked. "You both haven't been posting pictures together so I just assumed" she shrugged her shoulders. Okay she's getting on my nerves now. "That's a very bad assumption to make. Just because we don't post, doesn't mean we're not together and that too it's none of anyone's business to mind our personal life" I snapped. I couldn't help it. We're not even best friends and she's worried about my personal life.

She took a one gulp of her water as she finished it and set it back on the table. "I think I should get going now" she said as she coughed. Yeah I think you should.

"Babe !" I heard Daniel yell my name. Oh god. "In here !" I yelled back as I walked out of the kitchen. "Heyy" he smiled as he pulled me into a hug then pecked my lips. "Heya Mikey" I smiled as I pulled him into a hug. I then heard a cough behind me, oh she's still here. "Dan, Mikey, this is (Y/F/N). She's an old friend from school" I said as I motioned towards her with my hands. "Hey !" They both said as they extended their hand out but she instead pulled them in for a hug. Giving Daniel and extra long one if I may add. I coughed as a sign for her to snap back into reality.

"It's so good to finally meet you" she said to Daniel. "Ahh are you a fan ?" He asked with a smile. Michale and I shared a look, "No !" I mouthed as I shook my head at her from behind so thank god she can't see me. "I wouldn't say a fan but I mean you're quite well known, who doesn't know you" she said as she twirled her hair. Daniel and Michael could probably tell how mad I was getting by the second. Maybe Michael more since he was actually looking at me whilst Daniel was giving her the attention she wants. "It's my handsomeness" he smiled as he nodded his head. Oh Dan. "Not only are you handsome, talk about your physique" she said as she began to feel his biceps. That's it.

"(Y/F/N), can I speak to you for a second ?" I faked a smile when she turned around to look at me. "Sure" she smiled. She followed me as I led the way to the lounge. "What do you think you're doing ?" I asked as I folded my arms over my chest. "What's wrong ?" She asked innocently. "I don't appreciate you flirting with him" I admitted. "It's harmless hun, chin up" she laughed. "Harmless ? Are you forgetting he has a girlfriend, reality check she's standing right in front of you" I said as I clicked my fingers. "He's enjoying it" she smirked. "Uhh no, he's just being nice like he always is with everyone !" I said as my voice raised. "I felt something though" she said. You're about to feel my hand meet your face just now.

"I'm sure it's just your imagination, nothing or no one will come in between Daniel and I" I said as I stood up straight. "Well I like him okay !" She admitted. "What ?" I asked in shock. "I like Daniel too" she said. I really wanted to burst out laughing right now. "You know what...I think you should leave" I said in a more stern voice. She stormed off towards the door, Daniel and Michael looking at the both of us in confusion.

"One day he'll leave you for me" she yelled in a state of anger. "In your dreams honey, thanks for coming. Good bye" I faked a smile as I closed the door behind her. "What just happened ?" Daniel asked as I walked towards him. "A fight was about to go down if she was here for another minute" I huffed as I crossed my arms over my chest. "Feisty one hey Dan" Michael laughed as he took a sip of his water.

"You guys don't understand do you ? She just admitted to me that she likes Daniel. How dare she ?" I said. "Oh" Michael was stunned. "I'm flattered actually" Daniel said with a smile. My mouth was hung open, "Did you hear what she said before she left ? One day he'll leave you for me" I mocked her voice as I walked over the couch to sit down. "She has nothing on you" Michael said as he sat next to me on the couch. "Why are you smiling ?" I asked Daniel as he stood in front of me. "It's just funny" he said as he stifled a laugh. "Is this a joke to you ?" I asked in disbelief. He didn't even bother answering me as he just burst out laughing with Michael joining him. "This ain't funny guys" I shook my head.

Daniel then took the other seats beside me as he threw his arm over my shoulder, "No one could possibly steal you away from me" he said as he laid his head on top of mine. "She could" Michael said as he started laughing again, both of them high-fiving. "I'm still confused as to what is so funny about this" I said as I looked between them. "You actually think she has a chance" Daniel said. "You never know" I rolled my eyes. "You both are too in love, theirs no chance of someone coming between the two of you" Michael said as he ruffled my hair. "Got that right" Daniel said before pecking my lips.

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