Mick Schumacher - #11

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A/N: Requested by @phoebe-durm . I really hope you guys enjoy my work with a change now to prompt lists. Be sure to vote & comment. Much love.xx

11. "Hold my so people know we're dating."

After the announcement of Mick getting promoted to F2 and being apart of Ferrari's driving academy, this called for a celebration for his achievements. I believed in him making it this far and the time has now come.

Since we hadn't seen each other for quite a while and I couldn't make it to fly out to him since I'd be disrupted from my studies plus the expense of doing so. As many times as he insists to fly me out from his side, I always tell him no since I don't want to be the girlfriend that relies on her boyfriend and the last thing I want is for rumours to go around that I'm using Mick for his money or fame.

I'm no gold digger, I was brought up to be independent and that's just what I'm doing. Plus I recently became an adult too so I need to embrace it.

After much decision of either meeting half way, me flying to him, him flying to me or me meeting him at the next GP, I won the argument. I managed to convince him to fly to my country since he was basically free and I couldn't fly any time I wanted to like he could.

I woke up early in the morning knowing that he'll be here in a few hours time and the least I could do was study early so we could spend the day together with no disturbances or me complaining that he's distracting me, that too it would be a real waste for him to come all the way here and us not actually celebrating. I was going to fetch him from the airport but he had a driver to drop him off at my place.

I heard a knock at the door and of course it could only be one person, I ran towards the door to be greeted by none other than Mick. "I missed you" I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck whilst standing up on my tip toes. "I missed you more" he mumbled in my neck then placed a kiss on my cheek. "It's about time you paid me a visit" I said jokingly. "I know, a long overdue one" he chuckled as he followed me into my apartment. "It looks different since the last I've seen it, did you do something different ?" He asked as he looked around at his surroundings.

"No" I said as I furrowed my brows. "I guess it looks different to you since you're coming here after so long" I turned to glance at him. "Probably that" he said as he turned to glance at me. I tilted my head to the side and just took a few seconds to admire him, "Did I tell you how proud I am of you ?" I smiled. "I think you told me about 100 times but I don't mind hearing it once more" he joked which I playfully slapped his arm. "Anyways I think we should head out now, let's go out for lunch ?" I suggested. "Sure, I'm fine with that" he smiled.

After we both freshened up, I changed out of my comfy 'home' clothes to a black and white striped blouse, denim ripped skinny jeans and a pair of white sneakers. I didn't bother to really put on make up, just some mascara, filled in my brows and a pink lip tint. I left my natural wavy hair down and I was ready to go.

I noticed his mood was a bit off as we walked on the streets to find a café. He wasn't affectionate whatsoever and this really hurt me inside but I was afraid to ask him about it. Is he embarrassed to be with me ? Why does he treat me like a stranger when we're out in public ? So many questions ran through my mind but of course I couldn't get the answer.

Even though he walked beside me his hands were shoved into his jean pockets whilst I had my arms crossed over my chest. To total strangers we were probably looking like the best friends that like each other but are too afraid to admit their feelings but it's sad that we're actually a couple yet we don't act like one. The anger and sadness was building up inside me, I couldn't take it any longer and I just had to ask him.

"Mick" I called without glancing at him. He hummed in response as he turned to look at me. "Are you embarrassed of me ?" I asked as I continued to look straight ahead whilst walking. He stopped in his tracks and just then he stopped me by catching a hold of my hand. "I could never be embarrassed of you, why would you think that ?" He asked. Thank god the streets were empty so no one can witness our drama about to unfold. "Nevermind" I said plainly as I continued to walk. He stopped me again as he pulled me back towards him.

"Why do you think that, Liebe ? Speak to me please" he softened his voice towards the end. "I- Just- Why don't you ever show any affection when we're out ?Why do we look like strangers instead of a couple ?" I asked as my voice cracked. I was on the verge of crying but I held back the tears. His lips curved into a frown, he couldn't answer. "You know what, just forget about it" I said as I pulled my hand away from him and started walking back in the direction of my apartment.

He was of course much faster than me and managed to catch up with me easily. He yet again caught a hold of my wrist and pulled me back against his chest. He turned me around to face him, "Tell me what do you want" he said as he looked into my eyes. "Hold my hand so people know we're dating" I said as I pressed my lips together. "But I don't want you to do it now since I want that, I want you to do it because you genuinely want to" I said softly. "Well, I've never been in a committed relationship where I've shown affection out in public...but if you don't mind and if it makes you smile every time I hold your hand or kiss you then I'll do it" he smiled as he leaned in to peck my lips which caught me by surprise. "I'm sorry" I said as I lowered my head.

"Don't be. If you're not happy then I'm not happy either. I'm glad you brought this up...Now, let's go back to lunch. Shall we ?" He said as he held his hand out. He made me crack a smile at his cuteness, can you get a better boyfriend than this ughhh. "We shall" I smiled as he entwined our fingers and pulled me along with him.

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