Daniel Ricciardo - Play Along

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A/N: Requested by @ginaleclerc16 . Hope you babys enjoy ! Apologies that this is so late but I made sure I finished these (P.S. Charles has a cameo) .xx

"You moved on, so did I"

It's sad to say that the 3 most amazing years of my life was a waste and just like that precious moments are now meaningless. Charles had decided after 3 years that we're not meant for each other, he wanted a break for a while and that's where the break up comes in.

I was hurt. I've been there for him through everything, even before we started dating we were the closest of friends and he just wanted to throw all of that away ?

Nevertheless, I always motivate and try to cheer up my friends when they have gone through a break up so likewise I should take my own advice. After much crying in bed all day, I have to start off with a 'detox' and that means to delete all boyfriend content.

Not even a day later of clearing out my social media feed, I had a spam of comments and DMs from fans asking if we broke up, and why. I of course saw this coming but it's not something I wanted to address right now.

It hasn't even been 3 weeks since Charles and I broke up but he already seemed to have moved on according to posts I've been tagged on and DM's from fans yet I still didn't say anything on social media about us other than stating the obvious - we're no longer together.

Even though we broke up, that didn't stop me from watching races since I have been a big fan of the sport from a young age and as much as I wish to go to a race it honestly will just feel weird since it all still feels somewhat fresh.

If I were to go to a race the only friends I'd say I have are all Charles friends, how lovely. Though the only friend I keep in contact with is Daniel, I guess you can say we grew close since we used to meet up all the time whenever he's in Monaco.

It was just the start of the Monaco GP weekend and gosh it was busy, no surprise there though. I was feeling lowkey saddened about 2 weeks back when they mentioned it at the last race, but then I later received a message from Daniel to catch up when he flys over. During our lovely conversation he asked if I'm going to the race to which I said obviously no. He was confused as to why I was 'negative', that's when I told him that Charles and I broke up and he was shocked because he really didn't know.

Being the sweet person he is, he insisted that I go to the race this weekend even though I was good with watching the race from home but he said it's not the same and he wasn't going to leave me until I said yes. So yes it was.

I really thought that I would get away from going with Daniel but he didn't even give me a chance to finish my work because apparently my support is more important and it's a Friday. I made sure to dress my best since I will most likely bump into Charles since they are friends anyway. Looking all so fancy I could pass as a socialite.


Entering in the paddock, it was buzzing already like it usually is before the race, Daniel was in between Michael and I as we were walking to the garage

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Entering in the paddock, it was buzzing already like it usually is before the race, Daniel was in between Michael and I as we were walking to the garage. Daniel and Michael was then stopped by some team members from the Redbull garage. They kindly greeted me which I smiled back and greeted them as well. I did feel out of place in that moment since they were all talking away about I don't even know what.

I took a look at my surroundings and froze when my eyes landed on the familiar face that I was expecting to see. In the moment I panicked and turned back to the conversation, suddenly finding it interesting. Praying that he wouldn't see me or even think of greeting Daniel right now, I could feel a stare from behind. I crossed my arms over my chest and just then I felt a tap on my shoulder, "(Y/N) ?" He called. I closed my eyes for a second before turning around to face him.

"Charles what a pleasant surprise" I smiled. Probably the dumbest thing I ever said. "No surprise that I'm here, I'm more surprised to see you" he said as he shoved his hands into his pockets. "Well someone insisted for me to come this weekend even though I had other things to do but here I am" I shrugged my shoulders. "Who ?" He asked as he raised a brow in confusion. I then pointed behind me to Daniel, he peeked to the side and raised his brows.

"You both are dating ?" He asked eagerly. "You moved on, so did I" I said casually. Daniel and Michael then said their goodbyes to the Redbull team members and took a step to us. "Hey mate" Charles said as he shook Daniel's hand and Michael's.

Michael and I shared a look as Daniel and Charles were in conversation. I'm glad that Michael knows about Charles and I as well so he somewhat feels my awkwardness. Michael then broke their conversation by saying, "Sorry but Blake just texted that we have to go" he said as he briefly looked at his phone. "Ahh well it was nice catching up with you mate. See you around and good luck this weekend" Daniel said.

"Thank you and same to you. We should hang out sometime soon. Wishing you both all the best" Charles smiled as he looked between Daniel and I. "Thanks man" Daniel smiled. "I'm happy for you" he said softly as he hugged me. He caught me by surprise when we kissed each other's cheek but I just went with it anyway. "Ciao guys" Charles waved us off.

I was then in between both boys, "What was that all about ? Wishing you both all the best ?" Daniel asked. "He was surprised that I'm here and asked who I came with so I pointed at you. He was then like you both are dating. Which I didn't confirm or deny so I just said you moved on, so did I and therefore he now thinks we're official" I pressed my lips together. "Holy shit. Well if you told me to play along sooner then that would've been the cherry on top" he said which Michael and I both laughed. "It's fine don't worry about him" I played it off.

"Mate take a look" Daniel said to Michael which he tried to discretely look back. "Eyes on us" Michael reported. "Just perfect" Daniel said as he grabbed a hold of my hand and intwined our fingers before throwing his arm over my shoulder.

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