Charles Leclerc - Sibling Issues

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A/N: Thank you @emz353 for the request. As per usual I hope you all enjoy. Please drop some feedback and vote. Much love .xx

Warning: Language

6 months of trying to keep my relationship a secret was harder than I thought it would be, especially since I'm dating one of my brothers friends. My mum is the only person who knows, theirs no way I'm telling my dad because he'd be upset and more especially he'll tell my brother. I understand that he may be one year older than me so he may be overprotective but sometimes it's all too much.

My brother is none other than, Max Verstappen and if you're wondering who's my boyfriend, well it's the famous cutie, Charles Leclerc. Now I know that they both had a past with racing and the last thing I want to see is my favourites fight. I know he considers everyone competition - even me - especially next year when Charles is going to be in Ferrari. It scares me to think about the day Max finds out about the both us, I know I'm going to have to tell him some day but I'm afraid of how he's going to react since he can have a temper from time to time like myself. I guess it runs in our blood ?

It was race day in Brazil, I was luckily with my mum so I wasn't alone and she could cover up for me as well. I was so proud of Charles during qualifying as he made it to Q3, despite the rain and his engineer calling him into the pits he showed them that he could do it.

I luckily had already seen him just after the drivers parade to wish him good luck and I made it just in time to Max' garage before he gets suspicious of my whereabouts.

Max unfortunately may have not won but he at least got a podium finish in P2. I was so proud of Charles to get P7 as he finished just behind the top 6. My mum and I followed the team to Parc Fermé to cheer on Max, luckily by the time I can go see Charles after the podium finish he should be free as he would be done with interviews.

Max hadn't even bothered to celebrate as he just walked off the podium which he's clearly fuming about the whole collision with Esteban. Just as he left for the press conference, I told my mum that I'm going to see Charles which she smiled and nodded at me.

I went to the Sauber garage and was lucky enough to find Charles heading to his drivers room. I ran behind him and caught up with him in time as I covered his eyes with my hands. "Guess who" I whispered into his ear. "My princess" he said as he removed my hands from his eyes and pulled me with him to his drivers room.

Max' P.O.V
After the press conference and meeting with the stewards I couldn't wait to finally be with my family so I could forget about today.

I went to the garage and spotted my mum alone. "Hey mum, where's (Y/N) ?" I asked as I looked around in hopes to spot her. "She went to the restroom, I'm sure she'll be out soon" she said. I nodded my head and went to my drivers room to change, James following close behind me. "Hey James, can you send someone to tell (Y/N) that we're leaving ?" I asked. He nodded his head and walked off.

James came running towards me as I was leaving the room,"She's apparently at the Sauber garage" he huffed. "What the fuck is she doing there ?" I asked which he shrugged his shoulders.

I spotted Marcus as I entered the garage, "Hey man, crazy question but have you seen my sister around here ?" I asked. "Yeah maybe check in Charles' room" he said as he pointed behind him. "Thanks" I said and walked past him. What the fuck is she doing in Charles' room ? I knocked on the door then opened it to find her kissing Charles. "What the fuck is going on here ?" I yelled.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V
I looked at my brother and instantly felt my face become pale. Shit. "Max, I'm going to need you to calm down. I'll explain everything later" I said as I placed my hands on his chest and guided him to walk out of the room. "Mate what the hell are you doing kissing my sister ?" He said as he tried to get up close to Charles. "She's my girlfriend, I'm allowed to kiss her" Charles said confidently. My heart fluttered as I looked back at Charles. "You'll are dating ?" He yelled. "You see, this is exactly why I didn't tell you !" I yelled back as I crossed my arms over my chest.

He instantly felt guilty and the look on his face softened. "Let's just go from here" I rolled my eyes at Max as I pulled Charles in for a hug and kissed his cheek then pulled Max by his hand out of the garage. We met our mum by the Redbull garage and proceeded to the exit of the paddock to where Max' driver was waiting.

The awkward silence filled the car throughout the ride, mum knew why. Once we got to the hotel, I pointed to the couch, "Sit down" I said sternly. He didn't bother to argue and sat down. "So, Charles and I are officially boyfriend and girlfriend for the last 6 months -" he cut me off, "No shit, Sherlock. This needs to end. I forbid you from seeing him."

"With what authority ?" I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest. "The brother authority" he said in an obvious tone. I shook my head, "That's not a thing" I said. "Well, it is now" he said as he crossed his legs. "I don't care what you have to say, we've been together for 6 months. Mum approves and I love him" I said.

"You love him ?" He asked in shock. "Hey ! You don't get to come over here and criticise my relationship. You don't see me being like oh my gosh Dilara is such a terrible person if I don't even know her, the same way you don't know Charles you have no right to judge him from the past, so just accept it" I looked everywhere but his face at this moment.

He looked at me for a few seconds before asking me, "Are you happy ?" as he stood up from the couch. I looked at him with my all too famous puppy eyes and nodded. "Then that's all that matters" he said as he engulfed me in a hug and kissed my forehead. Just then their was a knock at our door. I ran to open it knowing I had messaged Charles to come over.

He ran his hand through the back of his hair as he was nervous. Max looked at me and gave me an 'are you serious right now ?' look. I held Charles hand and pulled him in. We walked to where Max was stood. "I don't want my favourites fighting so I would like you both to settle your differences now" I said as I pointed between the both of them. Max gave me that look then shook Charles hand as he smiled, "Welcome to the family" he said. I looked at him confused, "We aren't even married" I said. "You never know" Charles said as he winked at me.

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