Mick Schumacher - Post Shoot

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A/N: Requested by @blondemicks . Hope you babes enjoy. This was hot yo 👀

Warning: Language & NSFW

"I want you to be rough with me, please leave marks on my skin"

Its been a while since I started off my day alone since Mick had left early this morning for a photoshoot for GQ magazine.

The only way for me to kill time while he was away is by watching Netflix and eating. Scrolling through a long list of movies that I haven't watched yet, I chose to watch something that I've probably seen over 10 times now.

An hour passes by and I start to get hungry again as I make my way to the kitchen. Opening up the fridge in hopes of finding something to snack on and just to my luck I find a pack of strawberries. Shutting the fridge closed, I jump in shock to see Mick. "Oh my god. You almost gave me a heart attack" I said as I placed a hand on my heart.

"I wanted to see your reaction, they're always priceless" he laughed. I shook my head at him, just then I took notice of his outfit. "Damn, you cleaned up nicely" I said as I looked at him from head to toe, nibbling on my bottom lip. He's looking like a snack I must say.

"Why thank you" he grinned as he did a 360 for me. "They let me keep the clothes and well I was in a rush to get here soon because I know you must have been missing me" he cheekily smiled as he stepped closer and leaned his forehead against mine whilst wrapping his arms around my waist. "Oh I sure was" I bit my lip as I looked into his eyes.

"I see someone's hungry" he said as he glanced at the strawberries on the table. "Well I was" I huffed. "But then ?" he questioned. "You came in here looking looking like a whole snack" I said as I grabbed him by his turtle neck to pull him closer. "Oh...well I'm all yours now aren't I ?" He said before pressing his lips against mine, closing the gap between us.

He then moved his hands to the back of thighs, wrapping my legs around his waist, he walked towards my bedroom.

Slowly leaning down to the edge of the bed he released his grip on me so I could lay flat. He then straddled my waist, breaking away from the kiss briefly to toss his sweater across the room. My hands moved to the back of his neck to pull him back in for a kiss.

His hard crotch pressed up against the front of my shorts had me squirming underneath him as I wanted more. My hands moved to his chest as his hands crept their way underneath my shirt. He teasingly squeezed my breasts over my bra which made me let out a moan as he then deepened the kiss.

I then broke away from the kiss to catch my breath and to remove my shirt. His lips then moving to my jaw as he peppered kisses down my neck and along my collar bone. "Babe...I want you to be rough with me, please leave marks on my skin" I said as I tried to catch my breath. He nodded his head in approval as his kisses then moved back up my neck. He easily found my sweet spot, starting to nibble and suck to leave a mark.

His hands then trailed to my bra straps as he slid them off my shoulders. He left kisses on his bare shoulders whilst moving his hand to my back to unclasp my bra. Pulling my bra off and tossing it aside, his hands grabbed a hold of my breasts and gave them a squeeze. As he massaged one, his mouth started to suck on my nipple which instantly made my nipples hard. I let out a gasp as my head fell back against the bed. He left open mouthed kisses on my breasts and not forgetting to leave a further trail of marks on my skin.

He then stood up to kick off his shoes and tug off his jeans whilst I discarded my shorts. I sat up on my elbows, eagerly waiting for his next move.

He hovered over me again with a prominent smirk on his face, "It's all about you today princess" he said lowly, inches away from my face. He then kissed down my cleavage and towards my lower abdomen, stopping to meet my eyes as he tugged off my panties and throwing them on the floor.

He then bent my knees and spread my legs a little wider. "You're so wet" he said. I hummed in response as I pressed my lips together. He kissed my inners thighs before licking a bold stripe through my folds. "Fuck" I cursed lowly.

My eyes rolled back but I quickly looked back at him when he grabbed hold of my thighs to keep me from squirming. He then began to work his tongue through my folds as I fell back on the bed. I then grabbed a fistful of his hair to pull him closer as I needed more.

"Don't stop" I moaned out. I shut my eyes closed to focus on the feeling of his tongue. Without warning he then thrusted a finger inside of me. "Oh my-" I cried out. He stopped working with his tongue as he used his finger instead. "How's that ?" He asked as he watched me squirm before him. "So good" I said in between breaths. "I need more" I groaned as I sat up on my elbows again to look down at him.

He pulled out his hard length from his boxer briefs to stroke himself. I licked my lips at the thought of what is yet to come. "Tell me what you want" he bit his bottom lip as he looked down at me.

"You" I said I looked up at him. He then thrusted another finger, "You have to be more specific babe" he lowly chuckled. "You- inside me" I whimpered. "That's what I thought" he grinned as he pulled his fingers away.

I sat upright to stroke his length in my hand before teasingly guiding his tip along my folds. "Theirs no time to tease babe" he said as he grabbed the back of my thighs to pull me closer towards him.

"Turn over" he instructed. I then got on all fours as I felt him shift behind me. He then spanked my bum cheek which I'm sure was going to leave a mark later, "Ouch" I cried out as I looked back at him.

"That's for being a tease" he winked. He then slowly thrusted himself inside of me. "Oh fuck" I groaned out. He started his thrusts off slow before picking up the pace and thrusting faster. "Better ?" He said in between breaths. "So much better" I said as he had his hands on my hips.

He then moved his hands to my breasts and squeezed them in his hands again whilst pulling me up against his chest. "You're so sexy liebe" he murmured into my ear which his pet name for me instantly made me feel even weak. "Talk about yourself" I half laughed as his thrusts got deeper.

I could feel myself already reaching my high, "Baby I'm close" I huffed. "Hold it" he moaned as his thrusts got somewhat faster. "I can't" I cried out.

"Okay- now !" He said, he then pulled out as he reached his high. "Oh my" I heavily breathed and fell on my back on the bed as I came to my high. His lips curled into a smile as he looked down at me. "I can't get enough of you" he chuckled as he then fell beside me. "Likewise...now it's my turn" I said, catching him by surprise as I straddled his waist and slowly leaned down to get a taste of lips.

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