Lando Norris - Summer Love

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A/N: Hope you babes enjoy, I had fun with this one. Requested by @bandlover07 & FOREVERLANDO . Apologies for 'After' movie spoilers. Thank you guys for requesting ! .xx

Warning: Language & NSFW

"Come sit on my lap."

"I love hearing you moan,"

"I want to kiss every inch of your body..."

It's a beautiful sunny day in Croatia, perfect to do nothing and just de stress. Lando had told me a week before the summer break started that we will be flying off together, not mentioning until a few days before leaving that his older brother Oliver and his friend, Martin was going to tag along as well. Not that I mind but I was lowkey hoping for some alone time, you feel ?

Lando was up early and so were the boys, I could hear them yelling and shouting away outside of the villa. I didn't bother waking up from my position on the bed, instead of going back to sleep when I was rudely awoken I scrolled through my phone.

Finally getting out of bed, I did my morning routine, had a shower and changed into a bikini before making my way to the kitchen. I caught a glimpse of them trying to do stunts in the pool which I simply shook my head.

I just cut up some fruit and put it into a bowl, then walking back to our main bedroom. I was going to feel out of place to hang out with them at this time so I'd much rather kill some time by watching a movie.

My face lit up when I saw that they're showing the movie 'After' on Netflix, I've watched it once with my friends and watching it again wouldn't hurt.

I was at the scene where they have their first kiss in the lake, I started squealing because damn. "That could be us" Lando caught me by surprise. "Jeez...Don't do that !" I said as I placed a hand on my heart. "You're watching this movie rather than hanging out with us" he raised his brows. "Uhh yes ! I mean just look at Hero, any girl can just stare at him for hours" I cooed.

"He's not all that" he said as he then laid next to me against the headboard. "I ain't only talking about his accent, just look at his face" I fangirled. The scene then cut to them changing after their swim, Hero trailing his finger along her body teasingly slow. "Why did you stop ?" she asked him. "YEAH WHY HERO !" I yelled in frustration.

"On the other hand, she's pretty cute" Lando said. I turned to look at him in disgust. "Cute my ass, she's not all that" I mocked him as I rolled my eyes. "You're just jealous" he said with a smug grin. "No I'm not, you just said that because you were jealous 5 minutes ago" I said.

"Why would I be jealous ?" he scoffed. "Because he's getting more attention than you right now" I said as I stifled a laugh. "Well that's why I'm here now" he wiggled his brows. He pulled me by my elbow closer to him, "I want to kiss every inch of your body..." he said lowly. I froze from hearing his words. "Go kiss her" I said annoyed and motioned to the actress in the movie. Just as I was about to get off the bed, he grabbed a hold of my hand and lightly tugged to make me look at him.

"Come sit on my lap" he said as he patted his thigh. I was honestly weak, I was trying to be mad at him but that wouldn't last long. Not only because of his cute face but when he whispers things like that and he's shirtless, the reason to be mad is forgotten.

I pressed my lips together as I crawled back on the bed and straddled him. He placed a hand on my hip whilst his other hand lightly gripped onto my hair as he caressed my cheek with his thumb. "You know you're my one and only" he pouted as he fluttered his lashes. "I don't believe so" I said as I playfully hit my lower lip. "Well I guess I got some proving to do" he said as his eyes trailed between mine and my lips before slowly pulling my face closer to close the gap between us.

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