Daniel Ricciardo - Destined Love

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A/N: For my main girl RuinaSantori . Last request for a while. Hope you all enjoy it. Be sure to vote & comment. Much love .xx

Warning: Language & NSFW

It was the Monza GP, almost like another home GP for Daniel since he's half Italian, for this weekend he was known as Daniel Rich-chardo. How cute ?

Daniel was stoked for the weekend but unfortunately he had to start at the back of the grid, P19 to be exact due to multiple replacement power unit elements, as his race engineer it hurts me to tell him to retire the car on the radio then later having to face an unhappy honey badger.

"Radio check" I said though the radio as I was seated at the pit wall. "Yep loud and clear" he said cheerfully. "Do what you do best, Dan. Big Ric Energy !" I yelled to help motivate him. He started to laugh, ugh his laugh literally makes me smile...little does he know. "I see what you did their. Thanks (Y/N/N)" he said. "Anytime Dan" I smiled to myself.

As the five red lights went out, the nerves began since I wanted to see Daniel get a good result for once or actually finishing the race.

He was doing really well as I watched him overtake - doing what he's known for - it was all good until I saw smoke coming out from the back of the car. Are you fucking kidding me ? Shit. "Theirs smoke" he said on the radio. "I can see that, please retire the car. Sorry Dan" I said in a low voice. "Understood" he said in a brittle voice. Poor thing just doesn't catch a break.

I walked into Daniel's garage and spotted Michael, "I'm so saddened right now" I said lowly. Michael sighed, "Same here, be prepared for him to go punch a wall" he said as he shoved his hands into his pockets. "I'll stop him this time, can't afford for him to injure himself and then he can't drive in the next race" I said as I began to giggle. "Oh yeah we wouldn't want that" he laughed with me.

Just then Daniel walked into the garage towards us, "Talking about me I suppose" he said as he ran a hand through his sweaty curls. "We're talking about how sorry we feel for you" I said as I crossed my arms over my chest. "I don't want any sympathy, it is what it is" he said as he sighed. He handed Michael his helmet and just then his press officer came to hand him a towel and his cap.

As he wiped himself with the towel he kept his gaze on me, I bit my bottom lip as I broke our eye contact and looked away. When I turned to look back at him - hoping he's not looking at me because I'm already sensing the tension - his gaze was still on me as he took a sip of his water. I pressed my lips together as I stared into his eyes, he handed Michael his bottle which Michael coughed to catch our attention. We then both broke our gaze, "We should get going for your interviews" his press officer said. His teeth grazed over his bottom lip, he just hummed in response as he gave me one last look before leaving with her.

"You clowns can't hide your liking for each other" Michael laughed as he left. "Is it that obvious ?" I asked as I raised my brows. "I'm sure everyone knows about the both of you by now except for the both of you" he said as he clapped his hands. "I can't make a move, it would ruin things if it doesn't work out and besides, I'm his engineer" I said as a matter-of-fact. He shook his head at me, "It doesn't hurt to try, I'm sure the whole paddock will ship you both" he said as he began to chuckle. I hit his arm, "You're just mad" I said as I was now the one to shake my head at him.

After the race was over and the boys had finished stand on the podium, I was walking along the paddock and spotted Lewis walking towards me. "Hey Lewis ! Congrats on the win today" I smiled as I engulfed him in a hug. Lewis and I practically became friends over the years which is great. "Thank you (Y/N/N). Are you heading back to the hotel now ?" He asked. "Yep unfortunately our team doesn't have anything to celebrate about" I pouted. "Ahh well theirs always the next race weekend" he said as he rubbed my arm. "Hopefully it's in our favour next time but anyways I'll see you guys around, enjoy the party" I said as I pulled him in for a hug. "We will, I'll be thinking about you" he grinned. "Ha ha very funny" I rolled my eyes and shook my head before waving him off.

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