Max Verstappen - Apology Accepted

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A/N: Thank you to @bluzklus for requesting this. Really hope you all enjoy. 'The Friendzone' book should be posted when this book hits 15K for those of you wondering, I shall reveal the cover soon. Much love .xx

I couldn't have been more furious than right now, to think that my weekend would be going well but damn did I think wrong.

Whilst I'm on the other side of the world and Max is back home, he told me that he's going out to a party or whatever it was to have a night out with friends which of course I'm fine with because I'm not with him anyways and I trust him, but I'm starting to reconsider that.

He went out with friends which is fair enough but he didn't tell me his ex-girlfriend was going to be there and that they were going to hang out. I saw pictures of them all over my social media, group pictures with his friends but guess where she stood ? Right frickken beside him and damn did she have some grip on him, like get your hands off my man woman.

I couldn't care what Max could be doing right now, whether he was hungover or whether he's okay, ugh I was fuming inside. I saw a few fans take my part on the comments section which warmed my heart that they thought about me but clearly he didn't care about me. How do I know he hasn't cheated on me with her last night ? What if they were piss drunk and made out ? How can I trust him will be hard for me to do so.

As I was busy studying in my room, my phone had began to vibrate which I took a brief glance to see Max' face pop up on my screen. I rolled my eyes and continued to get on with my work. Yet again my phone had rang and I groaned in annoyance. I declined his call and saw that I had over 20 messages from him. At this point I was so annoyed with seeing his face popping up on my screen every second as he continued to try phoning me, I just decided that the best thing was to switch my phone off so I'm not distracted.

I heard the house telephone go off, I swear to god if that's him calling the house then I'm going to just lose it. I stayed put as I was busy summarising my notes. A knock was at my door and my mum held the telephone in her hand as she had her hand covered over the speaker. Just as she was about to tell me who it was, I cut her off "I know damn well who that is on the phone. Tell him I died" I said plainly. "(Y/N) !" She scolded. She gave me a look then held the phone by her ear as she said, "She doesn't want to talk Max, sorry about that."

"Stop being stubborn and just talk to him" she said as she walked closer to me and held the phone out. "Sure" I faked a smile as I took the phone from her hand. "Do you not get the memo that I don't want to bloody talk to you ! Go back to your damn ex since you seem to enjoy her company more than mine anyway. Don't bother contacting me because you won't get a reply back. I don't want to see your face for a while, stop distracting me whilst I'm trying to study here. Enjoy your time off with your ex, I hope she was worth it !" I yelled over the phone then handed the phone to my mum as I didn't bother to wait for his response.

"Sorry Max, she clearly doesn't want to talk, maybe give her some space for some time yeah" my mum said over the phone. After that I lost interest in what they were conversing between each other as I got back to studying. My mum caught my attention when she ended the call and said, "Pack your bags honey."

"What for ?" I asked as I dropped my pen and turned around in my chair to face her. "He wants to take you to Greece to apologise and he also wants to meet you. Your flight is tomorrow so you better get packing now" she said as she then clapped her hands. "Well, I don't want to go" I said, clearly uninterested in hearing his apology. "Well, I insist you go. You aren't going to find another man who takes you to another country to apologise and make you forgive him, at least hear him out. He's so sweet" she said.

"Stop taking his part, he met up with his ex yesterday and he didn't tell me that he was going to meet her" I said as I crossed my arms over my chest. "Well, I'm sure he has a good explanation to all of your questions. I suggest you pack your bags and go. He's a keeper" she smiled. I rolled my eyes, maybe she's right.

Next Day

I took the flight over to Greece, it took a lot of convincing from my mum to get me to leave but she did it. I had to unfortunately see Max' messages otherwise I wouldn't know where to go.

He sent me a message to meet him at his hotel room, which the stubborn side of me really didn't want to but then again I wanted to go. Ugh what is wrong with me, I hate him.

As I knocked on his room door, I played with my fingers for a while before hearing heavy footsteps on the other side of the door. "Took you a while to open the door, is she hiding somewhere here as well ?" I said as I then faked a smile then walked passed him into the room. "You can't be serious right now...just hear me out" he said as he followed closely behind me then stood in front of me as I sat on the bed. "The only reason I'm here is because of my mum, I don't know what charm you had on her but she feels sorry for you" I said as I rolled my eyes and gazed at anything else but him.

"Nothing happened last night okay" he said as he shoved his hands into his jeans pockets. "And you expect me to believe that ?" I asked as I raised a brow. "If you really loved and trusted me then you would know that I wouldn't do something like cheat behind your back" he said. "I did trust you Max...until I saw those pictures of you both. Ugh I was so damn furious, she had her hands on you and god only knows what you both did last night...I don't even want to know" I said as I looked down and let a tear slip.

"Are you crying ?" He asked as his voice softened. "No" I sniffled. "Pictures say one thing but I remember what I did last night and I didn't get anywhere near her other than what you saw in the pictures, that's it. I didn't speak to her, we didn't hook up and I made it clear that I'm dating you" he said.

I looked up at him for a brief second then looked back down at my hands. I stood up from where I was as I said, "I need some fresh air" then walked out the door before bothering to hear what he had to say or interject. I went to the pool rooftop and sat at a nearby chair whilst I watched the sunset over the horizon.

I was glad that their was no one around, I spoke too soon as Max came up to join me. He watched me as I stared out at the sunset. "How did you know I was here ?" I asked. "Because I know you too well" he said in an obvious tone. I finally decided to glance back at him to see him looking down at me. He picked me up and placed me back down on his lap in a swift move.

He placed kisses down the side of my neck, he knew that's my sweet spot and instantaneously I began to smile. "I'm trying to be mad at you here and you're trying to seduce me" I said as I turned to look at him. "Look into my eyes...Do you trust me ?" He asked intently as he looked me. I took a while to answer, not that I wasn't convinced but because in that brief second I had a flash back into the future that made me think to myself, this is the one.

After dazing off I finally nodded my head in response. "Then that's all that matters baby" he said as he pulled my chin to connect our lips together. "Damn I really missed kissing you" he murmured against my lips whilst my arms moved to wrap around his neck.

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